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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. No…there are people dying around the world…explaining lake effect snow in western NY is not that big a deal…👍
  2. Exactly…he’s only being interviewed to satisfy that stupid rule…
  3. Jimmy Johnson showing, during halftime show, why he was one of the all time greats… Yes, he was a Cowboy who beat our Bills…but ya gotta respect greatness…👍
  4. It’s this way every year for them…they likely feel entitled because they are “America’s Team”…😉
  5. Ha! Didn’t the Bills play the raiders in 93 in -35 degrees? These people are soft lol
  6. Probably the best case scenario… Just wanted to add, I’m a lifelong Bills fan, and regardless of what happens in this year’s playoffs, I absolutely love Josh Allen and and this team…And are so lucky to be able to experience this era of Bills football! 👍
  7. I had to stop in the middle…it was so lame and boring… Now, because of that video, I will rooting for the Fins…😉
  8. It’s on its way…the way they infuse politics into sports has pushed many people to look for alternatives… Disney and ESPN are a dying brand…Bad move by the NFL…
  9. I disagree with Trump on this…it’s more like the US has abused NATO imo
  10. I do, every day…That’s why I’m not a partisan…I call out both sides… And, technically, everything- every law, every bill, every agenda, every compromise, and every war, etc, is a “conspiracy”- two or more people colluding together to bring about a certain outcome… ”Conspiracy Theories” are potential explanations used to fill in gaps of an incomplete, or illogical narrative, due to misinformation, or suppression of information (ie JFK assassination, 80s AIDS epidemic, 9/11, WMDs, Russia/Collusion, Covid origins, 2020 riots, Epstein “suicide”, J6, October 7)… All of these events have serious questions to the official story because the information presented did not completely add up…And I’m not wired to just go along with official narratives…I’ll question anything…👍
  11. No, but seriously…All jokes aside, doesn’t it seem a little interesting? I mean, these are just logical questions to ask…
  12. His lawyer happens to have Democrat ties… Which is weird, when you think about it…Why would a supposed MAGA hat wearing Trump supporter hire an attorney with ties to the Democrat Party? And even more curious, why would those attorneys defend Epps, if they truly thought he was an insurrectionist? Just some questions that popped into my head…👍
  13. You might be surprised, but I agree with you about Trump… He is already in litigation for several things…But if the government believes that he committed an insurrection against our democracy, then they need to charge him with insurrection, prosecute him, and let him defend himself in a court of law… But if that doesn’t happen, the only people we have to blame is our government for not bringing those charges, if we believe Trump actually committed an insurrection… Second, I thought we were in agreement that all violent rioters and instigators of insurrection deserve to be behind bars? Are you ok if the government allows them to get away with it? I know I’m not- I thought you agreed with that…
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