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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I’m glad you brought this up…These are all part of the Marxist cult, working hand in hand to reinforce the other… I urge you to read about the Marxist philosopher from the 1960s named Herbert Marcuse….he wrote books about everything I’m telling you…it described all of these modern ways for Marxism to take control of the country through our institutions, and educational indoctrination… Critical theory, CRT, Queeer theory, anti racism, etc, is all part of that movement…(This is also why the founders of BLM proclaim themselves to be trained Marxists- It’s because they KNOW exactly what they’re doing)…😉 Edit- funny how the word “Queeer” is blocked out, when the LGBT movement, itself, is pushing for it to be mainstream…
  2. Yes, I do…And have seen DIE fail miserably many times…And it is only logical that it would fail…Every rational person knows this- just has much as we know that the top biological males will ALWAYS beat the top biological females in sports…it’s just common sense that DIE will fail…👍
  3. DIE is a political agenda that has nothing to do with whether or not you support people of diverse races and backgrounds… People that support the DIE agenda, support discrimination against different groups of people (as stated by anti-racist ideology)… I, on the other hand, do not believe that racial discrimination is beneficial to society…But that’s ok…we can agree to disagree…😉
  4. This is a pretty ignorant and stupid comment as well…And it’s not the “own” you think it is, as people of all ethnicities and cultures live in southern states…
  5. Best part…. Vivek invites young man into the event… Kid- “what about my signs?” Vivek- “Who needs a sign when you can have a voice like everyone else?” Priceless
  6. How much have my bowels moved in the last 20 minutes ? 😉
  7. And how, exactly, does the OP know it wasn’t a juke? Pre existing bias, perhaps? 🤔
  8. He had control and jumped forward for a football move
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