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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I see Shorter more as a 5/6…if he’s getting meaningful reps, something went seriously wrong…
  2. Not if the Bills simply don’t trade the pick in conference to the Chiefs- Bills could still get Allen the following year, if they still chose not to draft Mahomes… But if the Bills did draft Mahomes, then Arizona likely drafts Allen in 2018 because then they wouldn’t have us to compete with… Chiefs made the playoffs with Alex Smith in 2017, so they likely would not have had the ammo to compete with the Cardinals who, I believe were top 12 in the 2018 draft… The issue is not that the Bills didn’t draft Mahomes…The issue is that McD allowed a conference rival to trade up and draft him, likely because he was friends with Reid…I’m sure other teams wanted to trade with us, but McD chose the chiefs, when it should have been out of conference if he wanted to work a trade…
  3. I blame McD for trading Mahomes to KC…Even if we were to fire our HC, that one mistake would still haunt us until the end of Josh’s career…
  4. It doesn’t matter anymore…As long as Mahomes and Burrow are in the conference, we are never getting passed them…then add in Jackson, and now Stroud only getting better…I don’t ever see us even getting to a superbowl, much less, winning one… Sure, we might get lucky and beat on of them in the playoffs…But having to beat 2, or even 3 of them just seems like too tall of a task…
  5. Let’s not forget McD essentially traded Mahomes to KC so that he would kick our asss every year…talk about sealing your fate before you ever even play a game…
  6. At the very least it would have made an easier kick for Bass…so it’s a win/win in my book, even if we didn’t end up scoring a TD…
  7. I’ll always have hope, I just believe it will happen…And I’m ok with that… I come to terms with this being the Bills’ lot in life, and I am at will… Will still root and cheer on the good times, but I’ve seen enough where it’s impossible to get disappointed anymore…👍
  8. I said it 3 years ago and it still stands- Josh will go down in history as the greatest QB to never win a superbowl… He has all the physical skill in the world, but it’s his decision making that is hit or miss…All the greats have it, but Allen just seems to come up a little short in that area… I still love him, but it is what it is…Go Bills…👍
  9. Regardless of what happens, I’m so proud of this team…They showed so much heart when the chips were down…So, for me, this will always be a successful season…Go Bills! 👍
  10. Exactly!👍 Joe Biden just doesn’t seem to care how his his policies are ripping black and brown communities apart…
  11. Please tell me this isn’t the first thing you look at every time you get into a bubble bath…😉
  12. Nice to see we finally agree about something…👍 But I wouldn’t call Billsy a cockroach- just not a fan of the name calling…👍
  13. If he sees color, as he claims, then clearly he’s aware that blacks are over represented on his football team…I hope the equity he believes in leads him sign more white, Asian, and Hispanic players to be a better representation of society…😉
  14. Regardless of what happens in the election, Trump running for president, is worth its weight in gold just to see how much the thought of it tortures you…Pure entertainment…😉
  15. Once you put Ron Paul and white supremacy in the same sentence, you lost all credibility… But once you said they were anti- CRT, and were fans of Chris Rufo, then I really got excited…😉
  16. The Hitler debate is so tiring… If we are being honest with ourselves, yes, we know the Nazis were nationalists, so they would have something in common with nationalists all over the globe, in some form or another…(This is likely what you’re referring to when you reference MAGA). However, where the Nazis differ from MAGA was their socialist views on private property… https://mises.org/wire/hitlers-views-private-property-and-nationalization “For Hitler the formal maintenance of private ownership was not important. When the state has the unrestricted right to determine the decisions of the owners of the means of production, then the formal legal institution of private ownership no longer means very much. This is what Pollock is saying when he establishes a “destruction of all of the essential traits of private ownership” with one exception. The moment the owners of the means of production can no longer freely decide the content, timing, and size of their investments, the essential characteristics of private ownership have been abolished, even if the formal guarantee of private ownership still remains.”
  17. All I know is, at this point in Trumps presidency- 1.75 million illegal migrants to Joe Biden’s 8+ million… Based on those stats, who would you trust on the immigration issue? 🤔
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