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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I think you meant that you choose tampons over whatever the normal people want…😉
  2. To say that I am defending hate, is simply disingenuous, on your part, in an attempt to win the argument with a “straw man”… A rational adult would simply acknowledge that both sides of the argument have legitimate points…Anything less is just petty partisanship…👍
  3. If it weren’t true, I would think it was a Babylon Bee post on Twitter…🤣🤣🤣 These weirdos are the butt of their own unintentional joke, and they are completely oblivious to it…just like tampons in the boys’ restrooms… They celebrate death just to spite conservatives… They lack so much wisdom that it is both comical and sad at the same time…👍
  4. Not everyone was marching beside them, just like not all black people were burning cities down in 2020… I understand it’s politics, and part of “the game”, but the more you guys keep pushing that narrative, the more foolish and discredited, as a serious thinker, you look… Just looking out for ya…👍
  5. At taxpayer expense, which means middle class taxes go up… Sure, people may have liked the Covid checks when they first came in the mail- but how are liking them now with all these high prices? There’s always a greater consequence for giving things away, and Dems are hoping people are too stupid to realize this, or even care…
  6. I had this exact conversation with my brother-in-law, who is a pastor and a Democrat… Everyone likes to rag on Trump for his misdeeds…But the fact of the matter is we are all sinners, imperfect, and falling short of the glory of God… King David, who was one of the most righteous men in the Bible, committed some of the most egregious acts you could commit… But there’s a difference between committing sin, and advocating for sin…IMHO the Democrat Party promotes and advocates for sin…And for that, my convictions just won’t allow me to vote for that Party in it’s current form…👍
  7. This post just rocked my whole world! Your parents really F’d up! 🤣🤣🤣
  8. Typical Dem playbook… 1. Edit opponent’s video to fit your narrative 2. Get your propagandists in the media to repeat the lie over and over… This isn’t even politics anymore…It’s just straight up diabolical mind manipulation…
  9. “Far” worse? Statistically that would seem very difficult to accomplish…
  10. Not to mention how awkward it was for him after- because even he knew he was just talking BS…🤣🤣🤣 What a fake loser…👍
  11. That’s interesting, because i have been telling people for years that Trump would be much more popular if he was able to speak like Reagan… Reagan was warm and inviting…And even if you disagreed with his policies, a little quip or joke would disarm you by putting a smile on your face…Obama had that kind of charm as well… To me, Trump is the opposite…I feel most people agree with his policies (based on polls) but because he is so abrasive with his tongue, it turns people off…
  12. He’s a politician - meaning he answers a question the way he wants to… And also, he just a terrible speaker, in general…Communication is probably his biggest weakness…
  13. I just read where “brat” came from, and it’s meaning… And I have to say, its quite re-tarded 🤣🤣🤣 According to the author of the word, pop singer Charlie XCX, it means a dirty girl (as in literally unclean), who says dumb things all the time, and just needs to party through it…🤣🤣🤣
  14. This is fake news… I listened to the whole speech… He did slur some of his speech…But there wasn’t a problem hearing, or understanding what he was saying… And he had a regular conversation that went on for almost 2 hours…quite different than Biden- who was unintelligible, at times, and would just flat out freeze up…
  15. Well, then perhaps we might be referring to the same enemy, but maybe using different language? I’m well aware how the Security State issues to the media what they want them to report (ie pro war)…I’m also aware that major sponsors also have influence over what is reported (ie Pfizer having networks push their medicines)…Together, these groups, either directly or indirectly, represent a cabal, known as the Military Industrial Complex… These people seek to hold onto their power and control by propagandizing the American people, and dividing us, so that we are not focused on the real enemy- which is them imo… Both political parties are controlled by this cabal…However, there is an ever shrinking faction in the Democrat Party, and a larger faction in the Republican Party that opposes this cabal…
  16. My point is that when you have supposed “news” networks lying, for political gain (when they are supposed to be trusted sources of information), it sews division and hatred- which is very unhealthy for a country that is supposed to be a free and open democracy… I mean, how ironic is it that msm is always complaining about how people need to be censored because of misinformation, and yet they are the biggest purveyors of misinformation…In fact, it’s worse than misinformation- it’s DISINFORMATION because they do it on purpose, knowing it’s a lie… If, God forbid, there is ever a civil war in this country, the blame will squarely at the feet of the press, who have fomented division and resentment for years…
  17. You remind me of a two year old that keeps denying he took a cookie from the cookie jar, as the crumbs are all around his mouth…😉
  18. I read the article, but you are still avoiding the question at hand… Why is it so hard for you to acknowledge that it seems disingenuous for for the “news” media to report differently, on the same topic, depending on which political party you belong to? This is why we will continue to see a rise in alternative media, and a collapsing of the old guard media…👍
  19. So our msm is now allowed to play politics with the news? That doesn’t seem a little shady to you? What if 95% of the news media was slanted in favor of conservatives? Would you still just say, “Oh well, this is just politics”…?
  20. We can talk about that other stuff…But you responded to BillsFan’s post about the CBS headlines… My question to you is, doing you see anything wrong with it?
  21. But what about those two CBS headlines, specifically? Do you see anything wrong with that?
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