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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I could see this… I want one of… Nabers Leggett Franklin Worthy
  2. Leggett reminds me of Deebo Samuel with his size and speed…would love to see that type player on the Bills…
  3. This has always been an interesting debate for me…I appreciate answers on both sides…But I just can’t seem to come to a conclusion on what I prefer… Some people do deserve to die, and some are wrongly convicted…So, I just say that I leave it up to the states and federal government to decide what they wanna do…Whatever the decision I’m ok with… PS…I withhold the right to evolve my answer over time…😉
  4. I’m so sorry buddy…Sending love and positive wishes your way…May God help your wife to a full recovery….👍
  5. How do ya know Joe Biden doesn’t really want to secure the border? He keeps cutting down the fence…😉 Joe Biden = America Last
  6. I know the border scandal is the biggest story out there right now…But this is the 2nd biggest scandal imo… Its shows that our political system is rotten to the core…Both Republicans and Democrats are a major threat to the American people…The corruption is on both sides, and out of control…And none of the mainstream media is talking about it…makes you wonder…🤔
  7. Ya know, I will admit, I initially agreed with Trump on going after everything before giving money to Ukraine (even though I hate the idea of giving money to Ukraine)… However, the more I think about it, I’m starting to think all this “deal” talk is just a charade… You don’t need a “deal” in order for the federal government to simply enforce the immigration laws on the books… So, I disagree with Trump on this…
  8. Not sure what you mean by “cult”. If you just listen to the things she says, it sounds pretty common sense, to me…From what I hear, her views sound pretty main stream…👍
  9. I agree about the big donors…But even though she may have worked for this guy, she just outed him, and he was the chair of the Arizona Republican Party…needless to say, he resigned…looks pretty ethical on her part that she wouldn’t give in to the bribe…👍
  10. GOP is not needed for feds to simply enforce the law…Trump had no problem enforcing the border…👍
  11. He used it as a blanket statement for all migrants, because legally they then had to be let in…he lied to get them all in here- receiving free healthcare, education and housing at tax payer expense…8 million and counting under his watch…. Biden = America Last
  12. No, by laying out the red carpet by calling them asylum seekers when he knew they would not be let in by calling them economic migrants- which is what they are 👍
  13. No….scotus did not rule as to whether Texas could or couldn’t defend itself… But the constitution clearly states that when the federal govt does not do its job, states have the right to defend themselves from invasion….👍
  14. And you’re a white supremacist… See? Two can play that grade school game…😎 Calling names is such joyous fun!
  15. GOP is not needed for the federal govt to enforce the laws already on the books… But we already know, that because Biden lied about the migrants being asylum seekers (in order to get as many into the country as possible), he has ZERO interest in enforcing the law…it’s all for show, to distract…👍 The jig is up…everyone sees what’s going on now…
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