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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Answer: Because it’s another group they can exploit…But it’s only a matter of time until they’ve squeezed everything they can out of that movement, and they discard them, moving on to something else…
  2. The emotional black lady, at the end of the video is heartbreaking…She’s worried that her four young children will take to the streets because the free recreation center is now being used for illegal migrants at tax payer expense… Dems only need you for election time…Then they chew you up and spit you out, once they find their new toy- just like how they did to women… Hopefully the people in these Democrat cities learned their lesson…Otherwise, they will have no one to blame but themselves…👍
  3. Love black history month…everyone holds the door for me…😉
  4. I’m glad you already know that about Russia…But did you know the oligarchy runs America too? All wars the U.S. ever enters serves the oligarchy…👍
  5. How did I know you wouldn’t be able to resist coming back to this thread? Somebody says “Gay porn” and Billsy comes running…😉
  6. Yup! Now, obviously some might still sneak in…But at least we wouldn’t be ALLOWING it to happen…👍
  7. Legal immigration- yes… But I’m sorry Tibs, mass criminality is never good for the country, no matter what it is…👍 Its nice that you want to be compassionate…But unbridled compassion without wisdom leads to foolhardiness…👍
  8. The many black faces of white supremacy…😉
  9. It’s all smoke and mirrors…Biden doesn’t believe 90% of the things coming out of his mouth… And the other 10%? He can’t even understand the words coming out of his mouth…😉
  10. When we drafted Allen, wanted to throw a bowling ball through my tv…Thank God I didn’t do that…😉
  11. Can anyone say “Affirmative Action” hire? This is the problem with DEI…people get put in positions they aren’t qualified for, just so others signal their virtue, and feel good about themselves…Btw, good luck if you’re flying American Airlines anytime soon…😉
  12. Yes- every woke corporation and government agency that complies with DEI is a racist institution…👍 Doesn’t matter how righteous they feel the endeavor is, they are still hiring and firing based on race…Not only is it racist, but it’s illegal, according to the Civil Rights Act of 1964…👍
  13. I think, either way, we’ll all be voting for a rapist in some fashion or another… Therefore, all things being equal, it will still only come down to who people think runs the country better…👍
  14. I actually hope he doesn’t win so it keeps the fire lit under him…
  15. Thousands of truckers supposedly are en route to the Lone Star State to provide aid and support for the border…Should be interesting…
  16. Don’t forget Vikings- Lake Superior or Michigan
  17. Oh my god bro- I’m so sorry…my heart breaks for you…😢 I know it doesn’t help now, but you will definitely see her again….
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