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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. They got all the voters needed for the upcoming election…time to close up shop…😉
  2. DEI- Didn’t Earn It…😉
  3. Almost like Putin talking points, eh, Billsy? 😉
  4. Putin, bro? Really….Again? How long until you guys start to come up with new material? 😉 You know who else likes using the old “Putin” excuse? The 51 CIA agents who falsely claimed that Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation… And guess what? it was proven, in a court of law that they were LYING! No way! 😲😲😲 The whole “Putin” blaming has been debunked as CIA propaganda- just like when they came up with the term “conspiracy theory” back in the 1960s, to throw people off track from the CIA assassinating JFK… People actually laugh at those who continue to use the “Putin” excuse…Just looking out for ya…👍
  5. Russia collusion hoax? “Very fine people” hoax? The basis of everything the you guys argue is based on lies… And no matter how much hard evidence you are shown, you still refuse to believe it- because you are in a CULT…. And that cult blocks your brain from any and all rational thought…😉
  6. I would love to see them go this direction…But it’s hard to see defensive minded McD going offensive receiver with the first pick 3 years in a row…
  7. Better yet, why aren’t we hearing @BillStime talking about either? 😉 He seems to be a big advocate against pedophilia…👍
  8. Just some fun food for thought, and as a Bills fan, it’s never too soon…😉 With Miller likely gone after this season, I’m thinking the Bills go DE in the 1st round to place opposite Rousseau…It’s a premium position to get good value…👍 With our first 2nd round pick, and Brown’s contract expiring, I could see the Bills going OT here, if they decide his asking price is too much…Again, great value with a pick that will likely be in the top half of the round… With our second 2nd round pick, it was a little trickier…I could see the Bills going in a few different directions… -First, depending how Milano, and how the rest of the LBs pan out, I could see that position being prioritized… -Second, the same goes for WR…I feel like a broken record, but I still think we need more speed…Stay tuned… -Third, my dark horse position is DT, if the Bills really wanted to solidly the line… What are your thoughts?
  9. The people that the Establishment are trying to arrest or assassinate are likely the people that need to be supported… Notice how they go after these guys with the same charges… Now, I don’t know if this guy is guilty or not, but why aren’t we hearing about Diddy anymore? 🤔
  10. Anytime 👍 But it’s not really intimate knowledge as much as it is common sense… Who do the Establishment keep trying to take down? Who do the Establishment keep trying to promote? Trump went along with the Establishment during Covid- mainly because he had such minimal knowledge on the subject (as everyone did), that he had no choice… But he goes against the Establishment on foreign policy, as well as domestic policy relating to DEII and the border…👍
  11. I’ve stated before that Trump is not fully anti-Establishment…👍 Its just that the Dems have been completely captured…
  12. Everyone always hates on the candidate that endorses the other guy…only natural…wouldn’t expect anything less…👍
  13. Do your research…😉
  14. When liberals start leaving the Democrat Party to team up with Trump, it makes it difficult for the Left to label Trump an extremist… Tulsi and RFK are true anti-Establishment politicians…welcome to team, guys…great to have you aboard! 👍
  15. Early on I was seriously considering voting for RFK… I feel sorry for him, hearing what the Democrats did to his campaign, by suing him into oblivion, to try to keep him off the ballot… Doesn’t sound very democratic…But hey- the Party name being Democrat doesn’t mean the Party actually has to act that way…am I right? 😉 #AtAllCosts
  16. Two of the most infantile tweets back to back…congrats…👍
  17. ^^^Its this thinking that is the biggest problem for the Democrats…and our country…
  18. Sounds more like laziness to me…👍 Besides, why would you want to do research for something that might refute your pre conceived notions, right? 😉 Its much more comfortable believing what you already think you know, to be true…👍
  19. Do your research…👍
  20. Oh really? Was Eisenhower wearing a tin foil hat when he mentioned it in his farewell address in 1961? Was George Bush Sr. Wearing a tin foil hat when applauded the ushering in of a New World Order in 1991?
  21. This is the biggest misconception of all… People were told he lost every case by the MSM, but the fact of the matter was the courts refused to take the cases because they feared a civil war…
  22. Joe Biden got the most votes, but I believe there was illegal activity at play…👍 ”At ALL COSTS”
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