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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Oh i see…only the propagandists in the msm are real journalists… yup…uh huh… Stopped reading after that because now you’re just making excuses…who would you rather have, Rachel Madow? Why don’t you see the interview before coming to definitive conclusions? You think the msm calls out all politicians on their bs?
  2. People opposing Tucker’s interview are opposing the values of the American founding (free press)… We’ve always done this, and people should never fear hearing both sides…👍
  3. The student demonstrates that following the Woke mob has caused him to self censor, when he was right all along… This is the type of teaching that used to exist, but that modern education is lacking…And it’s created a generation of people who don’t know how to think critically…
  4. An “inch” from losing the Republic without a shot ever being fired? If that was the case, maybe we’re not the superpower we all thought we were…😉
  5. 2 ideologies clashing against eachother… 1 hates the American founding, 1 is trying to preserve it… Stay tuned…
  6. Do you know, for certain, that’s the reason? The guy that responded to the video says “Demonstrations against Putin’s puppets”…But who are Putin’s puppets, and what does that have to do with Germany’s immigration policy? What am I missing?
  7. U.S. government is the most corrupt in the world…and it’s not even close…
  8. Next will be the “Freedom to watch” act… And then the “Freedom to partake” act… The smart people know where this is heading…It’s a Leftist’s wet dream…😉
  9. He reminds me of the WR Smith in Philly…similar build, similar style of play…👍 Yup- if we’re not getting Harrison or Nabers, those 3 appear to be what we are looking for the most…👍
  10. T To me, Worthy is the #3 receiver behind Harrison and Nabers…
  11. I don’t think he’ll make it to 28…if we want him, we’re probably gonna have to trade up…
  12. I’m wondering though, if we take on a he dead cap, if the deal would be more reasonable for the new team…
  13. I think we’ll draft 2…1 in the first 3 rounds and then a day 3 pick…
  14. This guy looks special….like a faster Eitelman or Welker…
  15. I think it might be…his play style and athleticism reminds me of Meatball Kyle Williams 👍
  16. This will be unpopular , but, I have made my peace if the team decides to eat the dead cap, and trade Diggs… The Bills are gonna have to eventually rip off the bandaid (get younger and cheaper)…The sooner the better…Plus I think the FO might be recognizing Diggs doesn’t show up for the playoffs anyway… Do what you gotta do…I would take a 2nd rounder, if possible…Go Bills…👍
  17. What about the “Stay in Mexico” policy he got rid of? That seemed to help, right? Great question…👍 So, there are state troopers there blocking off the local residents from getting access…Only the migrants are allowed…
  18. Maybe so, but I wanna know who you think had the better border policy? 👍
  19. Such simple logic, isn’t it? And yet so, so hard for the Left to comprehend… It’s almost like, they KNOW they’re wrong on the issue, but their pride just won’t let them admit defeat to their “mortal enemies” on this board…👍
  20. Deflection from actual issues affecting REAL everyday Americans… Deep down, you know the border crisis is because of bad policy… When Biden took office, he used 8 executive orders to undo Trumps border policy…Just admit it- it was the wrong thing to do…👍
  21. I heard this too…thought it was hilarious…proved every point we’ve been trying to knock into Leftist heads…👍
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