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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I think what most people are forgetting about is that most interviews with world leaders are not shown in full like Tuckers… The interviews are usually edited down for television…But, yes, I watched the entire interview, and if we are being honest, the American msm shines Zelensky’s balls a lot more than you think Tucker did for Putin… Were you equally upset when our msm interviewed Bin Laden, or Sadam, or even Putin before? If not, then your politically motivated selective outrage has been noted…😉👍
  2. No Billsy…ALL lives matter, not just white…😉
  3. What’s worse- embarrassing our allies, or blowing up their oil pipeline? 😎
  4. The Mahomes Curse is real, Bills fans! 😉
  5. Shanahan is the Buffalo Bills of HC’s…🤣
  6. I actually said the same exact thing…I would rather lose in the 2nd round than in the superbowl… People forget about divisional round losses…But Super Bowl losses are forever, and we would definitely lose if we ever went back again… So I’m good just watching Josh rock out every week…What I don’t need is another superbowl loss…I’m good on that…😉
  7. At the moment I’d be good with either Franklin or Worthy…👍
  8. It’s an old school way of thinking to take the ball first, when it used to be sudden death… Because both team get to possess the ball, it now makes more sense to kick, so that you know what you need to do…👍
  9. With Spags traditionally awesome half time adjustments, SF might not score again…
  10. Sorry if I missed it, but does anyone know why Kelce went off on Reid in the first quarter?
  11. I remember that… It was at that moment, everyone realized the lockdowns were political and complete BS…👍
  12. I can already see the ending of this movie before it even happens…🤔 Hospitable old couple welcomes four illegal migrants into their homes… Migrants become entitled, and start taking advantage of the couple… Old couple requests that the migrants leave, but the State says they now have the right to stay… Old couple denounces their wokeness, and calls for an end to illegal immigration… Moral of the story? Best way to “red pill” a Leftist is to subject them to the policies they support…👍
  13. Perfect example of the Biden administration pissing on America’s leg, and trying to tell us it’s raining…
  14. Good…Then I’m sure he’ll be happy to lose to them every year, so that they can keep winning superbowls… I kid, I kid…😉
  15. But but but he’s a traitor 🤣
  16. Do you prefer paying Ukraine’s social security benefits instead of ours? 🤔 “In his farewell address, George Washington’s admonition to Americans to avoid foreign entanglements stemmed from his own personal experience. He knew first hand how costly wars could be and wanted the young nation to maintain a goal of neutrality with all foreign governments as much as possible.” #AmericaFirst 👍
  17. Agreed…anyone wanting civil war is out of their minds… I recall how people went to have a picnic during the first battle of the civil war- thinking it was going to be pure entertainment, and had to leave in horror at all of the blood and carnage… War is terrifying…And even if you win, the generation that fought in it has also lost so much as well…
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