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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I’ve been preparing myself for a top 15 pick, in next years draft, all offseason…😢 We simply don’t have the talent anymore…
  2. Cook looks like he’s shot out of a cannon! 👍
  3. Bills defense is weak
  4. And the Dems don’t? Trying to remove multiple candidates from the ballot? Rigging 3 primaries in a row? Let keep it real, Tibs… You’re a smart guy…Don’t act like the Dems aren’t trying to consolidate power just because it is your side…👍
  5. Remember when Dems would demad Trump disavow endorsements from white supremacists? It’s interesting that Harris is completely ok with accepting their support…👍
  6. I have noticed this pattern as well…Anytime the Dems allege Russian interference, it’s usually the Dems using the excuse of Russia for their own election interference… And this isn’t opinion or bias…We now have hard evidence on multiple occasions of this happening with the Russia/Collusion hoax, and the “Hunter Biden Laptap being Russian disinformation” hoax…👍
  7. Not sure I follow…is the implication of the tweet that RFK works for Russia?
  8. I don’t believe so… According to Dr. Fauci, natural immunity is always better than a vaccine…👍
  9. For me, it was personal… The moment Joe Biden tried to get me fired from my job, for not taking an experimental drug that, supposedly, alters your DNA, was the last straw for me… Nowhere had I ever seen such tyranny in America before…At no other time in my life, did I have so little hope than in that moment… I hated that feeling, and would forever blame the Biden/Harris administration…But I was grateful that people were able to see who they really were…
  10. The Left has become a parody of itself…And the best part? They don’t even realize it… Everything they once fought against- censorship, taking away bodily autonomy, Dick Cheney- they now support and celebrate… Makes you wonder “what changed”, or are they simply regurgitating marching orders, without actually considering what they are doing? When you think about it, it’s almost impossible to embrace something that you once considered one of the greatest evils you had ever witnessed, in Dick Cheney- inconceivable really… It’s almost like when people become mind controlled into doing and saying things they wouldn’t otherwise do…Almost like, dare I say- a cult…👍
  11. Tibs, you must be so proud…🤣🤣🤣 Thats the one endorsement you’ve been waiting for to solidify your vote…👍 The Democrat Party has quietly turned into the Neo-Con party…congrats…👍 I have no problem trading George Bush and Dick Cheney for RFK and Tulsi Gabbard…sign me up! 👍 You guys can have Darth Sidious! 🤣🤣🤣
  12. Think about what you just posted… 100 counts of criminality…no reasonable prospect would bring such a case? Oh really? 🤔 Kinda like how no prosecutor has ever brought a case like the ones Trump is indicted for? Interesting…🤔 On Bill Maher, Governor Andrew Cuomo said the cases are ridiculous, and that the only reason they were brought is because Donald’s last name is Trump… My point is, if you’re gonna charge one, charge ALL…Because when you start to pick and choose, people start to lose faith in the justice system because it looks political (The Dems want to remove Trump from running for president, so they are charging him with everything they can to hurt his chances)… Its not what the justice system was designed for…
  13. I love all your little catch phrases, I really do…But you’re offering me very little substance… You made a major claim that I was ignorant…Yet when I asked you where I was wrong about Hilary and Joe, you ignored that question and put it back on Trump… I just want to make sure- Are you aware that the FBI and special counsel (in Biden’s case) had concluded they had committed several major crimes and chose not to prosecute, because they didn’t think a jury would convict? This is very important…I need to know that you understand this basic fact so that we are both operating from the same historical foundation..👍
  14. Hillary had an illegal server in her basement and destroyed 30,000 classified documents… You’re telling me that Trump would have been better off if he did the same? Uh, waiter- I’ll have what he’s smoking…
  15. So eloquently stated… Care to elaborate? Did the FBI not hold a press conference in the summer of 2016, stating the numerous crimes Hillary had committed? Did the special say Joe had committed crime but that a jury would see him as too old a feeble to stand trial? Please tell me you are aware of these things, and that you’re not just living in LaLa land…👍
  16. The FBI said they found 100 counts of criminality against Hillary, at their press conference in 2016… For some reason, they just didn’t think a jury would convict, though, sooooo they just decided to drop all charges…🤔 Funny thing is, the same happened with Joe…The special counsel found he had committed crime, but for some strange reason (AGAIN) they just didn’t think a jury would convict, so they decided to drop all charges…😉 Incredible! What are the odds? 😉 How about this- instead of the FBI telling us what they think a jury will and will not decide, why not give it a shot and see what happens? Or is the real reason because they just didn’t “feel like” prosecuting the Democrats… Oh I see… Because then when it came to Trump, not only were they eager to send it to trial, before a jury, but they were going to add on as many charges as possible for the severest possible penalty… Isn’t that interesting! 🤔 Starting to notice a pattern here? 👍
  17. And just think, Hillary and Joe would never even see the inside of courtroom…But Trump gets all the breaks…😉
  18. First, we’re failing them because society tells men that masculinity is inherently evil and needs to be suppressed… Second, we’re failing them because our society promotes mental illness… Combone the two and you have a recipe for disaster…
  19. We got it last year when their WR was offside…just sayin
  20. Over $60 million in dead cap…No wonder our roster looks mediocre on paper… The Chiefs are spending $50 million more than the Bills on their 2024 roster…
  21. Isn’t America setting such a great example, for Brazil, on how censorship is done right? The Left should be so proud…😉
  22. Censorship, whether from the Right or Left, is anti democratic… But something tells our Left leaning posters might not agree with this…👍
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