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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Whatever helps you sleep better at night, Billsy…😉
  2. The Left are addicted the “Hate Crime Hoax”…It’s in their DNA…Lawsuits and playing the victim is all they know…
  3. Well, this is certainly disappointing that business has gotten in the way of serving the public interest…
  4. Exactly…most leaders ARE killers…every administration we get kills innocent people in foreign countries…and sometimes even assassinates foreign nationals…But you already knew that…👍
  5. Agreed, he does not appear to be a burner…
  6. This would make sense, as I have heard that Putin has stated, before, that he prefers Biden to Trump because he is more “experienced and predictable ”…I guess the same description would apply to Hillary as well… Another reason it is hard to trust the government when they tell us to hate Putin because he is Hitler…They just seem to be lying to us at every turn, with zero motivation to tell the truth… This is why I go into every situation with a healthy dose of skepticism of whatever the U.S. government says…👍
  7. They are so afraid of people getting information other than the prescribed government narrative…Just like with the Twitter Files, the Establishment seeks to control all content… Unfortunately, for them, the truth always finds a way…👍
  8. Nah, you’re good, man… The reason I asked the question is for a particular point… NATO, generally speaking, was created to protect Europe against the expansion of communism during the Cold War… In the late 1980s, Soviet leaders, seeking an end of hostilities with the West, helped to dismantle the empire and start a market economy… Now, according to Putin, the Soviet leaders thought this would allow them to become allies with the West…However, instead letting Russia join NATO, Europe and the U.S. just continued to expand NATO towards Russian borders… My question is why? Why continue to expand an organization that was created to fight an enemy that no longer exists? And why not let that new market economy join the alliance? Why is Putin suddenly the most hated man since Hitler? Things aren’t adding up because it seems that the motives of the U.S. government are not transparent…They just keep insisting that we believe them, that Putin is evil…That’s fine and all, but there is only one problem- our government lies to us about everything! 🤣🤣🤣 So, it’s just about impossible to take them at their word… So, the reason I posed that question to Billsy, was because I was sincerely curious if people really know why they hate Putin, or are they just doing it because they were told to… What did Putin ever do to the U.S.? 👍😉
  9. I don’t think that answers the question…I wanted to know, specifically, what Putin did to America to make Americans, like you, hate him so much? Do you have an answer or not? It’s ok if you don’t…👍
  10. Wow, Putin really sounds like he is your worst person ever… I know I am told I am supposed to hate a Putin…But I don’t know enough about America/Russia relations to understand what he did against our country that was so egregious… Can you share the thing that Putin did against America that really crossed the line for you?
  11. The crazy thing is, the reason nothing was done (except for fence cutting by the administration) is because getting all these “new voters” has always been the strategy for the Dems to retain electoral control… One could argue that these actions are borderline criminal- Destroying our national infrastructure, and robbing the American taxpayer for political gain…
  12. Billsy, nothing you can say that will save the Dems from the mess they created…Just take the “L”…😉
  13. Purging of opposing voices in the media…Yeah, that sounds democratic… Dictator Joe no likey negative reporting…😉
  14. Judging from this post, you probably think all black people look alike…congrats at being proficient in generalization…😉👍
  15. Neither MLK, nor the movement, itself, were racist…However, there were other people, and Marxist elements, at the time, attempting to influence, or take control of the movement, once they realized they could use it to overthrow the country- just like with BLM…👍 However, unlike the civil rights movement, where the Marxist elements attempting to influence it, were covert, the Marxists of the BLM era are loud and proud about their allegiance to Marxism and their opposition to the American founding…
  16. I appreciate the offer…But I’m sure you’ll forgive me if I decline to promote a Marxist organization that pushes racial discrimination…👍
  17. Looks like you’ve run out of defenses for your argument…Does that mean I win? 😉
  18. Can’t take out the black if you’re including all…sorry it doesn’t fit your narrative though…👍
  19. And what exactly did “the cult” ever promise? 😉
  20. Actually, I don’t know it…Mainly because it was conservatives who popularized the phrase “all lives matter”, and the only people I have heard oppose it are “anti-racists”… But I like “all lives matter” because it is more inclusive…👍
  21. I would but “anti-racists” don’t believe that all lives matter- and they think it’s racist to say so…👍
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