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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. People that still refuse to see what’s going on in our country are ridiculous
  2. What I learned today from Google AI… Black people founded the country and white people were enslaved for 400 years…😉
  3. It is truly amazing to see the grift by the Left… For the longest time, I often wondered why the urban community wasn’t teaching young people how to interact with cops, to avoid unfortunate situations…Imo this should actually be taught in public schools …👍 To see people criticizing this guy for actually trying to make a difference, blows me away…It shows me that the “Black Lives Matter” movement is nothing more than a political hoax, to guilt people into giving them money for radical Left wing causes… And to do that, they need blacks and whites (especially white cops) to not get along…This is also why it seems BLM does not have time for black on black crime- even though it constitutes well over 90% of all black homicides…Truly sad, but at least a light has been shined on the situation…👍
  4. It’s not that people hate them…It’s that the ones the Bills draft are never game changers…They are JAGs…
  5. I’m not convinced Gabe Davis could even play outside…😉
  6. 8 years prior, the 3rd party candidate benefited Bill Clinton…So, not sure what he was referring to…
  7. She does not look healthy- appears to have lost serious weight over the course of the campaign…
  8. After the 5th year option, I would do a 4 yr/60 mil extension- which is similar to Oliver’s deal…Not great, but solid players…👍
  9. Reagan and JFK were two of my favorite presidents…I also supported Obama over McCain/Romney, and Trump over Hillary/Biden…try to figure that one out…😉
  10. It’s a “dog whistle” to all their Leftist friends, so they don’t have to think too deeply about certain issues…😉
  11. Reporter trying to spoon feed the propaganda to an elderly Biden like applesauce…priceless…🤣🤣🤣 “You don’t even have to think of it, Mr. President…all you have to do is nod and we will print the whole story.” 😉
  12. I’m really starting to warm to idea of Sweat with our first, if the WR we absolutely love is not there…👍
  13. Or some guy that runs 4.59 40 😉
  14. It’s not conspiracy theory, unless your only source for information is the msm, which is intended to keep you stupid…that’s why I said you probably know nothing about this… Fauci ADMITTED, himself, he lied about masks, along with the percentage of the population was needed for herd immunity…it is documented on video of him saying this…im not just pulling this stuff out of my ass…I witnessed him saying it…👍
  15. Just a few examples …. When Fauci makes the case years ago, for the flu, that natural immunity is better than a vaccine, yet says the opposite with Covid, like he just forgot how science works… When Fauci admitted he lied about masks (regardless of his intentions) he needed to be more honest with the American people… When documentation and testimony show Hillary concocted the whole Russia/Collusion hoax in front of Obama and the FBI in the Oval Office to distract from her own legal troubles when she was running for office…Not to mention the whole Benghazi situation… I could go on, but I’m sure you’ve never heard of any of this before, even though it’s been out for a white…the msm is very selective in its reporting, which is why it is a dying breed, and people are moving to alternative media…👍
  16. Not paranoid…Just a “fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me” mentality… It seems on every major issue of the last generation, the government has been found to be lying… From WMD, Russia/Collusion, to Covid, each government argument was later found to be false- and that they KNEW it was false when they told it to the American people…That’s the crazy part… So, after a while, you start to realize how the “game” is played…You start to realize the people in power don’t actually care about you…It’s more that they just tell you whatever they have to, to get a certain behavior out of you…They “create a narrative” for you to absorb, so that they can control the reality of the situation… There are books that talk about how the CIA used to experiment with this back in the 60s…And it is a sort of mind control, whether you choose to believe it or not…(And it’s the intelligence agencies that all of the msm get there talking points from)… As for the sources I listen to, which range, largely across the political spectrum, I will listen to them as long as I feel they are authentic, and honest to the best of their ability- meaning they are not afraid to correct something if the are proven wrong- which cannot be said for most “jounslism” today. I agree with you about Cheney being nefarious…And while Trump has his flaws, I don’t see him as a cold hearted devil like Cheney and Hillary…those people are straight up evil- maybe not a righteous bone in their bodies… And I certainly agree that when bad people get power, the negativity is amplified…👍
  17. As a serious person, do you honestly trust your government, that much, to tell you the truth? Do you not question, or have any skepticism whatsoever? If our founding fathers taught of anything, it was to be skeptical of the very government they created…And why? Because they were wise enough to know, even then, once the government learned they could use the system against its citizens, we would lose all of freedoms almost over night… So, question everything you’re ever told…Find out who deals are with, and what their motivations might be…Because, just like the bill, after 9/11, was called the Patriot Act, there is nothing patriotic about it… It allowed for illegal spying, took away the right to privacy, and eliminated Habeas Corpus, among others- the backbone of our civil liberties…But the government knew that if they called it something attractive to the American citizen, the population would not question it… Thats how everything works in DC…there’s a lot of word play- smoke and mirrors…But, as a well informed citizenry, we always need to dig deeper…Otherwise, we will always fall into the same trap they want us to…👍 What I’m talking about here is not right wing, but liberal…The tyranny of the government is what every liberal organization, back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s used to fight against… Now, people are made to think that questioning government power is right wing, when, in fact, it is the other way around…And a government that tries to take away the people’s freedom is the very definition of fascism…👍
  18. I respect your opinion, but the CIA have no rules either… People keep wanting to put our intelligence agencies on a pedestal, and it is simply not the case… Look no further than places like Guantanamo Bay, Cuba…And that’s just one we know of- and they still don’t care, because they know congress will do nothing about it…Similar to this example, the CIA/NSA contracts out and runs all kinds of illegal activity that are unconstitutional. Some are here, in the States, but many are in foreign countries as well, to avoid detection of American law and government authorities…Politicians are bribed, coups are instigated, people are tortured, leaders assassinated…It is the belly of a dark underworld… Now, obviously, not all agents have the same mission…But some are tasked with doing very sinister things… Some of this is documented, books have been written, ex-CIA have spoken out…To not understand this is very naive…👍
  19. The CIA is not America, my friend…They are part of a military industrial complex that has helped to wrestle power away from the American people, while diminishing our civil liberties and freedoms… A motto of mine that I always proclaim to people is that I love America, and the principles it was founded on…But I hate how corrupt our government is…And we are certainly the most corrupt in the world, no question about it… Things we accuse other countries of doing, we do 10 times over…How? Because we have 800 military installations in and around every country on the face of the Earth…And when a democratically elected government doesn’t do what we want them to do, after we bribe them, we either kill their leader or implement a coup to put in a puppet regime that will do our bidding… And we’ve done this dozens of times over the last 75 years- since the inception of the Security State and the CIA/NSA in 1947…👍
  20. The excuse of why not to prosecute Joe Biden sounds eerily familiar to the excuse they gave about why not to prosecute Hillary Clinton… If you recall, both were found to have committed many crimes, but the authorities didn’t “feel” a jury would convict… Ummm, why don’t we let a jury decide, instead of deciding for them? Crazy concept, I know… Meanwhile Trump is prosecuted at every turn…Now, he may or may not be guilty of the crimes he’s being charged with, but clearly, the authorities have no problem going after him, regardless, unlike the other politicians who have done similar things… I remember late in W. Bush’s second term, there was serious contemplation on whether or not to impeach him, on the grounds of war crimes because of his torture program…Obviously, the government opted not to, because the Establishment wanted the next guy to continue that very same torture program… So the optics clearly appear to be that the Establishment protects the Establishment…And if you don’t go along with the Deep State agenda, the entire “machine” will come for you…
  21. The corruption and criminality of the CIA, knows no bounds, and is no different than that of the KGB… An unelected group of people, not bound by the constitution, who overthrow governments, elections, and commit assassinations…Not really an organization I would want to be defending…👍 I love how you always think it’s just other countries that spread disinformation…While you just keep taking your spoonful of intelligence propaganda every day, like a good little Billsy…😉
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