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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. The confusion seems to stem from different racial “cultures” producing different economic outcomes..👍 The Left will call this “systemic racism”, yet there is is no law on the boooks, specifically targeting black people, that they can point to… Simply put, some cultures teach a strong work ethic, study habits, and avoiding criminality more than other cultures…And often times, people from other countries come here worse off than blacks already here… Like the great Morgan Freeman once said, always crying “racism” is just an excuse why not to try…It’s much easier blaming others, and demanding they give you things instead of working for it…👍
  2. The Democrat Party is an extremist organization… Even far Left Europe doesn’t allow for transgender treatment for minors… That should tell you all you need to know…👍 Just to give you an idea- todays Republican Party would be considered liberal by 1990’s standards, as they are ok with gay marriage and transgender treatments for adults…The 1990’s Democrat Party was not…👍
  3. Do people on this board not post info from think tanks or pollsters? Not sure why you are having a difficult time with this concept… No, I believe they polled around 3000 people…And of the 3000, ten percent claimed to have voted as a non citizen…
  4. Everything I say on these boards is either something I’ve seen reported, or my own personal opinion…There’s no reason to lie… In this case I saw it reported…👍
  5. Working class supports Trump…Elites and uneducated poor support Harris…👍
  6. You’re saying illegals are lying that they voted? What’s the purpose?
  7. Not true…There was a Rasmussen poll that came out last month that said, of the 160 million people who voted in 2020, ten percent (16 million) were non citizens…This is a real thing (And it was based on illegals saying that they voted)…👍
  8. Love that they are not messing around with the uniforms so far…keep it simple…👍
  9. Environmental Protection Agency
  10. Huh? Who said you needed to borrow money to cut taxes… Just allow people to keep more of the money they have earned, through their labor, and then cut spending…👍
  11. Agreed- create chaos to make it easier to tear down the system, and building something else in its place… ”Build Back Better” ”The New Normal” These slogans were meant to condition us to go along with it…👍
  12. They are not using their to pay off the debt
  13. My solution, in my post was to cut government spending AND cut taxes…👍
  14. I think that is a safe assumption…👍
  15. Oh, yah, the Deep State hasn’t been trying to take out Trump the last 8 years…of course not…🤣🤣 Such good little obedient foot soldier you are…😉
  16. ^^^^ My responses are in bold…👍
  17. Because they want it to happen…That’s how delusional they are…And they either don’t even realize it, or they don’t care… Sad, how far we’ve fallen when half the country doesn’t care if a political opponent is assassinated…This is definitely not the country I grew up in… I can’t stand Biden or Harris, but I would NEVER wish death on a political opponent- and I would demand justice if someone tried to take them out- and why? Because it’s just the human thing to do…👍
  18. Who controls the media, and the flow of information on social media? Who is attempting to censor speech that gives an alternative perspective to the Establishment order? Who pushes Marxist DEI policies on businesses and government agencies, to ensure obedience to Leftist orthodoxy? Who tries to get you cancelled or fired from your job if you do not obey the dictates of the Establishment order? Who is trying to consolidate power into one political party, and suing to remove all other options from the democratic ballot? Who is attempting to assassinate their political opponents? Oh yes, my friend- we are most certainly up against a “Goliath” of a machine…👍
  19. We are the rebel alliance battling the empire…
  20. Then that would prove it was Russian election interference, given that Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation…👍
  21. Would you believe them if they weren’t white, or racist?
  22. You’re just spouting Russian talking points because Putin came out and endorsed Kamala… I think they infringed on his right to shoot the president…
  23. Not when there are numerous people, in Springfield, calling law enforcement, and city council, complaining of these things…It’s not Vance making these things up…He’s getting the info from citizens on the ground… The journalists should do their jobs, and investigate, instead of fact checking something they know nothing about…👍
  24. This has the potential to be a major scandal, as much as the msm will try to cover it up…
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