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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. They are mediocre…Been obvious for quite some time…Bills have no consistent disrupters on the D line…
  2. Ravens know we are always throwing short because we have no deep threat… This was always the fear going into the season with these WRs…
  3. Noticed Ed Oliver has a mediocre PFF ranking when compared to other DT’s… This backs up how I have previously felt about him…This Bills D line will never be dominant until they find a true disrupter in the middle of that line… Ed Oliver has nice moments here and there..But he is not the answer…
  4. Looked like they came out in a 4-3 the first drive
  5. Oh it’s no persona- its Baltimore!!😉
  6. I think our WRs have trouble getting open downfield
  7. WRs don’t look like they are getting open early on
  8. Right before that td I said to my wife I was afraid of their offense with our defense…😲
  9. Bills 27 Ravens 30
  10. Our interior D line is going to have to win up front, if the Bills are gonna have any chance… If our guys are getting blown off the ball, Baltimore will have its way with us…
  11. It would not have fixed the problem… The bill wanted to make it legal to allow a minimum amount of illegals to come in on a regular basis…That’s just insane… edit… @L Ron Burgundy you can roll your eyes all you want- but it is still what the bill said, and you know it…👍
  12. NPR… Breaking news: There are bad people in the world! 🤣🤣🤣
  13. Perhaps…I agree that it is less about race…However, as difficult as it may be, people have to fight against being kept down by their socioeconomic status, especially if they want a better life… And it is not like it can’t happen- people do it all the time…My family is a great example… But it’s a mentality…And not everyone is wired to be a “fighter”. So those people have to either work harder at bettering their situation, or settle for substandard living…And, it’s also important to note that some people are ok with settling, especially if it’s all they’ve ever known… I also think poor people coming from other countries have a different mentality than poor people born here… For example, most Asians who come here start out dirt poor…Within a generation, their kids have started assimilating, and their strong cultural values propel them to success in this country… But I agree with you that the topic is very nuanced, with many layers… I would love to recommend a book for you I think you might find intriguing… It’s called Black Rednecks & White Liberals by Thomas Sowell…You will read about stuff in this book that they don’t teach in schools…You seem like someone who would appreciate this …👍
  14. Asian cultures promote stronger study and work ethics, and limit television watching… I’ve heard of studies done, showing that they dedicate many more hours a day studying than other ethnicities…This is why, growing up, they always seemed to be the best students in class… Also, among Asian cultures, more kids are born into two parent households, than other cultures, which, studies have shown, give you a better chance at success in adulthood… It both categories, blacks ranked last, while whites were somewhere in the middle, among other ethnicities…
  15. That’s funny because I consider myself the average MAGA …😉
  16. Well, you didn’t highlight any part of my post, so I’m not entirely sure what you’re referring to… Second of all, as I have stated several times on this message board, in the past, myself, along with a majority of my family are black, so I’m not sure why I would refer to black people as “others”… However, just because I am black, it does not prevent me from criticizing certain segments of black culture that I feel impede progress… But I think I was pretty clear in my post, that I referencing several different ethnicities and cultures… Your response was somewhat vague…So if I’m missing something, please feel free to elaborate…👍
  17. Kincaid don’t need lotion- his hands are that soft…😉
  18. I see I’m a hot topic today… Sorry I couldnt respond sooner, but I had a 14 hour work day, and now I’m watching the game… I will respond later tonight…But for now, it’s Bills time! 👍
  19. I think we can agree that no one ethnic group will have the same outcome as another- just like no individual American citizen, regardless of race, will have the same economic outcome… Given that premise, disparities among different ethnic groups does not inherently point to systemic racism…Sure, racism may be a small factor…But there are numerous other factors that contribute to these statistics, much more than race (Race is just the easiest, and most physically visible thing to point to.) However, among different ethnic groups, you have different cultures, and different things that these groups value… Furthermore, not everyone desires the same outcome as other individuals…Some people enjoy spending money on traveling…Some enjoy spending money on fashion…Others enjoy investing in the stock market…Some cultures encourage intense study and work habits, while others may not…Certain cultures encourage stronger family values than others…All of these things will lead to different outcomes of wealth, over time…👍
  20. I don’t see that as “institutional” racism… I see that as individual racism…And once those racist judges or prosecutors retire, there is the opportunity for non racist individuals to fill those vacancies…That does not equate to institutional racism… IMO, if it were institutional, the racism would be “baked in” and it wouldn’t matter if the racist judge retired or not, because each judge that followed would be “required” to be racist, which they are not… It seems you might be confusing racist individuals in positions of power, with “systemec/institutional racism” that is baked in…👍 No matter what country you live in, you are never going to fully stop individuals from being racist…I
  21. I prefer watching with others, unless I know, before hand, that those people will be obnoxious, and start mocking me if the Bills are performing poorly…Those are not enjoyable experiences…👍
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