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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Nice…. I’m the same on Worthy… if he makes it to 23, I say we trade our 1st and 3rd… no way he gets passed the Cowboys at 24…👍
  2. I like it…Ok, so what’s your first round plan?
  3. Trade the 1st and 3rd picks to move up ahead of the Cowboys (to #23) and take Xavier Worthy…spoil their draft 2 years in a row! 🤣🤣🤣
  4. 3 yrs/$100 mil Extend Dawkins…Restructure Oliver, Knox and Allen…more than enough…And it’s for an ALL PRO, plus weakens their team- two birds with one stone! 👍
  5. we should steal Chris Jones!
  6. Well, I’m always open for business… But your side does seem to be nicer to me…😉
  7. Restructuring Josh will be fine because he will always be on the team…We just need to avoid restructuring Diggs…👍
  8. I agree that all politicians can be and are corrupt… My point is that America First candidates, whether Republicans or Democrats, tend to produce public policy that benefits American citizens more… Wheteas, Establishment candidates tend to support the corporate power structure over the American citizen…👍
  9. Establishment Republicans are Republicans in name only…They only pretend to care about the country and its citizens, for power, and to line their own pockets…Bit they push policies that only benefit big corporations…Nikki Hailey is a perfect example of this… America First Republicans represent the Party of Lincoln more…Their policies are more common sense policies, to help the everyday working class American, and traditional values…👍
  10. It’s not that we are shocked…everyone knows the illegal activities the CIA gets away with… Our whole point is to just not be surprised if Russia invades a country (who had always been friendly to them) because the CIA orchestrates a coup, in that country, to oppose Russia, in an attempt to diminish Russia’s energy production…👍 This whole war is the fault of the American Establishment, and it’s CIA foot soldiers…And I will always oppose sending one penny more, to fund it…
  11. Well, now I can see why you’re so emotional- you believe in a narrative that isn’t even happening… So then I urge you to please watch the video, so you can know what’s actually going on, and you don’t give yourself an aneurism over a false narrative…👍
  12. Tibs, why don’t you dispose of the emotional temper tantrums, and just listen to the logic of what the guy is saying for Christ sake… You’re a grown a$$ man flailing about like a child because of your TDS…get an F-ing grip…
  13. They are now being hunted by the very monster they helped create…Talk about social justice…😉👍
  14. Trump broke his brain…he literally needs to be in a mental institution after saying that his tears are actually urine…🤣🤣🤣
  15. Call me crazy, but I would have no problem taking a chance on the the next potential Tyreek Hill in the first round…I would even trade up for him…At this point, the Bills have nothing to lose imo…
  16. I’d love if he was in play…However, I have long thought the Bills would need to trade up to get him… If not, I could see a team jumping the Bills to get him, especially since everyone knows we need WR…
  17. I’m pretty much taking the year off…😉
  18. Yeah, there’s talk that they are speaking with donors behind the scenes, to gage how much interest there is… I really hope she doesn’t run, because if people think our country is divided now, just wait…Every critique, they will say is because she’s black, or a female… A Michelle Obama campaign would take wokeness to whole new levels
  19. They are stuck with senile Joe, and affirmative action hire, Kammy… 🤣🤣🤣
  20. I think Biden smeared himself, by not remembering when he was vice president…👍
  21. Not true, most of the info I got about this came from a Leftist
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