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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Pedestrian QB’s throwing to him…👍
  2. Yup…the rise of mental illness, suicide and transgender ideology, and fake racial hate crime hoaxes are all connected to this… This mind virus has made people unable to think rationally anymore…sad to see it happening before our own eyes… Make America Great Again!
  3. Too bad they love bashing white people all the time…😉
  4. I stopped reading after the highlighted part…I don’t even wanna begin to know what you are talking about…😉
  5. I’m already set to take the bridge 😉
  6. The Dems and Establishment Republicans were deceptive in that they have always claimed that Trump never ordered national guard troops to protect the capital… While this is true, that was never Trump’s claim…Trump has always stated that up to 10,000 National Guard were offered, but rejected by the local authorities, such as the mayor… This would seem to make sense, as it is consistent with how Trump handled the BLM riots of 2020…The offer of National Guard support was on the table, but left it up to the individual governors to make the request for the help…Trump did not want to be seen as authoritarian, by “overstepping”… Furthermore, what’s even more interesting is that it is now clear why the Dems and Establishment Republicans left out that Trump offered military support on J6- Because if it became known that Trump actually offered the National Guard, people would see that he wasn’t really trying to commit an insurrection, and the entire Establishment narrative collapses…amazing…😲
  7. Weak deal…should have gotten at least $30 mil per
  8. Then we better get some minority coaches in here STAT, so we can reap the rewards when they get promoted elsewhere…
  9. I’m a little gassy, myself…But hey, it’s Friday- sky’s the limit…😉
  10. She lured me in with her sweet innocent smile…
  11. Not feeling the Republican rebuttal…even though I, for the most part, agree with the sentiment, the delivery is too overly dramatic for my taste… I actually had to turn the channel because the woman started to look like a crazed lunatic, and it was started to scare me a bit…
  12. Biden calling to crack down on crime…
  13. Is it me or does Kamala have a sinister smile?
  14. But I thought the border was the most secure it’s ever been…
  15. Don’t forget “very fine people…” 😎
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