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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Haha “cities burned” or “cities burned down”...I don’t really care which you prefer...doesn’t change what happened to them...
  2. 1. No...global socialism is HAPPENING...but you’re to wrapped up in your bubble, paying too much attention to the corporate news, and too naive to recognize it... 2. Yes, voter fraud IS illegal... but when you have a well oiled machine covering up that fraud, it goes unchecked...(check out Eisenhower’s farewell address and some of JFK’s speeches on the Military Industrial Complex...and then check out George Bush Sr’s state of the Union referencing the coming NWO). 3. Nope...wrong again...if given the chance, anyone, regardless of party, will use voter fraud...that’s why it is important to not allow certain ways of voting that could increase the likelihood for fraud...unverifiable mail in ballots increases the likelihood of fraud as stated by The NY Times and other publications...does not take a rocket scientist to figure that out...but the Dems always said “At all costs...” so I guess they meant it...
  3. Can’t wait for Trump’s farewell address...I wonder if that’s when he will finally release the IG report...😂
  4. No American seeking true and fair elections should EVER want mail in voting that can never be verified...on top of that ID should always be presented when voting...and anyone not wanting that doesn’t care about being disenfranchised... The real reason Dems are against it is because of the illegal immigrant vote they rely on so much...and everyone knows it...
  5. Unfortunately, I’ve used hundreds of sources over the passed 15 years...so trying to tell you exactly where I got something would be rather difficult... But if you can imagine Communist China or the old Soviet Union...sure every citizen is equal- but equally poor as the middle class is intentionally wiped out to create subservience and obedience to the state...the only people that were well off were the ruling class that worked for the party or higher posts of government...this is the goal of globalists, but on a planetary scale, obviously... Everything Trump did was to thwart that- that’s why they hated him so much...I was not necessarily a Trump supporter as much as I was more a supporter of an American agenda over a globalist agenda which sought to make us subservient...you should always want your government to be as local as possible (ie Brexit)
  6. The elite that support the globalist agenda won’t have their wealth taken...just you and me... Biden will continue the globalist work of presidents before Trump, like Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama...they all had the same globalist agenda that Trump worked against...that’s the real reason they hated him so much... You never heard of cities getting burned down because your probably watching news that called them “peaceful protests”...but there are many videos and pics online if you’re courageous enough to search for them...this is also why these states and cities were trying to get federal funds in the stimulus bills- to help rebuild their cities... I never called Biden a socialist, but he has aligned himself with the socialists for a stronger base of support... And, yes Trump did try to do price controls on medicine...but that’s not the definition of socialism...
  7. Biden will not bring the country together...he has sold out to the global socialists for power and will try to eradicate the 2nd amendment to maintain that power...
  8. Tea Party didn’t burn down cities... Unfortunately, it won’t end...Biden will do the bidding of Big Pharma and try to issue a national mandate for vaccination...God, help us all!
  9. Early in the year I thought they could go to the AFC title game...now, I don’t even think they will win a playoff game...
  10. McD’s whole mindset and attitude seems very passive...I’ve said the only difference between Dick Jauron and McD is that Jauron was a corpse on the sideline and McD claps his ass off...other than that they appear to be very similar in many ways... im not sure we will ever be able to win a title with McD...his personality comes off as a people pleaser instead of ass kicker...he doesn’t seem to have a killer mentality...
  11. Seahawks 37 Bills 23 Bills will move the ball, but again, show an inability to consistently put the ball in the end zone...Hope I’m wrong but this is what the team has shown the last month.
  12. We will put up 380 yards and score 19.5 points...😉
  13. Your tax dollars...your pen...😉
  14. Not sure if you meant this as sarcasm...but if not, I agree we have a ways to go... I also wonder if the shrinking cap next year may have also played a role...
  15. Registered Democrat here...after voting for Obama twice, and staying home in 2016, I voted to keep this country great for hard working Americans...
  16. They remind me of the kind of RB’s the Pats always have- mediocre but nothing special...that’s ok when the GOAT is your QB...not sure it will be good enough for this team...we shall see...
  17. People voting is fantastic...but when cities have to board up based on threats of violence and intimidation if a candidate doesn’t win, and millions of people fear voter fraud and suppression, and the media is in on it, democracy is dead my my friend...sounds more like a banana republic...
  18. I’m ready for whoever wins...if Trump loses, it will be for reasons similar to why Hillary lost- some people hate the person so much...
  19. Democracy is officially dead...it is now survival of the fittest...
  20. Agreed, we are still chasing those teams...both were in their league title games last year
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