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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. These are great questions and I’m glad you asked... So, basically our government is so big now that congress has very little influence over the agenda of the country... The Deep State is a result of decades of various government agencies hiring unelected bureaucrats to carry on a particular agenda long after the politicians, running those agencies, are out of office...Typically, referring to the State Department, which engages and carries on relationships with the global community, it can also encompass other government agencies that have a similar type of bureaucracy... This is a way to usurp the will of the people, and ensure a particular agenda gets implemented over generations, regardless of who the next elected official is- be it Democrat or Republican...this is also why you might hear some people refer to our democracy as an illusion...their thinking is that we would end up in a similar position no matter what because of the Deep State... Now, the idea of the Deep State ties into the notion of globalism...In 1990/91 George Bush Sr praised the coming New World Order, which seeks to eliminate nation states, and put them under the rule of a one world government...there would be one global religion (ie the state), one global currency, one healthcare system, and no private property or ownership of any kind. And, supposedly, there is a massive movement toward this that goes beyond Republican or Democrat. But in order to be successful, the US constitution must me torn down and replaced with a more “global” document...that’s why you’re starting to hear things from Leftist politicians about how America is inherently racist and that the constitution is a racist document...they have to say that to try and persuade people to rally against it, and for change... Trump, however, was a nationalist who, seemingly, acted against this movement, in an effort to preserve the sanctity of the nation...he wanted to secure the boarders, not eliminate them...he wanted to bring troops home as opposed to starting new wars...and he exposed much of the corruption that was purposely trying to undermine the country...Many conservatives believe that is why the Left (along with the Deep State) fought so hard, on an unprecedented scale, to remove him from office...And that is likely the reason many of them might believe there was something shady with the elections... Now, Joe Biden, whether he actually believes in the cause or not, has chosen to go along with the Deep State and globalist agenda...they seek conformity through censorship and intimidation...redistribution of wealth and assets through newly defined code words like “racism”...ultimately they will seek the end of private property and free enterprise, in order for the state to have full control...this is likely why you see many corporations bowing down, for fear of retribution and endless litigation... So to me, it’s not really a Democrat vs Republican thing, but more of a NWO vs America struggle...is it better to have independence and individual liberty? Or are we better off being ruled by an authoritative government that essentially owns us? This has basically been the human struggle since the dawn of time...
  2. I agree to some extent...I tend to go in the direction that the country was already torn apart, and that the socialists and their media allies were hiding beneath the surface...imo conservatives sensed the country was slipping away into endless bureaucracy and globalism that they voted for someone they felt wasn’t a part of the deep state- a person who wasn’t beholden to the PR machine of the military industrial complex...to me, this is the REAL reason the Left, including Republicans, hated Trump... Sure, the tweets and tantrums were cringe and annoying as hell...But imo they hated him because he shined a light on who they really were and what their goal was for the country- their hatred of his policies, which thwarted their own agenda of limiting the growth and self sufficiency of the country, through big government control, as they prepared to make us a more subservient member of a global NWO, had been exposed... No illustration of this could have been more clear than when, during Trump’s State of the Union address, when announcing the lowest minority unemployment rate ever, socialists and Democrats just sat on their hands, and couldn’t be more unhappy...I was blown away...they can’t even be happy for their own, supposed constituency, if it doesn’t support their agenda of showing Trump to be a racist...it was disgusting- but VERY illuminating... Was Trump a narcissist? Yes Was he immature at times? Yes But his policies seemed to be working for the country. And because his views seemed to try to maintain individual liberty, I was able to move passed that other stuff... Joe Biden, on the other hand is a Deep State globalist imo- just like Hillary, Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton, and Bush Sr, before him...The only difference is Joe is now being controlled by the socialist wing of his party, which is extremely dangerous for anyone who loves this country. May the good lord bring peace and understanding back to this nation...👍
  3. I respect that...I’m a moderate Democrat who liked Trump’s policies, for the most part, but didn’t necessarily agree with his antics...
  4. Interesting take 👍 I tend to see both the Left and the Right having conspiracy theories to discredit their opponents...it’s just seems that people on the political Left believe their side’s conspiracy theories as true, as do people on the Right with their side’s conspiracy theories...Both sides think they are infallible, causing them to think their opposition is the worst of the worst...and then neither side feels a need to self examine, causing the polarization to grow deeper and deeper imo...
  5. What’s held the Bills back from being elite is Beane’s drafting...other than McD’s draft and the Allen pick, the Bills’ drafts have been mediocre, at best...in fact, the only thing keeping them competitive, aside from Allen, has been their trades and FA acquisitions...but, as far as drafting, I’m a little concerned...I think we need to trade down more and trade up less...
  6. It will be by Bills fans...that’s about it though
  7. You never know...Buffalo wasted two 3rd round picks on backup running backs...😉
  8. Thanks for the retort...some things I disagree with, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t an excellent post...that’s the type of discussion I come here for...👍
  9. Aikman is just jealous that Allen is a better QB in his 3rd year than he could ever hope to be...👍
  10. I don’t have anything specific, but I do listen to Jimmy Dore, Tim Pool, Joe Rogan, and Glen Beck, to name a few...some are liberal, some moderate, and some conservative...I also go back and forth CNN, MSNBC, and FOX, even though I can’t stand any of them- it’s more of a forced feeding...lol With regards to your final question, I don’t know if there is something concrete there...But, I still lean in the direction that there could be something there, but it’s more of a hunch, based on how Democrats have acted over the last 4 years...and here is why... 1. Everyone mocked Trump when he said people were spying on his campaign...but he turned out to be right. The FBI sought and got a warrant to investigate a member of Trump’s campaign- which gave them access to conversations with Trump. 2. Everyone mocked Trump when he said the Russia collusion claim was a hoax. Trump turned out to be right again...According to special prosecutor Muller, no evidence could be found connecting Trump to Russia. And an FBI attorney has even plead guilty to altering a CIA email, in order to help secure the necessary warrants. 3. Over the summer I thought it odd when Democrats referenced that “at all costs” they would not allow Trump win...I remember telling a friend how odd it sounded, on its surface, considering they were trying to remove him from office all throughout his presidency with, what appeared to be flimsy arguments at best imo. 4. Mail-in ballots...logically, I never understood the push for these...Democrats tried to use the Covid excuse, but Dr. Fauci had made clear it was ok to go to the polls. Yet Democrats continued to push them...so this was pretty curious until you start to think of potential motivations...They have always been against presenting ID when voting, yet nothing disenfranchises citizens more than if a fraudulent vote is able to be placed because ID was not required...To me, every American should want ID to be required to protect their vote- just like protecting your bank account against imposters trying to withdraw funds...if you’re against voter ID, it doesn’t really seem like you are genuinely against voter suppression or disenfranchisement imo...But then again, some democrats have said they are ok with non-citizens voting, which, I guess, starts to bring into focus why they would be against such regulations. Now, of course, all of this is circumstantial...which is why I’m not 100% convinced Trump has the goods...however, given the history, and their willingness to “put everything on the table”, and even how they’ve treated members of their own party, I put nothing passed the Democrats, and would not be surprised if something more sinister was at hand. I will probably wait to the final court rulings, just to be sure...unfortunately this is the place both parties have put the country in by not having uniform voting standards that protect against fraud...you’re just never secure in the outcome...
  11. I used those words to allow people to make up their own minds...my goal was to just present info that the MSM was not, and let the chips fall where they may... But, ultimately, the evidence presented might not be there...we will have to wait for the supposed sworn testimony...
  12. You may be right...but do we fully know what’s in the sworn affidavits? Its so hard to know if what’s being reported is accurate...the MSM hates Trump so their inherent bias is not going to allow them to do the investigative journalism required in this situation...their HOPE is that there is no evidence, so they will report that way... This is why many people, who want to know what’s really going on, go elsewhere for more info... But again, you could be 100% right- there may be nothing there...
  13. In all honesty, if they have evidence, I would rather them not to say too much, publicly, and wait to present the details in court...Once in court, the info will become public knowledge...if this goes as deep as they suggest, our very election process is at stake, and you’re not going to want to give foreign adversaries a chance to influence the legal proceedings in any way imo...
  14. I hear what you’re saying, but I’m not saying I necessarily believe the video, out right...I am, however, extremely intrigued, especially since certain Democrats are on record as saying they had the same concerns about these voting machines... I’m also saying that, just like the Russia collusion, there needs to be an investigation to see if the allegations are true or not... As far as listening to news that has an agenda, I believe all news has an agenda- and that is to set the narrative in the direction they want people to think...that goes for network news, print media, social media, and even independent people on YouTube...everyone has a bias...that’s why it is dangerous to censor information...if we allow people to tell us what is true, without being able to look into other sources, we run the risk of adhering to a narrative and an agenda that might not be in our best interests imo...
  15. I don’t know man...I think there is fake news on both sides...I think we all just need to be honest with ourselves and try to sort through it all as best we can...but I definitely feel it is important to see what everyone is saying... All the major networks and print news pushed Russia collusion for 2.5 years...everyone thought that was true until Muller came out and said he couldn’t find any evidence... Now, all the mainstream media is saying this fraud talk is conspiracy theory- but they don’t exactly have the best track record, themselves...So I just wanna do as much research as I can for myself...👍
  16. Not sure if true, but something that definitely needs a longer look, especially with all the sworn witness testimony...Rumor is, something similar happened to Bernie back in 2016, and he was, supposedly, given hush money to stay quiet and support Hillary... If Biden won fair and square, we should all get behind him and support the new president...If, however, it is proved there was foul play, then arrests will need to be made, at the very least, and perhaps another election... But any way you slice it, these are very serious allegations- seemingly much more than the Russian interference claims that didn’t really seem to go into this sort of explicit detail of the potential fraud... I would love to hear your thoughts and different points of view, but please try to keep it a classy conversation...👍
  17. I actually clicked on the link, thinking it was important info...I should have known better...whomp whomp whaaaa....😂
  18. First off, as an adult I don’t need a”fact check” on something a politician says...I’m very capable of figuring it out on my own, as I’m sure you are too... Second, free speech was never intended to only protect speech you liked, or agreed with....the idea was to protect speech you detest and cant stand...it was an agreement between citizens of a free nation that, even though there would be many times when people did not agree, it was more important to the survival of the republic, that ALL speech was permitted (with exception to inciting physical violence)...and yes, my friend, it even includes what you refer to as “brainwashing”...and it’s the freedom of speech that allows us to make the determination, for ourselves, as adults (through debate), whether we believe such speech is legit “brainwashing” or not...👍 And, boy, am I so grateful for that!
  19. Wait, you mean it’s the GOP encouraging illegals to vote in elections? Then you’re right- Republicans are corrupt...good lookin out 👍
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