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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Well refs did once rule a catch by Kroft as an INT...so, there’s that...
  2. We’re only allowed to play this bad in the 3rd quarter
  3. Envious of the Charger’s backfield speed...can’t wait to upgrade our backup RB’s...
  4. Normally I would say the Stevie drop, because it was a Bills player that screwed up a win...but we sucked that year...i was rooting for draft position at that time...so I gotta go with the Cardinals game because we need wins and the season actually means something...and it would have been Josh’s first comeback in the final seconds of a game...
  5. I’m not chuckling because I disagree, but rather because you are so right...Imo no one else embodies that softness, you speak of, more than Edmunds...when you have DB’s hitting harder than your MLB, you’re in trouble!
  6. No I’m really curious...I didn’t recall them redacting anything, so I was wondering if you had any specifics that you remember...
  7. Well then there you have it...you literally call me names like “idiot” and then justify it by saying that because I say stuff you disagree with, it might as well be the same as calling you names...Lol...congrats...welcome to America’s current political climate, where nobody can talk to anyone who doesn’t hold their same view...👍
  8. I’m sorry you disagree, but I do no take that info from Q...those accusations come directly from the Republicans who were supposed to certify the vote... I can believe the possibility of the intimidation being true because we have seen that type of behavior from far Left wing groups like Antifa and BLM, who now control much of the Democratic Party...both groups might have been helpful, at one time, but now use threats of violence and intimidation to get their way- which, in my view, is unAmerican...everyone knows it, and true Democrats like myself, to not support that kind of extremism... Liberals are closer to conservatives, in ideology, than the far Left...Liberals believe in the founding- individual liberty, equal opportunity, free enterprise, private property and free speech...the far Left does not... You can use “obstruction of justice” for anything- just like in the impeachment trial...
  9. Ya know, I’m growing a little tired of the constant name calling...some say that people who insult other people only do so because they don’t know how to get their point across any other way... I’d like to think you are smarter than that...I have no problem discoursing with you...I just ask that you please refrain from the personal insults...nobody learns anything with that...thanks...
  10. Remember those Republicans in Michigan who questioned certifying the vote? The Left threatens people all the time- but people only cry foul when it’s politically beneficial...Continuing to go after Trump is nothing more than sour grapes because he beat the Dem’s golden child, Hillary, and exposed their Deep State corruption...yawn...
  11. Like I said, just seems like they are out for blood...they won’t stop til they find something- or, at least, concoct a narrative that fits their agenda...
  12. I have to agree...I was going to throw it in my previous post, but I figured- what the hell...😉
  13. What is there left to investigate about Trump? The Dems literally spent his entire presidency investigating him...seems a little like retribution, to me, just because Trump exposed the frame job in the fake Russia collusion allegations...And they are pissed that anyone dare to challenge them... Looks like we are in for a never ending tit-for-tat Cold War....
  14. Serves ESPN right...hope they continue to crash and burn...
  15. Damn! I really wish I didn’t read this article...I think I’m gonna be sick....
  16. Good points... And honestly, yes, I am aware none of what I said was described by Bush Sr...In fact, as I recall, he was rather vague when describing the NWO- rule of law, rather than the law of the jungle...but I don’t think that means that his vision didn’t have deeper meaning...after all, he was a longtime member of the CIA and, unlike his son, he had much experience on an international level. My problem is, I’ve spent the last 15 years of reading and watching interviews and other materials (going back to WW2) trying to fill in the gaps just to get a better understanding of what’s going on...It started with 9/11, then went to Bush and his BS Iraq war... but that’s why I always say “imo”, because it is purely speculation from researched materials...I don’t want people to take my word for it- but to go and research it on their own...maybe they can come back and teach me something I didn’t see... Sometimes, you can have a situation like where the US hates the Soviet Union. But they are willing to team up together to defeat a common enemy like the Nazis, and then turn their aggression toward each other afterwards... I don’t exactly understand the relationship between the NWO, Deep State, MIC, or globalists...Some or all could be working together now, and later on become enemies...some might be different names for the same organization...I’m not entirely sure...but I have a very general idea of what they are and how they might operate, but obviously, no corporate media is going to legitimately try and report on this stuff...You have to dig deep elsewhere... It’s also important to point out that not all members of the CIA work together...each job is on a “need to know” basis...and sometimes, this might cause people, on the same team, to be, unknowingly, working against each other...so you can see how complicated it can get...(not to mention there are, supposedly, 38 levels of classic action- and the president is NOT privy to all of them). This because the president is not deemed to be on a “need to know” basis because he is elected every 4 years where the Deep State go on, long after he’s gone... I know I’m kinda all over the place...hopefully you were able to get, at least, a little bit of clarification on where I’m coming from...
  17. Appreciate the post, man...and believe me, I get it...👍 I completely understand where you’re coming from...One of the reasons I don’t really like talking politics is because we are only exposed to the surface stuff and the narrative that is put before us...That’s why I try to read every and anything I can- maybe to somehow try and sort it all out because global politics is extremely complicated and there are many layers... I certainly don’t claim to have all the answers, but perhaps, if something I say intrigues someone enough to look into a topic deeper, on there own, it’s worth it...But I appreciate your response...👍
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