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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Great question...That portion of the quote is to protect against the government promoting or advocating for a particular religion... However, no single religion is being protected or advanced...the freedom to exercise religion pertains to ALL faiths...
  2. First off, let’s just be honest with each other, and not try to pretend like we know how religious each member of the Supreme Court is... Second, I disagree with your notion that religion, itself, has to be anti science...Can some religious people be anti science? Sure...But there are also people, like myself, who believe in both... Third, if you read the quote from the constitution I previously posted, it clearly states, without ambiguity, what the law is- and a majority of the justices have correctly interpreted it, imo... Now, you may not agree with what the constitution clearly states...you might want the State to have ultimate power and control over those decisions...that is your right to have that opinion...but our country was not set up that way...And it has nothing to do with what the justices think about science or the virus, imo, and everything to do with what they think about the constitution and our God given human rights...👍
  3. The Court May have some religious people on it, but I don’t think you have to be religious to come to the conclusion that the court did... “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”. It doesn’t say “unless there is a public health crisis” or “unless we are at war”. The rights in the constitution are considered God given human rights that no government can, simply, put a pause on whenever they feel like it...that’s the beauty of it. And people can choose whether they want to attend or not...
  4. https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/03/politics/california-harvest-rock-newsom-supreme-court/index.html I think things like this are what make us the greatest nation in the world- our constitution, which protects individual God given rights over government infringement...just beautiful...power to the people!
  5. Any threats against any whistle blowers, regardless of political affiliation, are not good...
  6. The White isn’t bad on occasion...but I like the gray...it’s a classic old school look...
  7. A politician running on cutting taxes is not considered offering an illegal bribe...to think so is taking a major leap... So here’s how it works...when you start a business or agree to provide services for wages, everything you gross is your money...whatever you net is your money minus what the government has taken from you...therefore, a tax cut is essentially the government taking less of your money... There is no debt, specifically from tax cuts, because the funds are always there...There is only debt when the government chooses to spend money they do not have...and it is important to remember, government has no money unless they take it from you.
  8. I would say it’s different...Funds for debt relief have to be taken from someone else...whereas taxes are taken from you... So, if you are bribed with a tax cut, you are only getting back what is legally yours, anyway...On the flip side, when someone enters into a financial agreement (student loans) and is bribed with debt relief, those funds used to pay for said debt relief does not belong to you... So, in that regard, I would say there is a difference...
  9. I’m concerned with the RB position, but I agree with your overall philosophy for the upcoming draft...👍
  10. Yup...and we’d get some draft picks too...any takers? 😉
  11. Fair enough...I wasn’t sure what you meant, but I can now see where you’re coming from... I guess I just had a different interpretation when I hear “stir up riots”...I think of bull horns, bricks or other projectiles, even money being provided, with in “intent” (key word) to instigate mass violence and/or chaos... Thats why I didn’t understand how cops stirred up riots...To me, certain law enforcement may be overly aggressive, criminally negligent, even racist...But I never considered them to be stirring up riots, considering their number 1 priority is to get home, alive, at the end of the day... But, given your interpretation, I understand your perspective better...thanks...👍
  12. Trump might say he wants to run in 2024, but it’s hard for me to see it happening...he will be 78 years old, which, if I’m not mistaken, might be a record for anyone attempting to run for president...
  13. To use the term “more riots” would insinuate that cops already stirred up riots...do you have proof of this or are you just being hyperbolic? Asking for a friend...😉
  14. This is a great post...I’m a liberal Democrat in the style of JFK....but the Left, today, would call me alt-right, which is laughable, considering that, for two generations, my party was known as the party of Kennedy... I very much agree with your notion of the realignment...in another thread I referenced that we are seeing the old Bush Republicans “Never Trumpers” supporting Biden, while the old “Blue Dog” Democrats support Trump...Trump, himself, used to be a Democrat...And if you look at old speeches from Bill Clinton, talking about how “the era of big government is over” and how we need to secure our boarders to protect minority jobs in the urban communities, he sounded like a Republican from today...So, it is definitely interesting to see this all happening before our eyes...my party, pretty much has the opposite views now of what it had 20 years ago...
  15. I think many would say they could see this coming a mile away...the moderates in my party are being silenced by the radical woke Left wing. People are not stupid. When they see people allowed to riot and not be charged, burn down businesses and be supported by the local politicians, something is not right... This country was all on the same page after the George Floyd killing, and had the rioting never happened, I have no doubt my party would have swept the elections...sadly, however, Marxists saw this as an opportunity to seize on the anger in the country to wage their “revolution”, as they like to call it...Hopefully, Biden will be able to keep the socialists, in our party, at bay...
  16. This is an interesting observation...I, agree to some extent...I wonder, however, if it goes a little further than that... There definitely seems to be a restructuring going on. But I almost think it is happening in both parties. You have the “Never Trump” Republicans that seem to be teaming up with Democrats. And then you have long time “Old School” Democrats that seem to be teaming up with Republicans. Then you have Trump, himself, who used to be a Democrat, but is now a Republican... So, in a way, I agree with what you said. There definitely seems to be movement taking place...But I think it might be both parties that are re-evaluating their ideologies...
  17. I could see it only if Klein becomes more of the MLB, Edmunds OLB, with Milano an OLB/S hybrid
  18. OP is 100% right....if you tune into any game you will see the same terrible calls being pulled out of the ref’s asses...
  19. I didn’t say all RB’s were a dime-a-dozen...Just Singletary- meaning, he doesn’t do anything special that makes him an RB1...
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