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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I hate kicking in those situations but even i was saying take the points
  2. Refs could still say play stands...I’ve seen worse calls...refs suck this year...
  3. https://www.campusreform.org/article?id=16344
  4. This seems like a legit argument...Do you know if the Trump campaign has attempted to counter this point?
  5. You are right- I probably should have combined, at least, a few of those threads...my bad...mods feel free... But the things I put on here are things I that I see and want to get other people’s opinions on... I want to hear other perspectives in case I’ve missed something... Potential election fraud and covid are the two biggest issues going on right now...so it only makes sense that people are talking about them in PPP... And if new videos or info comes out, I’ll try to keep it to one thread...👍
  6. You may be right...but if it as you say, an innocent act, why the coy behavior, looking around to see if anyone is watching? Why not just hand it to the young man? Why pretend to stretch while she slips it into his pocket... Just playing devils advocate here, but you have to admit, the behavior does lend itself to question...
  7. Ya know, Tiberius, that’s a great question...I’m really not sure...Id like to think there isn’t...but seeing things like this doesn’t help... And other countries have fraudulent elections, so I can’t put passed the realm of possibility...and with more and more technology being used, it would seem to make it easier to rig an election if people wanted to... It is said that every election has “some” fraud...the question then becomes, is it systemic? In school we learned about the fraud back in Chicago, during the 1960 elections between Nixon and Kennedy... But if there is fraud I don’t think it would be a Democrat or Republican thing...I think both parties are capable and complicit...I guess it just becomes a thing where “do the people decide for the parties”? Or “do the parties decide for the people”?
  8. Video shows election night poll workers in Georgia taking (what looks to be) USB card from the computer and, surreptitiously, passing it along to another worker... On the surface, it appears like they are trying not to be detected... I was just wondering why this might be a big deal- what are the potential hazards that might make this a fraudulent situation?
  9. If there was a transfer of the USB card, like the video creator suggests, how would that necessarily mean there was fraud?
  10. I was so pissed off when the Bills drafted Allen...But I am so happy he was able to change my mind on picking him...This kid appears to be able to do whatever he puts his mind to...
  11. The Bills roll nobody...they aren’t built or coached to blow teams out...not to mention the Bills are without Smoke and rarely play well in prime time...I’m not optimistic about this game...
  12. Well, this is starting to get a little hyperbolic, and off track...but I will respond, going back to the OP.... I have no problem with the government advising certain safety precautions with regards to going to church...ultimately, however, I think it should be up to the individual to decide for themselves, whether they want to go or not... No one is forcing them to go, and no one should be allowed to be kept from going, if they so choose...And on top of that, no one is forcing those, afraid of the virus, to go out either... Now, if certain pastors or faiths choose not to open their houses of worship, that is their choice and ok too...I have a brother-in-law who is a pastor of a church...their doors have been closed since April, and that’s fine...But I also know of other pastors who have opened their churches...and I think that should be their prerogative, too... And, just for the record, I do not go to church, myself...I haven’t in 20 years...But, still, I see government restrictions on places of worship as unconstitutional...
  13. Yes it is...but the world has seen far worse, and we will get through it now like others did in years passed...
  14. Nice post...much of what you say is kind of where I’m coming from...and your concerns are certainly legitimate imo... Good stuff...informative 👍
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