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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Tua will be good, but I just think Josh will always be a step above...
  2. Oh how I wish the Bills were in the AFC North...those would be true rivalries...😂🤣👍 #Rustbeltdivision
  3. I never claimed or attempted to lump them all in together... I simply stated that the country has been divided for a good while now...
  4. I think the video creator just thought it was weird that the two black woman were making a racial issue out of a boxing match, where the white fighter had knocked out a black fighter...they asked him if he felt racist for doing so... I think the video creator was just trying to illustrate that some people view everything through the prism of race, whereas others, like him, do not...And according to the response of the white fighter, it seemed he did not view the fight through that racial prism as well...
  5. I think he got his point across, but he probably could have done it in a lot less time...👍
  6. I agree with this...people forget that the Tea Party was created in 2008 when Obama was elected, and 537 votes in Florida separated Bush and Gore...so the country has been this divided for at least 20 years imo...
  7. I think, in general, some people’s intense allegiances to their ideologies, can sometimes lead them to act in racist ways towards people they may disagree with...I believe that racism can come from any group or individual, whether intentional or not, no matter what side of the political spectrum they may reside on... But, to more specifically answer your question, I have seen members of these groups act in racist ways towards both black AND white people...But I don’t think that makes these groups, as a whole, necessarily racist...
  8. Tell her to do what she is comfortable with... If you’ve already had the virus, then chances are you have the antibodies...And the virus, likely, hasn’t had time to mutate into something else...so, there is that to consider, if she doesn’t want to take it from someone else...👍 Good point...You are 100% correct about that 👍
  9. This is a fantastic quote...thanks for sharing...👍
  10. Well, I have to tell ya...I enjoy engaging with people because I like learning points of view I have not heard before... Sure, I have my own set of beliefs...but I’ll be the first to tell you I don’t know everything...and I don’t claim to...nobody does...that’s the beauty of discourse...the opportunity to become more well rounded... In fact, I’ve gone into a conversation with a person, one time, thinking a particular way...And I came out of it with a completely different view point... Thats why, to me, it’s of the utmost importance to try not to insult people, or call names, or swear at people with whom you disagree- you just never know who you could have taught something to, or who you may have turned away... Im sorry you feel the way you do about our discussions...but I respect it...stay safe, my friend...👍
  11. The beauty of this forum is having passionate and insightful discourse... But I’m curious, how would you define “religious privilege”? I’m not familiar with the term and it would be helpful in me having a better understanding of what you’re referring to...thanks...
  12. Thanks Motorin’...but just to be clear, I have never changed my opinion about Allen’s play his first two seasons...it was, unquestionably, subpar- which is understandable, as he was raw...But it was still subpar...And his erratic play did give me flashbacks to subpar Bills QBs of the past...And because nobody can guarantee how any particular player will turn out, people tend to judge them on how they are performing at that particular moment in time...we can always hope or project into the future, but no one can guarantee those hopes, or projections, will happen... That being said, I am completely over the moon that Josh was able to, almost miraculously, transform himself into the elite QB he is today...And I say “almost miraculously” because what Allen has been able to do doesn’t normally happen in real life- meaning, where his play started out, and where it is today...It is nothing short of other worldly- to make the jump that he has made! And that’s what’s so amazing about it...He may have always had the heart, the leadership, the work ethic...But Tim Tebow had that...EJ Manuel, supposedly, had that...and along with countless others who were just not able to make it... In my opinion, if Josh continues on this trajectory, he will, no doubt, go down as one of the greatest success stories in the history of the league...And that’s all a testament to him, and his relentless drive, for not allowing himself to be another statistic...and by beating the odds and willing himself to be great...Amazing! Bills fans everywhere, especially the younger ones, really need to treasure this moment we are experiencing...You never know when times like this will come along again...and you never know when they will come to an end...👍 Go Bills!
  13. But I thought Fauci and the CDC said schools should be open, unless I heard it wrong...
  14. Fair enough...but what about China being socialist, as well as the a Democrat base? I mean, they do call themselves Democrat Socialists...that would probably go a long way to explain why they both hate the individual liberties protected by our constitution, no?
  15. I would not be surprised if true...Socialist China and the socialist base of the Democrat party share a lot of similar interests and goals... The whole Russia/Trump connection, however, never really made sense to me as Trump is more of a capitalist/nationalist and Russia is more socialist...
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