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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Even people, that had their preferred politician win, have to know we will never have public trust in our elections if we don’t try to verify voters...We also cannot allow non citizens to vote...This simply cannot happen...Democrats, Republicans and a Independents have to realize this or we are going to have MAJOR issues moving forward...
  2. Actually, as of right now, it is not yet known if the vaccine prevents the spread of the virus...it might just end up limiting symptoms to the individual that takes it, while still allowing covid to be spread to others...
  3. This is brilliant! Finally something funny from this show! 🤣
  4. That’s funny, because all those ‘bleeders’ look like women to me...🤣🤣 In all seriousness, though- I really feel sorry sorry for all these females who seem to have such a deep seeded loathing for who they are...I truly hope they are able to find peace, and learn to love themselves, as they are all made in the image of God...
  5. You can tell neither of these two are Bills fans...as much as we love them, we know, all too well, NEVER to bet on the Bills...😉
  6. Yeah...the guy seems to see all the actions, the Bills have taken, with regards to the QB position, through a racial prism, which is sad and unfortunate...
  7. Bills Mafia is making their presence felt all over the mainstream sports media! 🤣
  8. Best case scenario is Frazier gets signed as HC somewhere, Bills get draft picks, Dabol stays and is promoted to assistant HC...👍
  9. This is a good point...Also, I’ve heard like Jim Kelly say that when they used to play weaker teams, sometimes they wouldn’t study as hard...so, I’m sure that happens across the league...
  10. He does not seem like a natural pass catcher, and he’s so “clunky” whenever he moves or changes direction...maybe they should convert him to FB and find another TE...
  11. A well balanced society requires both conservatives and liberals to work together in order to succeed... You need liberals to be innovative, and to reveal possible new fixes to societal problems...and you need conservatives to make sure society doesn’t go off a cliff, and holds onto traditions that have proven effective. The hard part is finding and maintaining that balance...but it starts with civil discourse, not mutually assured destruction...
  12. Sounds like somebody’s not happy about getting grounded for staying out passed their curfew...😂🤣🤣
  13. I just hope our FO just doesn’t get complacent with our two backup running backs....no matter who it is, we definitely need an upgrade...
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