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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. How do you read the “unread replies” in this new format?
  2. Depends on what you want... You want the Ravens not to make the playoffs? You want the Bills to lock up the 2 seed today?
  3. I’m curious to see what the Bills do for their running game this offseason...we really need some speed
  4. Yup...just the right amount of red on the helmet...👍
  5. And McD is clearly getting better with with every game he coaches...he’s become a true modern day analytical coach...👍
  6. What makes the whole thing so comical is that this used to be us, as fans...The Bills would always seem to pull a win out of their asses when it mattered the least...😂
  7. Only winning 4 Super Bowls, instead of 5...and anchovies on a pizza...😉
  8. It’s such a shame...our system is so corrupted and both parties are in on the take... I think the average person, on both the Left and Right, have more in common than they realize- and it starts with getting rid of any politician that benefits from big corporations or foreign nations at the expense of the American people...👍
  9. Jets...in the division would just be a disaster
  10. Yes I would support raising taxes for it...hell, we wanted to go to the moon bad enough and guess what- we did it... If we really want to solve the inequities of voting, we can do that too- but people have to WANT to do it...unfortunately, I don’t think enough people really care... Ask your legislators...😉
  11. I understand this, and have an easy fix- once a person reaches the legal age to vote, the state should provide everyone with a FREE photo ID (with exception to a drivers license)...
  12. Look, it’s ok to think that Biden won, fair and square AND be for additional protections in our elections...they are not mutually exclusive... In fact, I do happen to think there was fraud (as there always is)...BUT, I don’t happen to think there was enough to overturn the election...Biden won, imo... That being said, I believe we definitely need to do more to protect our election system to make sure non citizens aren’t voting, people aren’t voting multiple times, and ballots aren’t being sent out to dead people or the wrong address... Can we, at least, agree on that?
  13. Your PIN is your ID verification when ATM is used...otherwise, bank tellers request photo ID, and ask you to lower your mask with for in-bank transactions...Imo, voting should have the same standards... Most mail in ballots, in years passed, had been absentee (with the exception of a few states), where you had to apply for them with ID and address verification...this year, that wasn’t the case...so, there is more of a reason to be concerned this time, especially if this is going to be the norm going forward...
  14. All fraud counts! This is why Democrats AND Republicans should demand transparency...I’ve been saying this forever, now... That fraudulent Trump vote negates a legal Biden vote, and vice versa...this is why ALL law abiding citizens, that do NOT want their vote disenfranchised, should be for voter ID & signature verification...furthermore, if you are unable to make it to the polls to vote, you should have to APPLY for a mail-in ballot (providing ID and address) so that ballots aren’t mailed to dead people or the wrong addresses... You are happy when that bank teller ID’s a random person trying to withdraw funds from your account, aren’t you? This is not rocket science, people- just common sense...and imo, anyone against such measures does not truly care if their vote, or any other person’s legal vote, is disenfranchised.
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