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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I think both states are too far gone to recover, unfortunately...especially under “woke” leadership...
  2. “There’s a difference between hate speech and the speech that you hate.” 🔥😱🤯🔥 This line speaks volumes!
  3. While I agree for the most part, let’s be honest- none of the mainstream media outlets really practices journalism anymore...I see it more as op-ed 24/7...👍
  4. It’s not really a right wing “wacko” conspiracy theory when world organizations are openly advocating for it...there’s a great big world, out there, that exists beyond what CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News decide to report on...👍
  5. It is currently #1 on iTunes sales- ahead of The Weekend and Ed Sheeran... And regardless of what you think of those other two artists, it’s pretty impressive for a guy who is not considered a main stream artist...and it shows the message resonates with people, both black and white...👍 The song was released on YouTube on Saturday and already has over 3 million views...
  6. All the stuff in the OP sounds great, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t anticipating a down year for the Bills in 2021...Not a bad year, but perhaps something in the neighborhood of 10-6 or 11-5... And unfortunately, the fault is NOT of the Bills own doing, but by the limitations a Covid-restricting salary cap will have on the young team. They were expecting to be roughly, $20-30 million under the cap in 2021, but because of lost revenue, there is a good chance the Bills will be over the cap, and forced to cut solid vets and be unable to resign homegrown talent... I fear 2021 might end up being a “regrouping” year, where the team must re-establish a new, young core of players on rookie contracts, that will form a new foundation moving forward... Then again, who knows? Just some food for thought...👍
  7. Unfortunately, that is the way of the world, my friend...
  8. Nice find Big Blitz...The Great Reset is happening whether Americans want to believe it or not- and it’s not a Democrat vs Republican thing...and you can see it happening if you are aware of it... I was recently on the World Economic Forum’s website, and the front page read: “Imagine the year is 2030...you own nothing, you have no privacy, and you’re happy”. The American middle class has been obliterated during the pandemic, while the top 1% has amassed even more wealth...the lockdowns seem to have accomplished more of a transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich, if nothing else... We can’t allow ourselves to be distracted by the constant Democrat vs Republican “theatre” that is always being played 24/7...there are much more important things going on behind the scenes that NO ONE is reporting on. As long as people are fighting each other, they can never fight the real enemy...don’t be surprised if the Left and Right form an alliance to oppose the Establishment...
  9. True...but Stafford couldn’t win either- so Detroit will still have a net gain ....
  10. Lions won that deal...Two 1st rounders PLUS a QB? 🤣🤣🤣
  11. 🤣🤣🤣 he’d be lucky to be a backup on another team imo...dude is practice squad fodder with no above average qualities...
  12. I don’t have confidence...so far Beane has missed with his last two top draft choices...
  13. I don’t mind that fg after hearing his reasoning...but the 2nd fg to give them 15 was definitely a mistake...that, to me, was when the game was over...
  14. Not as high on him, as others seem to be...maybe it’s because I prefer speed to power, since we already have Moss...but make no mistake, I see Moss as a Kenneth Davis type...we still need our Thurman...
  15. Yup...and he will never start for another team imo- just not good enough...
  16. Too much reading...can you summarize in 150 words or less? 😉
  17. God, I hate Dingleberry so much...dude should be on the practice squad...Beane blew that 3rd round pick hard!
  18. The way I look at it- if the league ain’t embarrassed how awkward minority compensation looks, than I ain’t embarrassed...now, pass me some of those draft picks! 😉
  19. I know... I’m just selfish because I want him to take over for Dabs, after next year...👍
  20. Lol...was thinking the same thing...we were so desperate for a QB in 2013, our best shot at a QB was EJ Manuel in the first round...
  21. I’m happy for these people in our organization getting looks, but I hate seeing the band break up...
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