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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Chinese Communist Party was secretly funding the league to keep it afloat, and use it as a propaganda tool in the United States...(Remember, the founders of BLM are self proclaimed Marxists)... It would also help to explain why no one in the league is allowed to defend Hong Kong (as part of social justice), or call out China for putting Muslims in concentration camps...But America is so oppressive, right? Give me a break...
  2. I used to love the NBA...but I can’t stand the extreme Leftist politics being pushed and will likely never watch again...these ungrateful millionaires disgust me...
  3. If the Left doesn’t want it’s message to be confused, people on the Left need to make the distinction what “Defund the police” really means...because there were Democrats saying completely different things...Members of The Squad were saying it meant abolishing the police...Members of Antifa were saying it meant abolishing the police...this is extreme... I understand there is a difference between the rioters and protesters...the problem is that all summer long Democrat politicians were allowing the rioters to continue their destruction- and even paying to bail them out of jail if arrested...this is extreme... Of course the Valentines card is racist...its disgusting...and most people feel that way...but to blame an entire nation of people for the actions of a few idiots is insanity imo! If someone calls me the “N-word” at work, I’m not going to declare my hatred for this country because of it...perspective is important and there are racist people all over the world- and they exist among every ethnicity...
  4. Nobody disputes the wrongful death of Floyd...what people dispute about the summer of 2020 are Left wing extremists (who hate America) capitalizing on the opportunity, to burn down businesses of people of all ethnic backgrounds and races, destroying statues of heroic black slaves, and calling to defund the police- which, statistics show, hurts urban black and brown people more than any other group... Sounds pretty extreme and racist to me...
  5. JFK was the man! One of my favorite presidents...👍
  6. Right wing AND Left wing extremism are both equal threats to a free society...
  7. they might feel with Ford and Feliciano that they are all set on the interior...should be interesting to see if they bring in competition for Ford...
  8. Haha...of course it was! MacDonald’s message was waking people up from their hypnosis... And we can’t have differing points of view that illustrate the fallacies of the prevailing wisdom of the day...it might change people’s minds about “wokeness”...👎 This is how you destroy a nation- by making free thought illegal...
  9. Lol...only if you believe in woke ideology, my friend...😂 But please tread lightly...I don’t aim to be the cause for marriages breaking up...👍
  10. A sexist says “women should do the dishes...” A feminist says “men and women can do the dishes...” Woke ideology says “anyone who washes dishes is a woman...”
  11. The second letter in Tom’s last name is “r” which stands for rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrracist...🙌
  12. That’s fine, but if the Bills do that, they better be prepared to let Edmunds walk after his contract is up...I don’t see how they would be able to sign both to top dollar deals...And neither would it be wise to do so imo...
  13. Meh, even when I watch highlights, nothing really stands out as “special” to me...I’d rather draft trenches...
  14. Something tells me the Left’s definition of “racist” might be a little different than the rest of the world...😉 -if you enjoy Velveeta over Kraft, you’re probably a racist -if you like swimming in the ocean over public pools, your racism is starting to show -If you prefer the Original Trilogy to the Sequel Trilogy, you never had a chance -Don’t even get me started with liking tennis over soccer...
  15. You’ve gotta love reporting that doesn’t SEEK to mislead! 🤣🤣🤣 This is exactly why trust in the mainstream media is in the tank! They can’t hide it anymore...people are hip to what’s going on... While what CNN reports is factually accurate, without context to NY and CA (that have locked down) it is very manipulative...and they do it on purpose for political reasons... This is exactly what the Time Magazine article was talking about when describing how the media and big Tech interfered with the election...They admit it and then actually justify doing it too...pathetic journalism...
  16. I would agree, that people are probably changing the climate to some extent...I liken automobile emissions to smoking cigarettes...if smoking isn’t good for you, than auto emissions probably aren’t good for the environment either... So, is it wrong for Exxon to lie about human culpability in influencing climate change, if the data shows some sort of correlation? Absolutely! But the term “extremist” is completely subjective, especially in this instance, since it can’t be proven just how much humans alter the climate, on their own imho... Furthermore, if a lie is all it takes for someone to be an extremist, then the whole planet is full of 8 billion extremists...and if that’s the case, then what meaning does the word “extremist” really have?
  17. Not necessarily... I understand your concern, but I always try to put myself in the shoes of people on both sides...So let’s examine this particular situation that you describe. I think that most of those who take issue with climate change policy can probably be put into 1 of 2 categories... 1. The first category is the most obvious- people that don’t understand the science, or simply don’t care, or are just skeptical of big government, so they just deny there is any connection between humans and the environment... 2. The second category Is probably more important than the first, but doesn’t get talked about because it is, likely, easier for people to lump everyone into category 1 for political purposes...this category includes people who believe that humans probably have some impact on climate, but that there is no definitive data that shows exactly how much is related to human activity and how much is natural causes...Therefore it is unknown how much government intervention is necessary... Climate has always been changing, even long before humans were ever around...So, to say that “climate change” is man made isn’t really a logical statement...the key is figure how much human activity contributes to climate change...and I’m not sure that is possible...but I could be wrong...
  18. Hard to say, but I will lean “no” because of how balanced the Bucs are...
  19. Not sure I like the idea of Davis as the #2 as we would be downgrading in speed significantly...I actually think our offense needs more speed
  20. As a running back you either need to have speed or power...Dingleberry has neither...I’m very confident come opening day 2021, he will not be one of our top two running backs...
  21. Just won $100 for the halftime score in my office squares! Wooot wooot! 🍻🏆🍹🍾🙌
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