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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. ...Three weeks later...😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
  2. I agree with this thinking...we are biologically hardwired to fear what we don’t know... However, this is not message being pushed by the far Left, and being adopted by the mainstream...their message seems to be that ONLY white people are racist, and that minorities can never be...Your post would seem to contradict this notion, to which I agree... Furthermore, the far Left would have us believe that ANY system that ends up with people having different outcomes is racist- which I find quite comical...How can the American system be based on white supremacy when there are more black millionaires here than anywhere else? When the highest wage earners, per capita, in America are Asian and a Indian? Perhaps whites aren’t as supreme as the far Left would have us believe...😉 In conclusion I feel judging people based on identity groups is not an efficient way in deciding whether a system is positive or negative...there is too much cross over, along with other factors contributing to the statistics than the color of one’s skin...unfortunately, that explanation is an inconvenient truth for people who seek to overturn the system...👍
  3. Anyone that wasn’t born yesterday knows that there is a lot more to the bill, that people disagree with, than just the stimulus money...Remember how Pelosi kept turning down a stimulus package before the election? Exactly...this tweet just seems intentionally disingenuous imo... But I guess that’s why nobody can talk to each other anymore...no one really seems to care about having a genuine conversation...
  4. You don’t fight racism with more racism...that’s NOT the way of MLK...
  5. Looks like the Chinese Communist Party indoctrination is working well on this one...I would never allow my kids to be taught by people like this...God bless America! I forgive you...there, now you can move on...😉
  6. It’s just that his ceiling is so low, it’s hard to see him getting any better...no D coordinator will ever need to game plan for him- and that’s a problem...
  7. Exactly, and if he’s not too careful, he might find himself out of the league in short time...hard to see him beating out anyone, on any team, for a roster spot, with his severely limited skill set...
  8. Hey, I see what you did there...well played, good sir, well played...😉
  9. Can’t afford to trade up this year...have to be more frugal...we are not 1 piece away...
  10. Then screw you, man! 😉 Carry on Moror! 😂
  11. Honestly, how does saying stuff like this accomplish anything...don’t you want people to take you seriously? You’re better than this, Motorin...
  12. Yeah, he was good at what he did...I didn’t necessarily agree with everything he said, but he was good, and probably right more times than not...
  13. Whether people liked him or disliked him, he certainly left an imprint on the culture...
  14. Disagreement does not constitute hate...
  15. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/02/16/report-j-j-watt-seriously-considering-browns/
  16. He says the main reason is they have the cap space to give him what he wants...if that’s the case, he is probably asking for more than I want the bills to pay for him...
  17. I think France being much further Left than the US is what makes this story so intriguing...Normally, it had always been French culture influencing American culture by pulling it left...The article almost suggests that America has moved so far to the Left over that 20 years that we have now surpassed the French... But, if you think about it, it makes sense...Marxist/Woke ideology seeks to destroy western civilization, and everything that has come out of it (including individual liberty and the nuclear family, which comes from the Judeo/Christian faith)...So, because they are part of Europe, it makes sense that France would fear Woke ideology- because it is coming for them too...
  18. I remember Morgan Freeman saying similar things is past interviews... Its quite the paradox, actually...you would think that talking about race, and the differences that people have, would help people be more empathetic, and therefore, bring about unity- which it does, to some extent... However, the problem is if you make racial differences the emphasis of EVERY societal ill, then it actually has the opposite effect, and creates resentment and division, tearing a society apart... Now, if you want to go down the “rabbit hole” for a moment, and take it one step further, ask yourself ‘who is pushing such racial claims that is tearing our country apart?’ Your answer will, undoubtedly, be groups that align themselves with Marxist ideology- which just so happens to believe the opposite of individual liberty...Basically, these groups have INCENTIVE in destroying our society, and benefit when there is NO unity among the races...they are “trained Marxists” and and “race hustlers” and know exactly what they are doing... Thats why most people can want justice for George Floyd, while still rejecting the ideology of BLM...Even if they don’t fully understand the politics behind it, there is still something in people’s subconscious (many blacks as well) that senses something is not quite right with that ideology...
  19. I love the part of your post about how it’s not really about race, but rather income and education...I completely agree... Many well-to-do black people feel the same...Denzel Washington once said “Its not about race...it’s about culture...”. I always take that with me...Morgan Freeman says similar things...
  20. I would say, with regards to recent events, many feminists would argue that transgender rights are hurting women’s rights... For example, they are now allowing trans females (people born as biological males) to compete in girl’s scholastic sports...this has had a negative impact on girls trying to get scholarships, because the trans females are always winning by large margins, and destroying the female record books... If these trends are allowed to continue, you can basically say goodbye to women’s sports...that was the whole reason male and female sports were segregated in the first place- to give woman a more fair opportunity...now it seems like we are regressing, as biological males are being allowed to compete with them... A good example of this was a case in Connecticut last year...I believe it went to court...
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