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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I really hate the idea of trading up this year, especially if the Bills have “their guy” picked out...We’re going to need to groom young depth to take over for aging starters next year- and maybe by the end of the summer... I see it more that the Bills likely have a group of 5-7 players that they would be interested in selecting...and they will likely wait to see which one to select when their pick is up...but who knows- Beane loves spending extra capital...
  2. I ain’t gonna lie...I’m a little nervous...New Era Field was just about as good as it gets for a corporate sponsored name...fingers crossed that it’s not too bad...🤞
  3. They just can’t bring themselves to provide news in which black people do anything wrong...it goes against their narrative of white oppression... Unfortunately, for CNN, people are hip to their shtick... they don’t even try to hide it anymore...
  4. Seems like mid 2nd round value imo...and even then I wouldn’t want him because he wouldn’t compliment what we already have...
  5. Not a surprise at all about donations based on race, but this is different...allow me to explain... I don’t see anything wrong with donating to an all black club, school, or foundation etc... What I do find problematic is a club, school, or foundation that is MAJORITY black, but also includes people of other races, but who are excluded from benefits based on the color of their skin... Thats basically what you have going on here...if Oakland ONLY had low income blacks, I would have no problem donating to them (but based on income, not race)...but because there are low income whites, by excluding them based on the color of their skin, it further divides society along racial lines instead of bringing people together...and it’s no different than how white supremacists and Nazis would behave- just in reverse... As a society we need to rise above our primal instincts of judging people on race...I feel that up til about the year 2010 we had made much progress in honoring MLK’s legacy (and race was barely talked about anymore) but we have regressed back to the time of Jim Crow imo... Now we have colleges having separate graduations based on race...different medical mandates based on race...just like the old days, with separate water fountains, we are creating a segregated society all over again- but this time in the name of equality...The Klan is probably loving this... And keep in mind the Mayor of Oakland, who is supposed to represent everyone in her jurisdiction, made the announcement of the program...
  6. Any program, based strictly off race, whether public OR private is RACIST! And yes, you can give your money to whoever you want in a free country...but if you are giving to an ENTIRE community EXCEPT those of a certain race, I’m sorry, my friend, that is the definition of racism... Can you imagine the outcry if the roles were reversed? Would it still not be racism if whites got money and blacks were excluded simply because they were black? We are not going to fix racism by being more divisive imo...
  7. These must be their idea of reparations, if low income whites are not allowed to participate...after this I don’t want to hear anymore complaining by minorities from Oakland about white oppression...but I’m sure we will, just as I’m sure they will still be poor... “It’s not about race, it’s about culture.” -Denzel Washington “The poor will always be with us.” -Jesus Christ
  8. I disagree...I think the main reason people (whatever the ethnicity) live in poverty is mainly due to poor decisions they’ve made throughout their lives... In the a United States, it has been proven relatively easy to avoid poverty by following these 4 simple rules... 1. Graduate from High School 2. Do not have children outside of marriage 3. Do not break the law 4. Do not get addicted to drugs If people follow these simple rules, it’s nearly impossible not to be able to live comfortably in this country... Now take any person (whatever ethnicity) that is currently in poverty, and ask yourself if they meet this criteria...👍 This country had slavery, Jim Crow, KKK, and yet there are more black millionaires here than anywhere else in the world...In fact, if you combined all of the wealth of black people in this country, it would constitute the 15th wealthiest nation in the world! So, essentially, white oppression and supremacy is so bad in America, its made them the richest black people on Earth...what it really is, is just an excuse why not to try...👍
  9. Too slow...and we already have 2 RB’s slowing down our offense... I hate the idea of drafting a RB in round 1, but if we do I would rather have Etienne or J. Williams...Harris does nothing for me- but what do I know? Lol
  10. Lol...No, I didn’t understand what you were trying to say...
  11. Yup...I think it’s fair for both sides...both sides benefit and take risk... Josh takes a risk because it is slightly under annual market value...but he benefits by getting $350 million fully guaranteed The Bills risk and benefit the same way, just in reverse....
  12. Biden’s policies are making Trump look better and better imo...
  13. This is actually a brilliant move by the Fins...very impressed...they are set up nicely for years to come...
  14. For what- a bag of Lays? For what- a Snickers bar?
  15. The ironic thing about all this is that in the beginning, when Watson wanted to leave the Texans, he used the excuse of “social justice” as the reason...and now social justice may be coming down on him...but, I guess, whatever keeps him out of the division...😉
  16. That game exposed just how limited he is as a player...he should, never again, be in the top two on the depth chart for this team imo...it just holds us back...
  17. ...15 seconds I will never get back... Thanks OP.😉
  18. If he is BPA, yes...plus I think he would be an upgrade over Dingleberry...😉
  19. I’ve been beating the drum for this dude...and I’ve not seen him listed top 5 on RB prospect rankings anywhere, and he was 2019 first team All-SEC...I’d love him in the 3rd in a perfect world...
  20. As long as Milano stays healthy and plays well, Edmunds days may be numbered...Milano has an “out” in his contact after two years- exactly when the decision on Edmunds will need to be made...no way they keep both, given Allen’s anticipated contract...stay tuned...
  21. The TE class is very weak this year...I think it might be pushing Freiermuth up higher, in people’s minds, than he would normally go... If the Bills took him higher than the 3rd round, I would be very disappointed...there is so much better talent at other positions that I would take before this guy...
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