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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. It truly is quite pathetic to see all the whining about “having to do things”. 🤣🤣🤣
  2. Oh wow...then there really seems like no real issue...
  3. I see your point, and it has its merits...my goal is simply to take away any argument against ensuring ONLY legal, living citizens vote... When people suggest voter ID, the argument on the Left is that it’s racist...I contend it’s not racist if poor people of all races can’t afford it...but, whether people agree about that or not, why not just make it available to everyone so there is no more excuses of why we don’t have voter ID? A common sense solution to a fixable problem...👍
  4. I support a photo ID for voting... But if people want to use the excuse that not everyone can afford one (which is a legitimate excuse, and not just for minorities) perhaps each state can provide each citizen with a photo ID, free of charge, when they turn 18? Or perhaps it could be done on a federal level? I’m normally against raising taxes...but I would support it on this issue...Voter fraud happens every election, and helping to eliminate it, any way possible, is much too important...and it’s something, I’m sure, every law abiding citizen could get behind... Where there is a will, there is a way...👍
  5. I think it’s because it seems like the writing is on the wall, since we paid Milano, and knowing it would be unwise economics to pay two LBs at top value... Because of this, I think fans are playing the “Let’s see what we can get for him” game before we lose him for nothing...
  6. Ugh, I just dislike Freiermuth in the top 3 rounds...he just seems so overrated to me...
  7. Well, I think we agree that people have been fleeing war torn and socialist countries for decades to experience our freedoms...I don’t think anyone disputes that... My main point, however, and perhaps the part I wasn’t clear enough on, was the portion of the post that immediately followed...And that is that those freedom seeking people that left authoritarian socialist regimes for America are saying that they are now starting to see the same warning signs here that plagued, and ultimately, destroyed their countries... The reason people have always loved coming to America is because of our individual freedoms...you were never forced to conform to the way the state wanted you to think or behave...that was a breath of fresh air to people who always had to walk on egg shells, in fear of losing their home, their job, their family, or their life, if they dared to disagree with the official state narrative...but our civil liberties seem, to many, to be slowly eroding away, and all in the name of “equity”- which has been code for socialism for roughly 100 years... On a side note, people fleeing highly authoritarian, big government states, like New York and California, for states that allow for more individual liberty, like Florida and Texas, is no coincidence...it’s a microcosm of people fleeing socialism for freedom...
  8. CBS has him ranked as the 20th overall player, so we would have to take him with our first pick, if he fell to us...that being said, I would still take him at 30...he is that much of a game changer!!! He is the type of player we couldn’t stop when we played the Chiefs...
  9. I would be more than ok with this! 👍 Buffalo Bills future MLB...sorry Edmunds...lol
  10. Well, there are two forms of equality- (1) equality of opportunity (which is an immensely desirable thing to strive for), and (2) equality of outcome (better known as equity, which is a very UNDESIRABLE thing to strive for imo). The reason equality of opportunity is so much more desirable is that it allows a society to maximize its talents for the betterment of everyone. The reason equality of outcome (equity) is so undesirable is because (1) not everyone wants the same thing, and (2) not everyone has the same interests or skills...and so, to produce an equality of outcome the state would be required to use totalitarian force to make people do and have the same outcome... This has already been tried several times over the last century, and with disastrous conclusions...People who have fled nations such as the former Soviet Union and Cuba have repeatedly said that what we are witnessing in America now, with racial and gender quotas, censorship, an attack on individual liberty, and destroying those who disagree with the state, is exactly why they fled those countries...so, it’s not good...and again, the public schools don’t teach this for obvious reasons...
  11. I’m glad the man also called the cops Communists, at the end, and not just Nazis...Because both Nazis AND Communists operate under a form of socialism...And, because of this, both usually use similar tactics- one of which, is not respecting freedom of religion (as we see with the Muslims in China)...
  12. You should have no trouble supporting the Right or the Left...It’s just the extremes on BOTH sides that gets a society into trouble...right now, our country is heading down the very dangerous path of extremism, in the name of “equity”...and our education system has done an excellent job in making sure that people don’t see it...
  13. I would trade Singletary and our 2nd round pick to move up and take him...
  14. 🤣🤣🤣 I am dying laughing watching how good this guy’s highlights are...4.29 speed and can stop on a dime...almost cartoonish...he is ALWAYS open... This dude’s speed is other worldly...
  15. Well...this didn’t age well...🤣🤣🤣 On a sad note, though, it’s truly amazing how indoctrinated our society has become... Wasn’t it Hitler that once said that it didn’t matter if you told the truth, because if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth... The lie of white people being responsible for all the ills in society is now believed by so many people that our society has now become systematically racist against caucasians...from entertainment, to sports, to the education system, to the corporate world, to the media...SYSTEMIC! And I’m black- my family and ancestors have lived through discrimination and REAL racism, and it’s so disgusting to see us regressing like this...This is not the way, people... You don’t defeat racism with more racism...Be the change you want to see! Long live MLK’s dream!
  16. I’m a Democrat as well, my friend... and imo, a true Democrat can see that this is NOT the same party it was a generation ago... Our party has gone hard Left, so much so, that it sees moderate conservatives as a greater threat than Communist China- who has set up concentration camps for people simply wishing to practice their faith...not to mention they are oppressing Hong Kong, who is attempting to practice democracy... I’m not sure how old you are, but it is clear the radical Left has taken over our party...we once championed civil rights, but now seek to judge people on the color of their skin...we used to be for free speech, but now seek to silence people who disagree with us...I feel like we are regressing instead of progressing... Are you seeing similar things?
  17. What- thinking with your own mind? Interesting... Its ok to admit that no one side has a monopoly on righteousness...👍
  18. He so reminds me of Travis Henry’s playing style- which is a very good thing...👍
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