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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I’d be willing to trade just about anyone if the offer was right...Edmunds, certainly, isn’t some world beater the Bills can’t do without, like Allen...I would take a first round pick in a heartbeat...
  2. No and yes ...and the riots were certainly used to influence the election, as there were threats that they would continue if Trump was re-elected...
  3. Yup, they are certainly showing their “whiteness” by sticking up for minority businesses...😉
  4. Did witnesses specifically testify that the cause of death was suffocation due to the kneeling? What about the testifying of narcotics that appear to have been consumed/ in the blood stream before the kneeling? Do we know that the drugs played NO part? Perhaps...but that, right there, might raise doubt amongst one of the jurors- even if it doesn’t with you... And that’s just the cause of death...next you have to determine intent- which is even harder... As much as we detest what Chauvin did, each person is due a fair trial, and every aspect of the situation must be examined to the fullest...
  5. Perhaps...from some of the reporting, it seems like the case may not be as clear cut as we initially thought...I’m glad I’m not on the jury...
  6. Reasonable to you...but all the evidence must be looked at before you come to that conclusion...look at OJ Simpson...everyone wanted to rush to judgement just because he was fleeing cops, or attempted suicide, or had his blood at the scene of the crime, or had the smallest bit of motive, or had a history of violence...but it was important to wait and see all the evidence first, because in the end, it showed there was enough doubt to be skeptical...👍
  7. Oh please...no one cares who votes- so long as the desired outcome is the one achieved...😉
  8. And if a foreign country did what happened all around the country in the summer of 2020, I’m sure you wouldn’t be calling it a “peaceful protest”...And I’m not saying what was done on January 6 was right- because it wasn’t...but those summer riots (which lasted MONTHS, not one day) were 10 times worse in my book...let’s try to have a little perspective, shall we? But they didn’t have selfies back then 😉 j/k
  9. Lol...every politician could, theoretically, be charged with treason...
  10. Yeah I hear ya...I’m just frustrated because it was such a major turning point in the game...
  11. I could see see us packaging Singletary with a draft pick to move up in the 2nd or 3rd round...
  12. With Collins maybe McD could move Milano to a big nickel DB/LB role...
  13. It’s very lame, Bang...the fact that so many people get so worked up about what other people do medically is somewhat comical imo...
  14. ...only to people who want to put everyone in boxes...I have no problem with what he said, and agree, it’s up to everyone to make their own decision on their own time... And eventually most, if not all, of society will eventually acquire the antibodies over the next 10 years...and it isn’t achieved by injection...that is a false narrative...I know of many people who would rather get the virus naturally (without injection) if they were going to get it...some people want to wait out the vaccine and see the results on society first, before making a determination...some don’t mind being injected as soon as possible...and there is nothing wrong with them choosing any of those imo...
  15. I agree that, out of suffering, more pain tends to be projected onto others...
  16. Sorry Tibs, but I just fundamentally disagree with a majority of your post... And because we can’t seem to agree on premise points, it’s highly unlikely we will reach a compromise on this topic...til we meet again, my friend...👍
  17. Well, I’m sure everyone had experienced racism to different degrees...Even among the black community, not everyone has experienced racism the same...they are not a monolith...Slavery and Jim Crow only existed in the South...Some blacks were never even slaves or experienced Jim Crow...so people from different parts of the country had different experiences...they are not the same...so lumping everyone together doesn’t really do anyone any good- just like saying all white people are racist...after all, I’m sure you’re likely not a racist...😉 And, as to your point about “trying to fix a wrong is not racism”...it would have to depend on how you attempt to fix a problem...The Germans thought they had a problem with Jews- and so they attempted to “fix” it...Does that make them not racist? If that’s too hyperbolic an example, allow me to use one you may find easier to relate to... Those who call themselves “Anit-racist” claim that in order to “fix” problems of the past, they must discriminate and be racist towards people they don’t like...And they actually use that terminology... So, the bottom line is, there is nothing wrong with trying to fix problems and striving for more equality of opportunity and a more just society ...but if you’re doing so by discriminating against someone based on the color of their skin, their faith, or sexual orientation, then that is against the Civil Rights act...I don’t care if you’re black, white, purple or green...and that is why I oppose Anti-Racists and groups that adopt that ideology, such as BLM and Antifa, among others...I feel it’s a misguided ideology that, in the end, is going to end up hurting black more than helping...
  18. Great question...I’m perfectly fine with this because it’s not limited to one race- it’s not discriminatory...there are people from all races who have experienced racism...👍
  19. B-Man, I really hope everyone is reading your posts...it’s such high quality information, instead of partisan one-upmanship that tends to come from the opposition... It’s clear you genuinely care about truth, and for that, I thank you...
  20. I’m a minority ethnicity in this country and I approve the Georgia election laws...why? Because I’m a law abiding citizen who doesn’t want their legal vote disenfranchised because others don’t care about protecting against potential fraud... Black and brown people have NO problem providing ID or following the rules when it comes to voting...we’ve been doing it for generations...it’s racist white Leftists that think we are either too dumb, or, at least, play the race card to further their own white guilt agenda... We will never have unity in this country while white Leftists continue to divide us, by telling us how we’re supposed to think and act...Stop thinking we have to be held to a lower standard! Like Obama says, “Yes we can!” 👍
  21. Me, when others make exposing the Left’s hypocrisy look like taking candy from a baby...
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