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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. He does have a lot of good takes, saying things that most people are too afraid to say...it’s refreshing...
  2. On the surface it seems like a distraction so he doesn’t have to give his feelings on Water’s comments- which, some could argue, is indirectly conceding that her quote can’t be defended... Ultimately, it’s quite unfortunate because, regardless of political leanings, it seems like such an easy thing to denounce- unless you are for the rioting, of course...
  3. Not sure...haven’t really been following closely...but I think he’d likely be convicted for something based on the visibility of the case...
  4. Well, forgive me...The thread is about racism, and my response was about “systemic” racism, so I just assumed it was was self evident in my post what I was referring to...apparently not...
  5. Well, the conversation was about racism...and there are gays and transgenders of every race...
  6. Everyone get ready for middle class white, suburban socialists and anarchists to ride into urban cities and burn down black communities, while spray painting BLM on everything they see...
  7. Great post...I agree... I just remember growing up, there weren’t all these adjectives in front of the word “racism” to qualify it as such...you either thought certain races were superior/inferior or you just judged people on an individual level... I think those who like to use the word “systemic” do so because it justifies them wanting to change the system...However, when you pin those people down on specific instances of “systemic” racism, they are either describing something from the 1950s (that no longer exists) or they are describing discrimination on an individual level imo (ie a person gets pulled over for having flashy rims or blasting rap music)... But nowhere do I see law or policy within the “system” that discriminates against certain groups of people, except for Affirmative Action policies, which, legally, discriminate against white and Asian people, and privileges black and brown people...
  8. Well, I agree with you that environment contributes to culture. But I also believe that, within that environment, people make choices, everyday, as to whether they are going to act in positive ways or negative ways... As human beings, regardless of race, gender, or our circumstances in life, we are all going to be tested, emotionally, with unfortunate and frustrating situations...it’s up to all of us to overcome those moments of anger, fear, frustration, and rage, by not giving in, and preserving on... BLM can use their platform to bring awareness to inner city violence, through marches and protests, cookout block parties with police, etc...So many are fed a narrative that police hate black people and want them dead...I feel these get-togethers would be a good way to show that most police are looking out for them, and want to work with them... BLM can show solidarity with inner city communities and the police that are trying their best to mitigate gang violence...teach young people how to comply with law enforcement so that they don’t put their lives in danger when pulled over... I watch body cam videos of countless pull overs and 9 times out of 10 I see everything going smoothly until someone decides they are not going to comply or they resist arrest for an outstanding warrant...it is so sad...a person’s life could be saved if only they had complied...But I just feel they are fed a lie that cops just want to kill them all day long...and the statistics and video just don’t concur with that narrative...I feel it just further makes them fear law enforcement.... I just wish BLM actually cared about black lives...Because if they did, I would support them...Unfortunately I fear they are making it worse by making excuses for criminal behavior... If the community banded together, instilling responsibility and accountability, I have no doubt they could overcome the black on black violence...
  9. Who? wasted pick...dude is Nate Peterman 2.0
  10. AJ got a lot faster once he lost the weight, and he started coming on in the last few games...curious to see his growth this season...I still think he has good potential...👍
  11. Everyone in life CHOOSES whether they are going to kill someone or not- regardless of what position in life they are in...come on, mane! 😉 BLM could go a long way to help reduce urban violence, with their global platform...it’s just that for some odd reason, they don’t seem to care about those black lives as much...sad...
  12. I disagree with the OP’s definition of racism...racism has nothing to do with being systemic, as it can be on an individual level as well...it also has nothing to do with having power...these separate features were intentionally added on to encompass specific people and exclude others... This new definition, that is now being used, is simply an ideological tactic to move the goalposts, so as to create a new narrative that will help to undermine western civilization... therefore, no need to go any further...
  13. Get your asses back to work...I’ve been working since day 1 of Covid, and these guys are making millions...stop the whining and complaining...it comes off as pathetic...
  14. RoyBatty, I’ve watched London Fletcher play...I’ve seen the instincts, I’ve seen the passion and hunger in his play...RoyBatty, Trumaine Edmunds is no London Fletcher...😉
  15. For me, it will be the first draft I don’t watch from the beginning...it’s starts at 8pm on a Thursday...I probably won’t tune in until around 10pm...I couldn’t care less about who everyone else takes before us...
  16. Great topic OP...I actually seriously considered this at the beginning of the season...I think no fans helped Josh to improve quicker because he was more relaxed at the start of games, and not so amped up like he normally was... I still think Josh is the man and will still be great, but I also think no fans may have sped up the process...👍
  17. We should trade Edmunds and our 1st rounder to get JOK! 🍻🔥👍
  18. 2022...if the Bills pick up his 5th year option and Edmunds doesn’t produce, at least, close to elite, they should trade him next offseason for the best offer, so we don’t let him walk for nothing...I would be ok with two 2nd round picks...
  19. Rarely do you ever get value when trading up...sure it’s fun, but it doesn’t usually work out...
  20. Trumaine Edmunds is the Tyrod Taylor of the defense...great ability, but just doesn’t seem to have it upstairs...shame...
  21. You’re alright in my book, Tibs- I don’t care what they say about ya...😉👍
  22. The way the Left gets away with talking about white people is eerily similar to how the Nazis dehumanized the Jews...
  23. I agree with this...I would also suggest that the urban community also requires more training on how to act when pulled over...I have no doubt that 90% of police abuse or shootings could be avoided if they simply complied...unfortunate for the young man, but I never would have acted as he did... “Its not about race...it’s about culture” And right now, urban communities around the country embrace a criminal culture against each other, and disrespect for authority...
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