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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I think the Bills will trade up to around 20, surrendering their 1st, 3rd & (1) 5th round picks, plus a 2022 3rd rounder to select JOK...it satisfies covering the tight end position, as well as a pass rush, all with one pick...👍
  2. Yes...and I disagree with your view that it’s not fair to the players...but that just means we probably have different views on what constitutes fairness...
  3. I don’t feel the point of how “the draft is unfair to the employee” has been adequately made... An employer makes it known ahead of time how they distribute employees within the business...the prospective employee either accepts it or not? I don’t see how that is unfair... I’m a 5’8 stocky bald man...how is that fair to me? I want justice! 🤣🤣🤣
  4. You just said to stop focusing on money and then you go and use it in your example... I feel like I’m arguing with a bunch of millennials...lol
  5. You do have a choice...you have the choice to do something else...the NFL is a business...and a business is allowed to decide how they want to distribute their employees within the business... In pro sports, the goal of the draft format is to maintain a competitive balance in the league, to keep consumers interested every year...the last thing any fan wants is a situation like college football, where most of the best players go to one school...the Bills would never be good if that were the case...
  6. Not fair to the players? Lol...they’re the ones agreeing to it...🤣 Therefore, if you don’t think it’s fair to the players, you should be upset with them for signing an agreement YOU don’t think is fair for them...👍
  7. These players are CHOOSING to enter a sports draft to make millions of dollars...it’s not like they are being forced into slave labor at gun point...I’d say being drafted is a privilege...👍
  8. Not so sure...if it were the expected cap, probably...But I don’t know that it’s a given for Tremaine...if we do, it will be difficult to sign FA’s next year...so, we shall see...
  9. I know...my point was that fewer tests will equal fewer positive results...
  10. Can’t fail it if they aren’t being tested...aka players could still get covid, the league just won’t care as much...👍
  11. Ford, Wallace, or Knox...take your pick...
  12. Only if you can get value in return...the return has to be enticing enough (ie I would be cool with two 2nd round picks, or a bottom 1st rounder if we can get it). Only foundational pieces, like Josh and Tre, are off limits...everyone else should be fair game...TE has not earned the title of foundational player to me....and if memory serves, we spent a 1st and 3rd rounder on him- so it would be wise to try and recoup some of that, if possible (if we are not planning on resigning him), so that it’s not a total waste...just my opinion.
  13. I wasn’t bashing Edmunds in that particular post...I simply suggested that if they knew Edmunds was going to be out of the their price range, they should seriously consider getting value for him while they still can- which is a perfectly reasonable suggestion... And it’s no secret that Belichick has been trading away top talent for years when he wasn’t willing to pay...just the nature of the business... I understand that sometimes conditions aren’t ideal for players (ie Sam Darnold). Sometimes that’s the way the cookie crumbles...time rolls on...However, the argument about Edmunds being 22 seems like a lazy one to me...the other side of the argument is: What 22 year old player do you know that has 3 years NFL experience?
  14. Well, that’s a racist thing to say...how dare you infringe on my right to commit crimes...soldiers died for my right to decide, whether or not, I choose to comply with the law...and anyone who disagrees with my criminal activity is straight up raaaaaasaaacist! 😉
  15. I am 100% against sacrificing capital to trade up...9 times out of 10 the player never lives up to the cost...and the FO has not proven they can be trusted, when picking defensive talent, on a consistent enough basis to take that chance...this team will need its picks for the future...
  16. Then they would be wise to trade him during the draft so they could get something for him...that’s what Belichick would do, if he knew he wasn’t going to resign a guy...let’s see if Beane has the same fortitude...
  17. So tired of talking about this guy...he’s so uninspiring 😂😂😎
  18. I could actually believe this...I remember he always seemed more moderate on CNN’s Crossfire back in the day...
  19. What a great parody...I could almost envision a hilarious Jeopardy sketch on SNL...😂😂
  20. Didn’t they already do this? They got two 1st rounders from San Fran by trading back to 12...then they gave one back to Philly by trading up to 6...now they want to trade back again? They are either severely overthinking things or they are geniuses...Lol
  21. Lol...I like this take...I agree that modern journalism has become giving opinion on news stories of the day, instead of just reporting the news... Don Lemon use to be more respectable to me...however, his awkward emotional outbursts, at times, comes off as disingenuous, imo...not to mention, I’ve literally, heard him saying things 10 years ago that contradict his woke views now...just seems phony...
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