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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Well, you are correct that I didn’t want Rousseau...I did not think he was BPA...the way the board fell to us, I wanted one of: JOK Barmore Moore Tryon ...or trade back...
  2. Moore would have to earn playing time...I would sprinkle him in at certain times, initially, to get his feet wet and to try and create big plays...the more he proved himself the more playing time he would get... You can’t say exactly who would sit at this time...it might be someone who wasn’t producing as well, or maybe even a combination of players...maybe Sanders starts to decline, or maybe Beasley? Who knows? Maybe Davis has a little bit of a sophomore slump...doesn’t have to be one guy...just a chance to create opportunities and mismatches for the offense imo... And then we also can’t forget about potential injuries will likely occur...
  3. This is the key for me...we didn’t add any playmakers that are going make significant game changing plays- something we really could have used on both sides of the ball...change out Rousseau for Moore and it’s an “A” draft for me...instead, he goes to the Jets, 3 picks later, and we get a non athletic, 3 year project at DE... Just really hoping this is a “Josh Allen” type situation where I initially hate the pick and he ends up being all-world! Lol
  4. Alright...and with a trade, do you know if the Bills would still be on the hook for anything?
  5. Right...so, you’re not able to cut a player without paying the option year once it’s guaranteed...but how does that work with an extension or trade? I think those are issues that myself and others are also referring to...I can’t find any info on how that works with 5th year options in the new CBA...
  6. The way you describe Milano is why I wanted JOK with our first pick...along with his coverage skills, I thought his explosiveness would add extra playmaking ability to stopping the run, and running down mobile QB’s...damn, I’m still sour we didn’t take him- could have been our Troy Polamalu...
  7. Well, they could extend or they could trade...so they will have options...
  8. I don’t mind the move, as it gives the Bills flexibility with Edmunds...just because they signed him to the 5th year option does not mean they will be paying it...
  9. I’m of the mind they will pick up the option...if he doesn’t play up to expectations this season, I think they might look to try to trade him next offseason, rather than pay the 5th year option...they may want to let some other team overpay for his services...
  10. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bates or Boettger beats out Ford at left guard...
  11. Great post, OP...Bills certainly seem like they will have more of an uphill battle this year...can’t wait to see how they respond...👍
  12. Amazing how tricky of a situation this has turned out to be- a definite indictment on Edmund’s past performance...had he lived up to expectation this would have been a no brainer...likewise, had he been a bust this would have been a no brainer...but being as mediocre as he has been has made this an especially difficult decision, with him and Josh being drafted in the same year...
  13. Don’t forget 2019... that has the potential to be one of the all time busts as a draft (Oliver, Ford, Singletary, Knox)...woof, that’s rough, so far!
  14. C+ for me... Not feeling the Rousseau pick, and the fact that we didn’t add a 1T DT...also thought we should’ve taken a chance on G Tre Smith in the 6th round...other than that, decent draft...
  15. Would have rather had Tre Smith... Overall, my initial grade on this draft is C+...but the homer in me says B-
  16. As far as the chiefs and and Browns go, I definitely feel they have way more top end talent than the Bills...Bills are solidly built, and play well together...but if we are looking at man to man, they outclass us talent wise, hands down...
  17. I was literally screaming at the TV like Giants fans did for the Daniel Jones pick...😂😂
  18. Well, that’s certainly a way to help keep a girl’s knees from getting rug burn...😉
  19. Seeing the talent we have gotten this draft (and that is still available) makes me wonder how many picks we wasted over the passed several years, by trading up, when we could have just stayed put...(Zay Jones, Cody Ford, Dawson Knox, etc.)
  20. Bills have 5th round picks 161 (25pts) and 174 (20pts)...that equals pick 127 in the mid 4th round (10 picks from now)...
  21. Would love G Tre Smith or a solid 1T to fall to us
  22. Normally, the picks love end up being “meh”...and the picks I hate turn out to be “wow”... Here’s to hoping that trend continues...😉🍻
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