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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. No one is saying it had no bearing on the present, but that was 60 years ago my friend...people from all over the world come here with nothing and our system allows them to achieve greater...look at Oprah...grew up during Jim Crow- now one of the wealthiest women in the world...only in America! 👍
  2. It’s so funny because the radical Left “woke” culture has pretty much become what the radical Christians used to be back in the 1950s, with regards to censorship and cancel culture...amazing how the roles are reversed now...
  3. Yes...people are afraid to tell jokes...and the woke are incapable of laughter, as their souls are constantly filled with hatred and rage...👍
  4. That was the point...Ain’t satire grand? 😉🤣 Nothing better than illustrating the absurdity of something through over-the-top comedy...really cuts to the heart of the matter...👍
  5. If those are for young girls, they must be the fully erect versions...😉 Damn, I wish I was as hung as those girls are about to be, at such a young age! 🤣
  6. Buchanan’s racism/white supremacy is pretty much on par with Biden’s imo...while Trump seems more xenophobic, if anything...
  7. We need to find our next Thurman Thomas...this offense could be the greatest ever!
  8. Sorry, I just got back from vacation...Edmunds is done! 🤣😉
  9. These are great...they’re like “Yo Mama” jokes...👍
  10. Well, if Republicans were part of a “Big Lie” it looks like the Dems were in on it too...looks like we’re all screwed...🍻 https://www.warren.senate.gov/oversight/letters/warren-klobuchar-wyden-and-pocan-investigate-vulnerabilities-and-shortcomings-of-election-technology-industry-with-ties-to-private-equity
  11. I thought he was a 2nd/3rd round value and was pissed when the Bills took him, given the better talent that was still on the board, in addition to the fact that Beane has not done well enough with the front 7 to earn my trust...this pick certainly does not help his cause...
  12. On top of that, Governor Cuomo said there would be segregation among the vaccinated/unvaccinated at Yankees and Mets games...my only question is: Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of herd immunity? Not sure if you watched the video...but while testifying, Fauci contradicted himself several times on simple questions...nothing conspiracy about that...
  13. Well, this year should prove if he will be the top dawg moving forward...I, personally, don’t think Singletary is THAT guy...to me, he is a “Patriots” style running back- a dime-a-dozen...I prefer more of a playmaker, a threat to run and catch, not JAG...I have very low expectations for our run game this year, and wouldn’t be surprised if he is not the starter by season’s end...
  14. ...because teams play to stop Allen, not Dingleberry...😉
  15. My thoughts exactly... ps....and there is nothing “motor” about his play...😉
  16. I agree...it was absolutely the worst timing for the Bills... I feel like we were cheated out of our super bowl window...
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