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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. First off, no doubt Trump did not handle the virus perfectly...but the term “absolute bungling” is subjective, because did Trump “absolutely bungle” the virus when he helped to create a vaccine that is now providing herd immunity to the country and the world? Might want to rethink that “absolute bungling” part. (Doesn’t partisanship suck?) 😉 Second, even your partisan friends at CNN and MSNBC had to be dragged kicking and screaming with regards to the lab leak theory...it’s gotten so bad that now you’re considered a conspiracy theorist if you DON’T believe in that possibility...Looks like big tech might need to apologize to all those people they censored and banned last year...Ain’t free speech grand? 👍 And finally, I’d like you to look up a report that the CDC put out last year, which stated that only 6% of the covid deaths being reported were actually due to covid...But I understand if you’re not interested in that because it doesn’t fit your partisan narrative...I’m sure it got little to no play in the MSM...but trust the science, right? 😉 You see, I’m not attacking Biden or Trump on Covid...my beef is with the establishment bureaucrat “experts”, but you’re trying to make it political while I want the truth, regardless...
  2. I’m sure we’ll be able to find it on shelves right next to Cuomo’s book...😂
  3. These are not Liberal protests...they are Marxist protests, and they want to overthrow the Liberal world view... Liberals are actually far closer to conservatives than they are to Marxists...in fact, they are quite opposite...
  4. There is plenty out there, even in this thread alone...but you have to be willing to do your research, because the mainstream media has no incentive of doing it for you (like you would think journalists would want to do).
  5. Well done...I see the establishment corporate media has you right where they want you- an independent thinker...😉
  6. To keep using this excuse after all the info that has come out the passed month shows that you’re not exactly concerned with finding the truth of Covid, but rather scoring political points...best of luck to you...😉
  7. Yes, this is creepy too...you don’t have to defend their behavior just because you might agree with someones politics...creepy is creepy regardless...lol
  8. Biden, seriously, stands a good chance to go down as one of the worst American presidents ever...and not because he is incapable- although I understand why some might argue this... But, simply, his policies seek to benefit everyone else BUT Americans- from oil pipelines, to the boarder, to saying the greatest threat to the country is not China or Russia, but rather domestic white supremacy (oy vey)...it’s almost like he is doing and saying everything our foreign adversaries would sign up for...not very encouraging imho...
  9. This thread is getting very close to the edge...😎
  10. I really gotta move to one of these free states...that’s the kind of country I want to live in...👍
  11. First off, I’m a Democrat...Second, I don’t know anyone against showing ID for guns, including Republicans...Third, proof of vaccination has nothing to do with showing ID that verifies you are who you say you are imo... Its seems you had a conclusion, and tried to work backwards to make your premise fit...
  12. The night is young...time will tell...I have not heard anything about vaccine logos for employees...That’s not to say that it couldn’t happen down the road...our overlords are adamant about getting everyone vaccinated...we should all be praying she stays wrong on this... However, I have heard about passports, and am not too thrilled about it...I think it’s a bit of an over reach for something that’s not that serious imo... At this point, though, I don’t trust a damn word from anybody...Nothing but lies and censorship to this point...unfortunate, but too many things just seem a little shady for my liking...
  13. I agree...But we can find slime balls on both sides all day long...the more important things is to debate ideas imo...👍
  14. “Diversity” and “Inclusion” is actually deceptively used to manipulate the way people think about things...but the fact of the matter is, there is nothing diverse about intentionally excluding certain groups of people...👍
  15. Isn’t kind of strange how white liberals are always trying to tell people of color whether they are “minorities” or not...like Joe Biden telling people they aren’t black unless they act the way HE feels they should...talk about racial superiority... The Left’s true Nazi colors are starting to bleed through...Adolph would be so proud... Take notice, my fellow Liberals...these are the racist wackos taking over our party and our country...and we’re enabling their racism, all in the name of “equality”...It’s a “bait and switch” strategy...Don’t fall for this garbage...
  16. I guess TH3 just gave you yet another example, validating the poll...😉
  17. I disagree with any theory that seeks to organize society based on race...it opposes the Civil Rights Act of 1964...but that’s just me, though...what do I know...
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