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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Well, I agree with half of your first paragraph... You’re right that it can’t bring back the people we have already lost... However, the only way to help prevent another pandemic in the future is finding its root cause, so we don’t make the same mistake again...And finding a problem’s origin is, pretty much, how humanity has always learned to mitigate them, since the dawn of time...so, this logical thinking is nothing new... Therefore, in my opinion, EVERYONE should want to know the origins of Covid...
  2. The buck stops with Trump getting voted out of office... Now that we got that out of the way, do you care about where the virus originated?
  3. Congrats, BillStime! I feel so much smarter now...😂😉😎
  4. Dude, I get it! Trump wasn’t perfect by a long stretch...there are a million threads that discuss all of that ad nauseam...this thread is not one of them...stop trying to hijack this thread for your own agenda... This is not a “Trump vs Democrats on how to handle Covid” thread...but rather one that seeks to find the truth about the ORIGINS of Covid.
  5. And the obsession continues... In a thread about Fauci, you always love to try and make it about Trump... Can you see why having a conversation with you about any topic proves to be pointless, uneventful, and un-enlightening? It’s because you don’t seek truth...and you are blinded from truth by your resentment, hatred, and vengefulness... If I may be so bold, it’s quite unfortunate to see, and makes you no different than the extreme wackos on the Right who worship Trump no matter what...
  6. BillStime, please get a hobby...this obsession with Trump is not healthy, my man...
  7. Reminds me of Jussie Smollett- where it doesn’t matter if you’re lying as long as you’re raising awareness... Smollett and AOC are basically admitting that they are making up stories, that manipulate people’s emotions, just to push an agenda...kinda hard to respect that kind of behavior, regardless what side of the aisle you’re on...
  8. Unfortunately, people, like your friend, cannot get passed the idea that because Trump brought up “Lab Leak” it must be wrong...Trump’s not perfect, but he has been proven right on many things that the Left had dogged him on initially... It’s never good to idolize a leader to the point where you think he can do no wrong...likewise, it is equally just as detrimental to villainize that same leader where you can’t even see his accomplishments...👍
  9. Absolutely! 👍 We all need to be open to the fact that we are not always right in our views...someone else may know something we don’t...
  10. This would be awful imo...we shouldn’t be giving up anything more than a conditional 7th...
  11. If Edmunds win DPOY, the Bills will be Super Bowl champs!
  12. The Pegula’s should sell the team and build a dome for future HOF Josh Allen! 😉
  13. It’s black people like this who are going to end up saving this country- for the SECOND time!!! God bless! 👍
  14. Great find, B-Man... It’s crazy...when I started this thread several weeks ago, little did I know how far down the rabbit hole it would go...amazing, and sad at the same time...
  15. This is terrible...It’s even worse if you think that Biden knows exactly what he’s doing...He couldn’t possibly be that naive not to know, especially after all the security measures we’ve been taking after 9/11...God, forbid there is another major terrorist attack on our soil...
  16. Racism is not limited to one party, ideology, or ethnicity...Democrats and Republicans, progressives and conservatives, blacks and whites, all have had their fair share racists over the years...
  17. I think that the people that call it “arm arrogance” apply a negative connotation (like he shouldn’t be doing it) because they are jealous of our QB... However, I call it “arm talent” because Josh is actually completing throws that no one else can make...👍
  18. How the hell did you know I love that show? Oh...never...mind 😬 But in all seriousness, if you simply read a few of the posts in this thread, or watched some congressional hearings, before posting your pre conditioned auto responses, you would have the answers that you’re not interested in...😉it’s not a coincidence Fauci has changed his tune on “Lab leak”...he was forced to because he was starting to look like an idiot when the the Chinese and other other American scientists admitted Fauci was providing funding for gain of function research in Wuhan...but just like many on the Left, you simply refuse to do the work, and choose to stay willfully ignorant... Thats fine, but I would rather discuss with people are intellectually curious...no offense...👍
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