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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Fair enough about wanting to talk about gun legislation...but your response to Buffalo Timmy was that it was “Fake News” that the shooter’s race wasn’t identified, because the news is not supposed to identify minors- to which I agree... But, to my understanding, the subject matter did not appear to center on gun control... So I responded to your “Fake News” response by, not only giving an example of Buffalo Timmy’s claim of racially biased reporting, but also explaining why it was being done... And then you responded by wanting to focus on gun control instead of the actual topic that the conversation was about- which was the news, purposely, not mentioning the suspect’s race... I don’t understand how this is a “right wing” distraction if biased racial coverage in the news was the topic...Did I miss something?
  2. And this is certainly understandable...however, there have been other instances where the person was an adult and the race was not specified... Like the man who rammed his car into a police barricade in DC, killing 1 police officer and injuring another...the man was black, but the news refused to say, because they follow CRT and Anti-racist ideology, which essentially says that because this man’s group identity is oppressed, we are not going to further oppress that group by reporting that a black man committed a crime... On the flip side, crimes by white people are being highlighted because their identity group are considered oppressors (so, in essence, the media feels they need to be attacked more to knock them down a bit)...whether or not you think it’s right, this sort of “Anti-racist” behavior is actually quite racist because it is not giving equal treatment, in order to protect one group over the other... Unfortunately, this sort of disingenuous biased reporting does so much more bad than good for society imo...and has helped to create a sick hatred for white people, to the point where many minorities feel they can get away with any criminal activity because of their skin color...I remember most people thinking this guy was white, because it was an attack on the capital...but it wasn’t... This is not good for anybody... https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/7064125002
  3. Yes Marxist, straight from the founders’ own mouths...it’s actually quite well documented...However, the people I come into contact with, that support BLM, always seem to be unfamiliar with the deeper agenda...they always seem to say they just like what the name says- to which I agree... But I cannot support BLM organization so long as they are Marxist and so long as they really don’t care about helping black people, if they can’t make it a racial issue against whites... Case in point, both the families of Brianna Taylor and Michael Brown have come out and criticized the organization as frauds, because BLM used them to raise money, but did nothing to actually help them...Meanwhile, hundreds of innocent black people are killed every year at the hands of other blacks, while co-founder Patrice Culloo’s is spending millions, from the organization, on homes for her and her family...they don’t care because it doesn’t further their cause of dividing and tearing down the American system, imo... So I have to side with the families of Brianna Taylor and Michael Brown on this one...I cannot support the ideology or actions of BLM organization, because ALL black lives matter...👍
  4. This is classic CRT strategy...the news purposely doesn’t say the race if it is a minority because they think it hurts minorities...they only say the race if the criminal is white- to further the narrative of white supremacy... But that will have an unintended consequence of making it seem like only white people do bad things...and if, by chance, it is known that a black/brown person committed a crime, it is simply said that white supremacy made them do it anyway... This ideology is going to have majorly devastating effects, long term, on our society, if individuals are not held to account because of their group identity...it goes against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the very foundation upon which our society was built...but, I guess that’s the point of CRT since it is rooted in Marxism...meaning, it doesn’t recognize individual rights, but rather group identity...this is also why it is the opposite of Martin Luther King’s CIVIL RIGHTS movement... CRT is no different than pitting the proletariat (oppressed) against the bourgeois (oppressor)...except you’re using race instead of class (black vs white) to achieve the same goal- which is the overthrow of the American system... ”The road to ruin is paved with good intentions...” ”Compassion without wisdom leads to foolhardiness...”
  5. Left wing propaganda- they can’t just report the news, they have to manufacture consent...
  6. Yes, BLM organization is a lie...it does not support black lives...just ask Brianna Taylor’s family, or Michael Brown’s family- who called them out as frauds...they simply use dead black people as pawns in their Marxist, racist, political crusade to tear down the country...
  7. It doesn’t matter...there are many biological females that are bigger, stronger, or more athletic than many biological males...it doesn’t mean those males should be allowed to compete with females just because they say they are female......it opens a Pandora’s box that could potentially destroy female competition, if allowed to continue... It is good to be compassionate, but compassion without wisdom leads to foolhardiness imo...
  8. The American media is, straight up, propaganda...it’s so blantantly obvious now, it’s ridiculous...they simply do not care about truth or facts (or debate, for that matter)...their goal is to manufacture consent, and silence those who don’t regurgitate the “official” narrative...
  9. Not necessarily...if a Left leaning president wanted to move closer to a “green new deal” and reduce the use of fossil fuels, he might be motivated to do things that would raise the price of gas...this would give the government an opportunity to push forward more “green” energy while gas prices are high...so, I guess you could say there is incentive, on the Left, in causing higher gas prices imo...
  10. You are absolutely correct in questioning what I’m referring to if I misspell a word and the meaning of the sentence can’t be figured out...Absolutely, I would do the same...damn you, English language 🤣 I was definitely referring to Joe’s history of hair sniffing, chest fondling, and thinking that young girls remind him of adult women...I’ve never seen anything like it before...and he just keeps doing it...😬
  11. Not surprising...white Progressives have always had a history of thinking blacks to be inferior- from Woodrow Wilson to Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood), and LBJ to Joe Biden...
  12. Let them audit all they want...we have nothing to worry about since these were the most fair elections in US history...
  13. If I were Republican, I could see Tim Scott doing well...he seems like a positive example for young people (especially young black people)...
  14. I don’t think he scours...I think he gets special delivery every morning...😉
  15. Not exactly...the info, supposedly, has been around since the beginning of the pandemic, but had been downplayed by Fauci, and censored by big tech...millions of people have been either censored or banned from social media the passed year for even suggesting the things that now appear to be true...(This is why free speech is so important btw)... So, it appears it wasn’t that Fauci was changing with new info, but rather that original info started leaking out, forcing Fauci to change position... I think Fauci, trying to save face, is attempting to make it seem like he is adapting as new info comes out...But, I think, as we can see from the video, he keeps talking himself in circles... This does not vindicate Trump’s failures in any way...but it does implicate Dr. Fauci, and potentially, the US government, along with the CCP...
  16. Fauci’s original premise, from the beginning has always been that Covid was a natural occurrence from bat to humans...The title indicates that that premise may be starting to fall apart due to other virologists discrediting Fauci, due to certain Chinese crediting Fauci with his gain of function donations (even though he denies it), and due to Fauci’s own secret emails contradicting what he’s been telling the public... Listen to how Fauci denies doing something, and then in the very next sentence explaining why they are doing the very thing he denied... As more and more comes out, it just seems like there might be a conflict of interest between who was doing the research in Wuhan, and who is trying to cover up why and where the outbreak occurred in the first place...
  17. Yeah, sometimes I just like to drop info and have discussion spark from that, rather than have my own opinion cloud what’s being reported...
  18. My friend, did you watch the video? The entire half hour was about new info that had come out about Covid origins, and how this new info makes Dr. Fauci seem less than forthright about it- at the very minimum...Between that and the title, it seemed pretty self explanatory to me... I’ve heard rumors that the Biden administration is quietly working on an exit strategy...we’ll see if it turns out to be true...
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