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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Good...then maybe she can fun in arts and crafts constructing her own flag...👍
  2. Because, in public debate, we are confident freedom will win every time, and encourage open discussion ..clearly, Marxists do not have the same confidence in their ideology’s success in open debate...hence the need for censorship...👍
  3. There’s lies on both sides...acts of terror on both sides...when both sides do these things they are both wrong...👍 Neither side has a monopoly on righteousness...
  4. Oh? Are you black? Because I really hope you’re not a white dude trying to tell me what my point of view and experience has been or should be- because I do not feel like anything you describe...
  5. It teaches that various identity groups are forever competing to dominate other identity groups...
  6. The golden age of NYC was when Rudy cleaned up that town...Every time the city elects a Leftist mayor, that place turns into a crap hole...and that’s no coincidence, imo...such a shame...
  7. The sad part about CRT is that, even if there is some truth about what it teaches, the prescribed solution (more racism and discrimination) causes people to reject the theory in its entirety...a Furthermore, how does CRT work in countries that aren’t primarily Caucasian? Are Asians the oppressors in predominantly Asian countries? Are blacks the oppressors in predominantly black countries? Are Latinos the oppressors in predominantly Latino countries? And are white people the oppressed?
  8. I think it’s a little more than that...the restrictions against unvaccinated players borders on “solitary confinement”, imo...the penalties seem extraordinarily over the top, to try and coax the players into getting “the poke”... It would suck if he retired, but I like the activism...👍
  9. He can’t because there is no answer...and he knows this...
  10. It is true that conspiracies go both ways...unfortunately, the difference is that only conspiracies on one side are banned on social media, while the other side’s conspiracies are promoted, without evidence... Edit- on top of that, anything the disagrees with the “official narrative” is written off as conspiracy theory (ie Lab leak theory)...
  11. Probably says something about what the media thought of our D-line play last year...😉
  12. Furthermore, why educate when you can indoctrinate? So much easier...
  13. This Greenwald guy is amazing...he’s a liberal, so he has no sympathy for conservative narratives...he’s just a “straight shooter”, the way journalism used to be...👍
  14. I get what you’re saying, and I completely agree that certain things could and should be done to mitigate the violence...I’m not discrediting that argument at all...but I feel you might be discrediting the other argument that is being made- that of racially biased reporting in the main stream media, and the reasons behind it... All I ask is that, whenever you watch reporting on crime on your favorite news network, just jot down how many times the perpetrator mentioned is a black man, and how many times it is white...Do this over the course of a month or two...you may be surprised at what you find, given the percentage of violent crimes that are attributed to various groups...I could even do it with you... And whether I’m wrong or right, wouldn’t it be great to know for sure? What if our preconceived notions are based on fallacies? Or what if this experiment reinforces or previously held beliefs? Either way, it’s a win/win right? 👍
  15. You keep calling ‘people talking about biased news coverage’ a distraction, when the name of the thread is “The American Media Should Not be trusted”... But you keep wanting to bring up the NRA and gun control in a thread that isn’t about that...Is it possible that you might be conducting the very distraction you’re accusing others of? Edit...Sorry BillStime, I don’t mean to be so over the top, but I just couldn’t resist the gif...😉
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