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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Great post... the bolded really reminded of something I once heard from a public speaker...He claimed there were actually 2 forms of racism, but that one was not as well known as the other... (1) The first kind is the kind we always hear about...It’s when someone believes their race to be superior to another race...Therefore that person would look down on others because they were considered less than... (2) The second kind of racism is the kind we don’t often hear about...It’s the kind where someone believes they are inferior to someone else...And as a result they become jealous and resentful, even hateful, towards another ethnic group...(The example the speaker used was the violence that blacks (more than any other ethnic group) perpetrate on the Asian American community. The speaker claims that this “black on Asian” hate comes from Asians coming here with nothing, and eventually (on average) earning higher, per capita, wages than white Americans- dispelling the whole narrative of white supremacy keeping people down...It also further shines a light on the black community, and begs the question- what’s your excuse now? (Now, just to keep it real, the black population in America is wealthier than any other black population around the world...In fact, if you combined the total wealth of black Americans, it would constitute the 15th wealthiest nation On Earth. And that’s after coming through slavery and Jim Crow...so I do feel all the racism talk is a little overblown, to put it mildly.) Completely agree 👍
  2. Ok, that is your opinion, and that is fine, but how do you feel about the OP? That is fine to have that opinion but I want to keep this thread more about discussing the premises of the “racist” claims rather than the politics... I want this thread to be about seeking truth and not about scoring political points...
  3. Well, to be fair, covid did not specifically kill that many people...if you noticed on the data charts, all other causes of death went significantly down over the passed year- not because they were suddenly cured, but because any one who died with covid was listed as dying from covid- a “slight of hand” that the establishment used to, likely, make it seem worse than it was...Also, we know that hospitals were monetarily incentivized to list covid as cause of death...the more covid casualties, the more money received from the government...Fear is a hell of a drug...👍 My grandmother died with covid, not because of covid..she had no symptoms but was put on end of life care in a nursing home...she was 98 years old, with several co morbidities...she needed her drugs to survive but they discontinued treatment, which sped up her death... Listed as cause of death? Covid... -------------------------------------------- A factually correct rebuttal to this post has been placed here: and here: Further discussion or response to this post on either side is likely to constitute general covid-19 discussion beyond the scope of football relevance.
  4. I don’t really want this thread to be about mud slinging, but rather open and honest discussion about how we draw conclusions about racism...The following are just random thoughts and musings of how my brain tries to logically make sense of one of the bigger issues of the day... Premise (2 issues) (1) I never understood people who claimed that only white people could be racist because only they had power...(2) Because then those same people would turn around and say white people were inherently racist, like it was some gene that only white people were born with...But those are two different notions- If white people are born racist, why would they need power to be racist? Let’s examine... Conclusion to issue #1 First of all, if, in order to be racist you must have power, what about in predominantly Asian countries, or Middle Eastern countries, or South American countries? Is a white person, who travels to those countries,” all of a sudden not racist because his race might not be the majority, or not in a position to have power? Furthermore, does that make those majority races racist because they have the power in those regions? And does this, in turn, show that racism and power are two mutually exclusive concepts that may or may not be connected in any given situation? Conclusion to issue #2 Second of all, we all have an ego, which serves to protect the interests of the “self”...therefore, are we ALL not naturally hesitant and unsure of those things/people that seem unfamiliar or different to us, for the sake of self preservation? Does this mean that we are ALL biologically hardwired to be racist? Feel free to discuss...
  5. I support all players wanting to get the vaccine and NOT wanting to get the vaccine...And I am willing to accept whatever outcome that might bring about for our season...Go Bills! 👍
  6. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaacist!!! This dude just virtue signaled all over everyone’s face...and the msm just couldn’t get enough...🤣
  7. Our country is officially systematically racist...against white people... Never thought I would see the day where I, a black man, would be defending them against discrimination and racism...
  8. I thought that it was any opposition to the opposition of CRT was racist...😉 Anyone who labels an entire race of people as oppressors, is racist... if you’re judging people on their identity group instead of their individuality, that is the definition of racism...
  9. Reagan and JFK...2 of my favorite presidents...👍
  10. This was a treat...I think I could be woke, but I enjoy telling jokes that center around racial stereotypes, and individual eccentricities too much...I just feel, as flawed humans, it’s important to be able to laugh at ourselves...after all, we are quite an amusing species...😉 https://youtu.be/jhJDAI7XaAA
  11. This is great...I feel like I’m meeting you all for the first time! 😂🍻
  12. For myself, I’ve decided I’m gender fluid/ Trans pizza...meaning, some nights I feel like a pepperoni pie, and other nights I’m more sausage and mushroom... And my pronouns are “deep dish” and “extra crispy”...😉
  13. Loooove Detroit style...never heard of Forge though
  14. Well, since everyone seems to be coming out, I’ve decided to create my own gender, just to feel current... My pronouns are now “deep dish” and “extra crispy”... For those unfamiliar with what those represent, it means that I identify as gender fluid/trans pizza...because some nights I feel like a pepperoni pie, and other nights I’m more sausage and mushroom...😉
  15. The death of journalism, with no one to challenge power on behalf of the people...
  16. True...there is something for everyone...🤣
  17. You have to tell them that while they think they are doing what is right (by censoring, cancelling, and being racist in the name of anti-racism), they are actually digging their own future graves without even realizing it... They think they are on the right side of history, but what they don’t realize is that that future, they are hoping to help bring about, actually doesn’t include them...it is just using them as pawns until the system gets enough power that it can spit them out too... Ever heard the saying “The Left always eat their own?” Well it’s true...After a while, it just turns into a circular firing squad...Just look at what the transgender ideology is doing to feminism...Just look at how the far Left supports oppressive Muslim nations that push gays off of rooftops...You think if the radical Left ultimately wins that those groups won’t be going to war with each other? But they shouldn’t take my word for it...just listen to the countless voices that fled oppressive, authoritarian, socialist regimes, to come here...those people are now saying they are seeing the same early signs that ultimately destroyed their home countries, and killed millions...the utopia is a lie...
  18. At this moment, in his career? 🤔 I would like to think, at least, a bottom half of the first round pick...but it’s really hard to tell because he really hasn’t done much to stand out...potential is still there, but who knows?
  19. Tua is such a wildcard to me...in order to be good, I can’t help but think he will need a west coast style offense, that centers around short to intermediate routes, in order to even have a chance (like Steve Young played in)...and even then, does he have the killer instinct? Is he a leader of men? I have no idea... I’ll tell ya this though- I don’t like how the coach kept pulling him in close games...those are great learning opportunities...either keep him on the bench for the year, or leave him in, once the the decision has been made to play him imo...
  20. Just a hunch, but I think Mac Jones is gonna be good...Not so much for the Jets’ QB...
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