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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. That’s because CNN does not care about black lives... What’s another 100 deaths every weekend, as long it doesn’t get in the way of their agenda? The more negativity, hatred, and divisiveness in the country, the better...that way more and more people will want to tear down “the system”... It’s sad, I have a brother-in-law who agrees with all that stuff...when I share some insight, that he won’t hear on CNN, he agrees with 90% of what I say...he’s a black man, living in a $500,000 house, with 3 cars and wants to tear the country down...I say to him, “Don’t you realize that you’re living the American dream- and that if the country gets torn apart, you can say goodbye to that lifestyle?” He doesn’t get it...
  2. That’s because the “goal of increasing diversity” is a facade so that people will go along, and willingly give up their individual liberties... I give them credit- the Left is very smart, strategically...but once you understand their tactics and goals, they can be read like a book...Unfortunately, not much of the American public has the intellectual curiosity to fully grasp what’s going on...nor do they know history...
  3. Got nothing against Nancy, but I really couldn’t care less...
  4. At worst, I could see Rousseau busting...Basham I could see bottoming out as an adequate rotational player...
  5. Sounds good in theory, but what constitutes a living wage- especially when the cost of living varies from state to state?
  6. You’d be surprised how many brainwashed people there are out there... I live a very modest lifestyle, and even I know that I wouldn’t have any of it in a socialist country...Grateful to be an American!
  7. Ooo...you stepped in that one...🙃
  8. “Pay no attention to man behind the curtain...” 😉
  9. Sigh...the road to ruin is paved with good intentions...
  10. Maybe not legislative, but they were attacks against the judicial and executive branches, with violence and destruction being perpetrated against federal buildings, courthouses and law enforcement, routinely (for several months in some places). Innocent citizens were harassed, pulled from vehicles, some beaten in the streets, and some even shot... If we are going to be fair, we cannot deny that those were intentional acts of aggression, carried out by people whose stated objective is to bring about violent “revolution” against our constitutional republic... These same “revolutionaries” erect statues of Vladimir Lenin in NYC and Seattle, and march with a hammer and sickle flag, while they tear down statues of Washington and Frederick Douglass, and burn the red, white, and blue...yet no one cares to have a commission on that? That’s a hard sell for me, my friend...
  11. Is the new strategy to have a commission/impeachment before every election? I guess I would respect it more if there were commissions into last summer’s insurrections as well...until then, this is just partisan imo...👍
  12. I don’t know...I actually think he’s got a chance to be better than Trump because he’s not as crazy...
  13. I don’t know much about the NYC mayoral race, but there seems to be a trend happening... Summer 2016... Complaints that Democrat primaries were rigged to allow Hillary to beat Bernie Winter 2020...Democrat primaries at the Iowa Caucus has major malfunction in vote counting as it seemed like Bernie was going to win...until he didn’t...again... Fall 2020...Several irregularities taking place in multiple battle ground state counties with regards to vote counting in presidential election... Summer 2021...Irregularities at NYC Democrat Mayoral primaries with extra votes being mistakenly added... You don’t have to be a partisan to see that all these “irregularities” seem to be happening on a particular side...without drawing any definitive conclusions, it does stand out as a bit odd...
  14. Totally agree that it seems to be more about class than race...and might even add “culture” to that as well...There is a reason that most (if not all) of the police brutality/homicides we see, of minorities, are of low income, low educated people, as opposed to middle/upper class black people...
  15. May he Rest In Peace...but his Neo-Con policies won’t be missed...
  16. Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day... Teach a man to fish, and he will eat the rest of his life...👍
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