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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I actually agree with a lot of what you say...where we start to go into different directions are the ideologies of “Anti-racism” and “white privilege/white fragility”...while, technically, CRT is the study of race, and it’s impact on law or culture, these other ideologies mentioned are born out of CRT, acting as the remedy, or solution, to the “problem”... Here is a short video that might add some insight, while rebutting the notion that CRT is just a legal study (Introduction to CRT)...
  2. No...I attribute poverty to culture, not race...why? because there are plenty of educated blacks, who live a more civilized culture, and are very successful...then there are the gang banging, or low educated, drug dealing thugs that terrorize urban communities... And that goes for white people too...not all whites are successful just for being white...there is a red neck culture that holds them back too...no difference
  3. I wouldn’t mind trying a 2-3 term limit for both House and Senate members...Seems to work well for presidents, maybe it could do the same for Congress... I’m also interested in seeing congressional salaries cut in half...they should be there to serve, not to enrich... And I’m open to hearing arguments for public funding for candidates running for office...
  4. Well, of course the Left would like for the Republicans to adopt a more Marxist approach...Lol...then we could all be one big, poor and miserable socialist family together- trying to breakout and escape to a newly freed Cuba...😉 Well, Homey don’t play dat...👍
  5. Unfortunately, one party rule is not gonna good for anyone...(see Nazi party, or Chinese Communist Party)...
  6. Ideally, no guns...but because we are human, more guns...
  7. While Trump didn’t always help with his rhetoric, I don’t think the division was started by him...Trump was the symptom- a reaction to a divide that started taking place long before Trump got in office... When you have educators teaching that America is a bad place, that white people are the devil, and that blacks are condemned to an infinite future of oppression because they just aren’t good enough, that’s gonna divide some people...it’s very dark and not very encouraging, to say the least... I just don’t like the direction we are heading at all...I miss the 80s/90s...This “new normal” sucks!
  8. It’s delusional...a majority of blacks are for voter ID...looks like Joe is the one suppressing the will of minorities...
  9. I love hearing what everyone has to say...however, the thing I take issue with is when something is said that you don’t agree with, you just assume they are white racists...you don’t seem to understand that many of those people are minorities of every race, who don’t like stereotyping a whole race with a negative label- even if it isn’t their race... Those people, like myself, believe in being the change you want to see, not being what you don’t want...Being racist doesn’t not get rid of racism, it only breeds more...and that’s why I’m against CRT... Ive never seen so much blatant hatred in my life.... -People fear what they don’t know -People begin to hate what they fear -People seek to destroy what they hate... I truly believe people are being taught to hate in America, and it’s extremely divisive and dangerous imo...
  10. I don’t think I am at all...in fact, I’m blessed...and I’m so grateful for the sacrifices and hardships my ancestors went through so that I could enjoy this wonderful country...And I’m so grateful to all the white people who helped in their liberation... I would much rather be here than Africa- that’s for damn sure! 👍🤣🤣😉
  11. I’ll give you one guess how I know you are wrong about that...😉
  12. https://tatumreport.com/marc-lamont-hill-claims-believes-white-people-racist/ If someone believes ALL white people are racist, and that all racists must be destroyed unless they “bend over”, there can be only one outcome imo... This is insanity! Either we are ALL, inherently, racist, because we are biologically hardwired that way, due to our egos- or individuals in ANY race can learn to be racist... But, you will never convince me that ONLY one race is inherently racist...to me, that’s no different than racists, generations ago, saying blacks were inherently evil, because they were cursed by God to have dark skin... so stupid...
  13. Yup...and I’m sure the communist government is calling it misinformation too...sound familiar? Hopefully, this is just what Americans needed to see to wake them up out of their hypnosis...
  14. American media is total propaganda on Cuba...they simply refuse to say Cubans are protesting their Communist dictatorship- even when there are signs everywhere in the streets...Dems are also drawing their line in the sand, and it’s not very encouraging... Where have you gone, John F. Kennedy...
  15. I wonder if LeBron will be wearing a “Free Cuba” social justice patch on his jersey next season...🤔😎🍻
  16. Gotta admit, I chuckled a little...lol
  17. This is just silly...people can say they are going to time travel- doesn’t mean it’s going to happen...I think the Right needs to really let the whole Trump thing go...it’s not going to help their cause imo...
  18. I don’t know what I hate talking about more- our weak running game or our weak TE’s....either way, I see both holding this offense back from reaching it’s true potential...
  19. Not sure, but I hear Trent Edmunds is a sleeper pick at TE...stay tuned...😉
  20. Is this supposed to be sarcasm? Because the source referenced is CNN...serious question...
  21. I think DiSantis would make a very formidable candidate...therefore, I’m hoping Trump decides not to run...To be a good leader, you need to be a good communicator, and Trump is not that...
  22. That’s because CNN does not care about black lives... What’s another 100 deaths every weekend, as long it doesn’t get in the way of their agenda? The more negativity, hatred, and divisiveness in the country, the better...that way more and more people will want to tear down “the system”... It’s sad, I have a brother-in-law who agrees with all that stuff...when I share some insight, that he won’t hear on CNN, he agrees with 90% of what I say...he’s a black man, living in a $500,000 house, with 3 cars and wants to tear the country down...I say to him, “Don’t you realize that you’re living the American dream- and that if the country gets torn apart, you can say goodbye to that lifestyle?” He doesn’t get it...
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