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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Anyone calling for mandated vaccines is just silly...clearly, you are the target audience of the authoritarian establishment...congrats on your blind obedience...😉
  2. It’s time to mandate the end of mandating vaccines...😉
  3. Yes, let’s get some pics of her up on here, ASAP please! 😉 In fact, we should have Bills hot wife tournament, where we all vote and the winners advance in the bracket...👍
  4. Ya know, I wouldn’t be surprised if he makes a blues album...he’s dabbled in just about every other genre, so I could see him doing something like that next...👍
  5. Lol...No way, man...I grew up in the 80s, so I really enjoyed it...thought he reinvented himself again....I also appreciated the quirky irony of the album...just seemed like he had fun making this record- and not taking himself too seriously...👍
  6. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9630737/Fauci-said-benefits-gain-function-outweigh-risks-potential-pandemic.html Sooooo....
  7. Should’ve called themselves the Cleveland Americans imo...😉
  8. A “throwback” album that samples many 80s sounds...songs are very catchy, with excellent guitar, and lyrics...very enjoyable if you’re just relaxing or driving around with the windows down...👍
  9. Just means we get a higher draft pick for him next offseason...👍
  10. Wow...that’s literally the first fact check I have seen go against a Democrat/Leftist...
  11. I say trade him after the season when he will likely be at top value...
  12. BillStime, you should read some Glen Greenwald...he’s a Lefty just like you- but he’s able to think rationally because he doesn’t allow TDS to cloud his judgement...he’s very fair and balanced, and calls out both sides...👍
  13. 🤣🤣🤣 Fauci has become an SNL caricature of himself, who seems to have a hard time keeping up with his own lies...I will never believe a word this fool says...
  14. Exactly...in fact, one could argue there is plenty of incentive to release a virus intentionally...all you have to do is look at the results, and follow the money, and you’ll have your answer why...
  15. Covid will always be around, regardless of how many people get vaccinated imo... And just remember, “they” create the problem so they can sell you the solution...
  16. Well, the video states that the state senate is still waiting for an explanation...so it might be nothing or it might be something...we don’t fully know yet... However there were several other issues brought up too that seem little weird...one of which is that, supposedly, right after the election, roughly 20,000 people were purged from the voter rolls after they had voted...again, may be legit, but definitely needs an explanation...👍
  17. I agree, the 2020 election shouldn’t be overturned...that being said, I think the results of the audit should provide momentum, to the states, in ensuring voter integrity... I’m actually quite shocked by these results...I always thought there was some fraud, as there is every election...but never did I think it was this bad...
  18. If this doesn’t prove the media is fake, I don’t know what will...It’s so painfully obvious at this point...😒
  19. I’m just jerkin’ your chain...lol...sometimes, with all the seriousness, I like to lighten it up a bit...and you always seem to be a good sport about it...👍
  20. Well, there are many who don’t believe as we do about the elections...because of that, it may be worth the money just to convince them, so we can move on... Plus, hundreds of billions of dollars are wasted every year, anyway...what’s another couple of million, if it means saving the union...👍
  21. Oh Tibs, you are too adorable...😉 Wait, they use Dominion too, right? 👻😉
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