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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Here’s the latest video off of Sob Rock from Mayer...love the cliches all throughout...with the 80s, you can’t take yourself too seriously...and I think Mayor does a good job here, while delivering a catchy pop tune (ala Steve Winwood or Don Henley)...
  2. He wanted me to let you know it wasn’t intentional...👍
  3. ....and people will continue to die til the end of time... You sure I’m the moran? Might wanna change science books...😉
  4. Everyone uses science when it fits their narrative- EVERYONE!
  5. I’m not a part of the teachers union, but I have no problem teaching in person if others will not...
  6. Meh...I think we are arguing semantics...I think we are gonna have to agree to disagree on this one...👍
  7. Beasley is currently an All-pro...all those other points you’re attempting to make are moot...
  8. Lol...brought to you by Jussie Smollett... 🤣🤣 I’m surprised the “reporter” didn’t mention all the nooses Fox keeps in the break room...😉 ”A” for effort BillStime...👍
  9. If Beasley doesn’t play, this offense will not be as good imo...you don’t just replace an All-pro with the next man up...
  10. True...here’s another just in case...😉 https://dailycaller.com/2021/07/23/nsa-admits-unmasking-tucker-carlsons-identity/
  11. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/fauci-argued-benefits-of-gain-of-function-research-outweighed-pandemic-risk-in-2012-paper/
  12. Whenever someone dies from Covid, just remember Fauci once said that it’s worth it, so long as he was able to do his gain of function research...just let that sink in for moment... How anyone can trust this guy is beyond me, especially when he’s been working with Bill Gates since day 1- who just so happens to have a patent for the vaccine...wonder how much Fauci is getting, in kick backs, for the free advertising...
  13. I’m so confused what you’re attempting to convey with this post...and who is Bonnie?
  14. Good...and while you’re at it, you can fix my chimney...😉
  15. I agree...but the authoritarian/fascist Left can’t help themselves...the lust for power and control is like a drug they can’t resist...and they’d love nothing more than to “put people in their place.” We must all fight this as much as possible...for, if this domino falls, the radical Left will move onto the next item on the agenda, and then the next, until, what’s left of our free society, has collapsed into tyranny... Shutting down churches, snitching on your neighbors, censorship of info that disagrees with the State, forced vaccination, spying on journalists, taking your guns, seizing your property..so on and so on...
  16. Virtue signaling has to be one of the most unattractive traits in human beings imo...
  17. Hey, if you wanna support fascism, that’s on you...but you’ll get no such luck from me...
  18. Kinda creepy how matter-of-fact they are about “rounding people up”...the blood lust for power is quite palpable...
  19. I appreciate the well thought out response... I guess I don’t understand the logic in taking the vaccine, if people are still living in fear of others...Isn’t the whole point of it to live your life without being afraid of Covid? I have no problem with people taking the vaccine or not...clearly, those who don’t are aware of potential repercussions...So why the authoritarianism from those who are vaccinated? This is a very slippery slope to go down, especially if you are aware of history, and understand that our government has lied us into every major war in my lifetime, and been less then forthcoming about every other major event...I mean, just look how many times Fauci has lied about Covid, just by himself... And remember, every time the government censors information or tries to force us to go along with something, they always say it’s for our protection...”But we have to take away your rights- after all, its for your protection.”
  20. If you buy that, then clearly you don’t understand that these viruses are being manufactured...and so long as we keep buying the establishment narrative, they will keep pumping out new viruses whether we take the vaccines or not... they know they have won the psychological war, so there is no reason for them to stop now... I simply refuse to play the “fear” game they are pushing...and if it means they kill me in the process, so be it...that will just be blood on their hands, and I will be able to “exit stage left” before the world really goes to hell in a handbag... And remember, people who have taken the vaccine shouldn’t fear the virus, right? Funny how those people seem to be the most afraid...sad...
  21. Anyone calling for mandated vaccines is just silly...clearly, you are the target audience of the authoritarian establishment...congrats on your blind obedience...😉
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