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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Ummm...yeah...these people do not represent me...they have a deep seeded self loathing in their souls that, negatively, projects out onto everyone around them... Someone could give them everything in the world, and they would probably still find a reason to be bitter and resentful...
  2. We are well past that, and things are getting noticeably worse- borderline fascistic, with the collaboration of big corporations, the media, and the State...not good...
  3. Tibs is a good dude...he is always looking out for people...
  4. I was referring to fake news, indoctrination and censorship being reflective of what America has become in 2021... I wasn’t singling any posters out, but rather making a general observation about the dark authoritarian path we are sliding down...
  5. Can’t argue with DeSantis’ decision on this one...I like the freedom of choice he is giving families...
  6. I think it’s just to illustrate how everything is rigged, and you can’t believe anything you hear or read... We now live in a world of fake news, indoctrination and censorship...welcome to “the new normal” America...
  7. Pegulas should sell the Sabres ASAP if they need funds...I’m sure Buffalonians would gladly sacrifice that dumpster fire of a franchise to save a potential world championship franchise in the Bills...
  8. Sounds good to me...I’m actually curious to see if he can prove me wrong, myself...👍
  9. I never said I was upset...just didnt like the prospect, and thought it was a wasted pick...
  10. No energy required...it was just a pick you always knew had absolutely zero chance of ever making the team...basically a throw away, just to say you took a developmental QB prospect...
  11. I hated the Fromm pick since day 1...knew it was only a matter of time til he was out of the league...Just never seemed like NFL quality...
  12. This is so true about the fear factor scaring people into going to the hospital...people used to get sick all the time and not think twice about taking medicine and resting, and moving on...now, any little sickness and people think they are going to die...there definitely is a fear factor that has been put on the public, no question..
  13. 2 simple questions...forgive me if I’m a little slow... (1) Why mandate vaccination if it doesn’t work against the Delta variant? (2) And if it does work against Delta, why mandate masks for the vaccinated?
  14. Society was getting better too quickly...they needed to do something fast to reassert their authoritarian grip on people once again... If there is something to take away from all this- just remember, the authoritarian Left are the same people who produced Jussie Smollett- meaning they are willing to “distort” anything to further their agenda and control...
  15. I’m not a “party”... nor am I referring to a particular party...I probably should have specified with “these types of people”...
  16. These people live their lives gripped by fear...I wouldn’t wish that mentality on my worst enemy...
  17. As of right now, I do not feel like the Bills have to worry about another team plucking Hodgins from our practice squad and signing him to their 53...he was taken at the bottom of the draft and has shown nothing on tape to date...of course he could impress in the preseason, but right now he has nothing to show...
  18. Apparently, he was only back for the snacks...👍
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