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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Hey BillStime, just to get a better understanding of where you’re coming from, if the Jan. 6 protesters are on one side, and Antifa & BLM are on another, do you think one side is more dangerous than the other, or do you think they are equally dangerous?
  2. I would have to agree with this...while the violence that day was criminal, and should be prosecuted, I don’t think it compares to Antifa and BLM, whose stated goals is to overthrow the US Constitution- and who are allowed to get away with just about anything...why is there no investigations into groups wanting to overthrow the country? This is madness... My thing is, I just want fairness and balance under the law- not this double standard we are seeing, just because it happens to line up with a particular political point of view...as citizens of a democracy, we have to hold ourselves accountable...otherwise it’s not gonna work...there will just be constant infighting...but people just don’t seem to care anymore...
  3. Plus, it seems that the country may have herd immunity from the original Covid 19, as it is the Delta variant that is going around now...but, based on reports, the Vaccine does not appear to protect people as well against Delta- which makes it curious why people would want to mandate it now- if your following the science...
  4. I don’t think we do, nor do we need to...both McKenzie and Koom play ST...stash the young guys on practice squad until needed...save the extra roster spot for the trenches...👍
  5. I wonder if his college coach knew he couldn’t catch consistently, and that that was the main reason he didn’t get many opportunities...🤔
  6. Eff Dawson Knox...dude can kick rocks, as far as I’m concerned...This train is leaving the station with or without him...
  7. That sounds pretty cool...I’ve often talked about wanting to be a strategist...my biased mind always seems to think I can come up better ways to market ideas...😉
  8. I liked a lot of Trump’s policies, but I just feel he is too much of a lightning rod for the Left...and he will bring the Left to the polls like Hillary brought the Right to the polls...DeSantis seems more rational and level headed, while still pushing for similar policies...
  9. Just found something interesting... https://www.verywellhealth.com/cdc-report-vaccinated-breakthrough-infections-5195483 The report in the article seems to suggest that vaccinated people are just as dangerous as the unvaccinated... This would seem to make sense with why vaccinated people are being made to wear masks...too bad the NFL hasn’t caught onto this latest info...I think all players should be held to the same standard if the virus can be equally spread...but maybe I’m wrong...
  10. I see Heath Mayo’s post as 50/50 when it comes to “truth”...he has some legit points, but conservatives are not a monolith... Mayo may not agree with some of the concerns of conservatives...but it does not delegitimize those concerns just because he doesn’t want them to be true... Both the Left and Right have some extremist wackos, and they also have genuine truth seekers...
  11. This is just silly...many Hispanic immigrants are conservative because they are either Catholic or fled authoritarian regimes... And everyone knows there are serious immigration issues going on right now...so, it’s a little disingenuous to ignore them just because it doesn’t happen to further Heath Mayo’s particular agenda at the moment... Furthermore, I have not heard anyone on the Left say that non citizens shouldn’t be allowed to vote...All I keep hearing is that “ALL votes should be counted” and that they are against voter ID...🤔
  12. I’m sure the plan is to have constant variants (made in the lab) coming out over the next decade...I’m sure there will be several vaccines that they will try to force everyone to take because of the different “mutations”... Whatever it takes to help create a new global economy based on elitist authoritarian rule...welcome to the “new normal”...
  13. How long can they hold out before a vote can be forced? This whole thing is so childish, and sets a dangerous precedent...
  14. If I didn’t know it was American media, I would have thought it was Chinese propaganda...American msm has become “the enemy within”... You simply cannot have ideologically driven journalists pushing their own agenda in a free democracy...
  15. I really hope he can turn into our breakout DE for years to come...him with AJ, GR, and BB would be an excellent future rotation...
  16. This is because the politicians they support keep vilifying the unvaccinated...
  17. Some people like to be controlled...some people like the idea of controlling others...both give the illusion of feeling safe...
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