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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Yup...even Fox News is corporate establishment news and should be taken with a grain of salt as well...I will add that, overall, they do tend to get it right more than CNN and MSNBC, but they are “establishment” and will only go so far...
  2. It might have been that collision at the end of practice with Hyde yesterday...just speculation though
  3. It’s like getting into a car accident and then suing the DMV because they gave you a drivers license...😂
  4. Not if teams were offering draft picks...his reputation was getting compensation for good players before their contracts expired...
  5. If the Bills are forward thinking enough (like Belichick) they don’t have to let ether walk...
  6. Wow...that’s extremely low...I thought it would be a lot higher considering all the hype in the media...
  7. Looks like some people won’t be returning to their home state any time soon...so much for Christmas with the family...lol...
  8. When you’re a person that doesn’t think you’re capable of ever being a Nazi, you’re never on the lookout, to safeguard yourself against that outcome- meaning, those people are normally the first to succumb to that ideology without even realizing it...
  9. Whatever man...I’m not gonna go round in circles with you when you refuse to stay on topic... If you wanna talk Florida and Texas governors, start a thread and we will talk there about it... Otherwise, you don’t appear to have anything substantive to say on this topic, unfortunately...
  10. There’s no outrage my man...but people are laughing at them because no one is forcing them to stay away from their families...it’s their choice...that’s why it’s funny...don’t you get that? It’s ok to laugh at the ridiculousness of politicians...👍
  11. Yup, and we might be in a similar situation with Oliver if he doesn’t step up big time...
  12. If the Bills can’t get him on a BARGAIN extension after the season, trade him to the highest bidder before next years draft...👍
  13. I have no issue with what the Texas Dems are doing...I just find it funny that they are trying to blame someone else for what they, themselves, chose to do...they kind of lose some credibility by doing it... If you really believe in your cause then go through with it, and take what ever consequences come...because by not doing so you give off the impression that you’re not willing to sacrifice for your cause- thereby showing you might no believe in it as much...
  14. If you always insist that any and all criticism of your political ideology is invalid because it only comes from people that are in a cult, that’s not very rational thinking... What about the people in the Democrat Party who disagree with what the Texas Dems are doing? Are they in a cult too?
  15. Then, honestly, you’re really no different than the cult you claim to despise- just from the other end of the spectrum... The issue in this thread should be a slam dunk to criticize...that’s what makes the Dem’s lawsuit so comical, regardless where you stand politically-the lack of accountability for their own actions...
  16. Why can’t you just judge each issue on a case by case basis? Why do you always seem to bring up other issues to excuse the current issue in a particular thread? If people cannot critique their own party, ideology, or political leaning when it fails (and ALL sides will continue to fail), then nobody can ever have genuine conversation about the issues anymore...seeking truth stops being the motivation...👍
  17. It’s amazing how people support this fake garbage...
  18. Most black people don’t even like her...😂
  19. I see...do you think both Left and Right contain cult like conspiracy theorists, or just the Right?
  20. Because maybe this whole fiasco has nothing to do with viruses or vaccines? 🤔
  21. What’s the difference between the two? How can you tell a Republican from “GQP”?
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