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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. A couple of points to consider to get conversation started? 1- Is this considered an outgrowth of CRT? 2- Would white supremacists agree with the segregation being conducted in the Atlanta public schools? 3- What does it mean when black people are advocating for policies that have traditionally been promoted by white supremacists? 4- Is this segregation of the races supposed to be considered progress? 5- How is the country supposed to unify if kids are being taught to separate from each other? Feel free to add other points as well...👍
  2. Obada will be our top DE by the end of the season imo...👍 I think they may have wanted to in the 1st, but one got taken right before their pick... I was kind of hoping that after picking GR in the first, they would have traded down, like Beane had mentioned, and taken CB or DT
  3. Political theater, probably why it feels like an SNL skit...the comedy of the whole thing is that people on the Left don’t seem to realize that the Texas Dems are dunking on themselves by doing the lawsuit...😂
  4. Again, I’m open to being persuaded by you, but you have to illustrate to me that something he said is wrong...you can’t just call someone a “hack” and expect to change my mind... show me something and I might agree with you..,👍 What don’t you agree with in his video?
  5. So? He may be conservative...but is anything he is saying wrong? I don’t agree with everything he says, but he seems pretty spot on with this one...I listen to people of all sorts of political persuasions... You can’t just dismiss people because you may disagree with them politically...you might be missing out on a lot of truth due to arrogance and ego...
  6. This is a big year for him...if he can’t prove himself, the Bills might find themselves having to spend another high pick on OG...
  7. I have to admit, it is difficult to take anything you post at face value...you have shown, time and again, that you are about playing politics- and not about seeking truth- which is fine...but your info just always needs to be vetted...
  8. There’s only one thing left to do so we don’t boil to death- make more ice cubes!!! 🤔
  9. Just because it’s not mandated doesn’t mean people still can’t get the shot, if the want...there’s not a ban on getting the vaccine...I think people misconstrue the two...
  10. Funny, I told the nurse she had to kiss me first...😘 Needless to say, I didn’t get the jab that day...🤔
  11. Everyone is blinded by fear, gripped with panic, and willing to sell their souls for the illusion of security... “People comply because they want it to end...but it will never end because people comply...”
  12. No use speaking logic to them... they are immune...😉
  13. I already told you where I got some of my info- in the post you just quoted...👍 Another topic for you to research is Agenda 21...
  14. I agree...unfortunately I don’t think the administration cares...they’ve shown they hate half the country and they know they have the msm spinning their narrative for them anyway...
  15. Do your research...world agencies are not hiding this...there is a plan in place to bring the CCP’s social credit system to America...According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the goal is to have eliminated private property and all privacy by 2030...that’s not me saying that, but the IMF’s website... Thats why they are using covid to override the constitution to implement the plan...that is also why the middle class is being intentionally destroyed... When we brought China into the global economy in the early 90s the hope was that the taste of capitalism would make them want democracy... Instead the opposite happened. Our leaders got a taste of their authoritarianism and decided they liked that better...
  16. Good luck with getting people to relax, SoCal...people are out for blood...people have been made to be so fearful, they are in “fight or flight” mode, unfortunately...
  17. Lol...Not sure about all that lizard people stuff, but Fauci did say that even if a pandemic got started, the research was still worth it...😉
  18. I’m sure Fauci and the NIH have the next 5 variants locked and loaded, and ready to go...they won’t stop until the global economy is knocked into oblivion, and we are persuaded that the only way out is to live under a Chinese style authoritarian one world government...one elite ruling class, and one giant subservient lower class- The New Normal... I can see BillStime now, “But...but...but I thought we were working towards social justice...” 🤣🤣🤣 Nope...we all slaves now, biatch! 😉
  19. Yup...even Fox News is corporate establishment news and should be taken with a grain of salt as well...I will add that, overall, they do tend to get it right more than CNN and MSNBC, but they are “establishment” and will only go so far...
  20. It might have been that collision at the end of practice with Hyde yesterday...just speculation though
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