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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Oh, I’m trusting the science- that’s what is keeping me skeptical of government power- they keep contradicting the science...
  2. Once everyone realizes that it’s never been about the vaccine, but rather a means to an end to change society as a whole, the better off we will all be... Thats what that uneasy feeling, inside, is telling you, when our officials are constantly contradicting themselves...trust your instincts and always stay skeptical of government power...👍
  3. Yup, we are probably just going to have to live with it like other viruses...But at least I feel better knowing that Fauci said his research was worth it, so...😒
  4. I understand this guy’s frustration, but I really hate seeing stuff like this...while I respect people’s freedom to choose, he really hurts his cause by acting like a douche bag...people need to just live and let live...
  5. Kamala is right...people will pin the boarder on her...🤣
  6. The Left May be up to something imo...I don’t trust all the coordinated attacks on Biden from the msm...they might be trying to do to Biden what they did to Cuomo...rumor has it, they are trying to clear the way for Kamala...stay tuned...😉
  7. Didn’t you know the greatest threat to America’s freedom is white supremacy? Duh...😉
  8. Man, I had high hopes for Sweeney... hope it’s not too long term...
  9. I understand what you’re saying, but we’re not talking about inanimate objects in this case...we are not talking about soft tissue injuries induced by the player, himself...we’re talking about a collision by two players that was unnecessary, and that could have easily been avoided... Now we risk having our all-pro receiver out indefinitely because our vet safety felt he needed to play with some “swag”, as LeGOATski put it...great... If you are down with that, that’s fine- you are entitled to your opinion...but I am not down with that, especially if it ends up costing us regular season games- or worse, Diggs missing the season due to needing surgery...I know, call me crazy- but stuff like that happens...
  10. Apparently not clean enough if Diggs is going on his second week of being out...gotta know better, otherwise the team suffers...
  11. I’m still pissed at Hyde for going at Diggs that hard in practice...It’s almost like doing it to a Josh Allen...you gotta lay off your star players...
  12. Because there are some people who feel that, in order to be sympathetic to other people’s diversity, they shouldn’t be held to the same standard of law and order... But don’t get me wrong...there are many forms of diversity that are great...But “diversity” just for diversity sake can be quite detrimental in certain circumstances...
  13. Depends what kind of diversity...Diversity that brings more crime, and destroys the family is not the kind of diversity we should strive for...
  14. Funny, I thought he was running well, broke 3 tackles on that one tough run to pick up 8 or 9...the run inside the 20 was nice too...I like his scrappy style...
  15. I have to agree...unless I missed something, the questions seemed fairly innocent enough...
  16. This is a good point...sometimes people do segregate in certain situations...I think the difference in this particular instance, however, is that the state (ie public school) is mandating segregation against people’s will...The mother made clear she did not want her child segregated from the other students, and the school would not oblige her...
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