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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I foresee Knox making a huge drop in the super bowl...we need to drop his ass, ASAP, before he kills us...
  2. But what about all the Trump voters who also voted for Obama...🤔🤯
  3. Lol...civil rights? Isn’t that another name for individual liberty? 😎 I thought the modern Left didn’t believe in that...😉
  4. Was the vaccine ever intended to stop the contracting/spread of the virus? I always thought the vaccine was only intended to mitigate symptoms... And, if the vaccine was never intended to stop the contracting/spread of the virus, why is it labeled as a “breakthrough” if it is contracted? Just kind of seems like word manipulation to me to create a narrative about the vaccine that may not be true... Honest questions and thoughts...feel free to correct me if I’m wrong...
  5. Exactly...if anything, the media actually covers for him... If they treated Biden like they treated Trump, Biden’s approval might be in the 30s... I can’t think of anything he’s done well so far...He’s actually lucky he has Kamala as his VP- it actually makes him look half competent...😂🍻
  6. Calling it now- Biden will end up a worse president than Trump...😎
  7. Gotta love the 46% that still approve of Biden failing on EVERY issue he touches...😂🤣
  8. Yup...just keep a beer to your lips the whole time instead of a mask...😉
  9. Thank you, Dr. Fauci...I hope you make a lot of money on vaccines...
  10. Well, they are gonna have to be removed from the public sooner or later...Obviously it won’t be Auschwitz, specifically...But the concept remains- camps will need to be made...we can no longer allow the filthy anti-vaxxers to roam the streets of civilized society...👍
  11. This is so much more hopeful and motivating than the hate and destruction BLM stands for...👍
  12. Nah...I’d rather have Fromm on the practice squad than Rosen...duces! ✌️
  13. It’s probably a sprain...unless it’s not...🤔
  14. So great to hear that Allen keeps excelling, especially without Diggs in there...this has to give him so much confidence, that he doesn’t need to rely on Diggs, if he he is ever out for a period of time...👍
  15. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/fauci-argued-benefits-of-gain-of-function-research-outweighed-pandemic-risk-in-2012-paper/ “In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario – however remote – should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision? Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky. Within the research community, many have expressed concern that important research progress could come to a halt just because of the fear that someone, somewhere, might attempt to replicate these experiments sloppily. This is a valid concern.” _____________________________________ Next, I agree with you, that Trump may have politicized the virus when he said it would be gone sooner than it would be...he said it was to keep panic down, but it also may have been to mitigate damage to his re-election chances... But, to be fair, it was also Biden and Kamala who were the original vaccine hesitant people when they voiced skepticism about taking the “Trump vaccine” when it was the pharmaceutical companies making it, not Trump...so there was politicization on both sides...
  16. I disagree...clearly no one can compare the murder of millions to anything else...However, in this case, I’m referring to the psychology of what it takes to seduce a population by state run agencies and media censorship, like SCBills said...in that sense, I think it’s perfectly reasonable... After all, it would be very wise for people to study and know about that aspect of coercion, to guard against it in the future...so it’s necessary to see the warning signs and point them out whenever possible imo... And while yes, this is a public health crisis, the man pushing the solution is the very man who helped to creat this crisis in the first place...and the same man who also said, back in a 2012 paper of his, that even if his research caused a pandemic, it was worth it... Let that sink in for a moment... So there is no way I can ever trust these SOB’s...👍
  17. Always amazes me that it’s the vaccinated (who are supposedly protected) who are the most fearful and authoritarian/totalitarian...while the unvaccinated are fully aware of their choices and are willing to accept the risk and their fate... This is likely a glimpse into how your average German citizen was suduced by the authoritarianism of the Nazi party...they were scared to death because of the propaganda Hitler and the national media was spewing, and voluntarily gave up their freedom so long as the State said they would protect them from the communists and Jews... Fear is a hell of a drug...
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