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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Does the term non- citizen have any meaning to you or should anyone around the world be allowed to vote in U.S. elections? Asking for a friend…😉
  2. Translation: time to go out and by some printers…😉
  3. I hope for a fair election as well…However, as long as some states have universal mail in voting, ballot harvesting, no ID requirement, and computer voting, elections will only get worse, unfortunately… Bipartisan studies have been done, and concluded that these things only make fraud much more likely… That being said, I predict a Harris win…And if, by chance, Trump wins, I think they will still try to assassinate him before he is sworn in…These people are that sick…
  4. Hey- beggars can’t be choosers…Just be glad he caught it…😉
  5. Coleman is such an upgrade over Davis…dude is just so much more reliable 👍
  6. When I grew up playing Tecmo Bowl, I would always run back to the 1 yard, to be able to pad my yardage stats by driving the length of the field…😉
  7. Like I always say, all politicians are con men (and women)- it’s just the nature of the beast… Therefore, all things being equal, only one question remains- who ran the country better? And when you remove all distractions, get out of your emotions, and get down to the heart of the issue, there is really only one answer, and it’s not even close…👍 Trump ‘24
  8. Trump is just cooler than Kamala…she has to hire celebrities, because she draws so few people to see her…
  9. So typical…everything is so fake with the Harriis campaign…They are really banking on people being stupid enough to vote for them because…feelings…😉
  10. This has gotta be the most desperately lame sh*t I have ever heard… They must be marketing to the LGBT community that plays video games, because this certainly doesn’t “land” with straight men…🤣🤣🤣
  11. Well… How did we end up here, you ask? A mainstream media that can no longer be trusted to be fair and balanced…a MSM that will alter a candidate’s response in order to make them sound smarter than another candidate…A mainstream media that will push a conspiracy theory for 3 years- and when proven wrong, refuses to retract or apologize… Because the MSM is bought and paid for by giant corporations, they are no longer honest truth bearers, but rather beholden to their donors, regardless of what the truth is… So, the market place is a vacuum…And when there is a void of something that people need, the universe will find a way to fill in the gap, and replace it… More people now get their news from podcasts and social media because the MSM simply stopped doing their job… And if podcasts and social media go down that same path, something else will be created to takes its place too…👍
  12. Trump interview was awesome… He comes off so much smarter than Kamala…And he shows why he has been so socially popular his whole life, until he ran for president…He comes off as a regular guy, who is very relatable, and likable… Word is Harris turned down Rogan because she wanted to restrict what questions Rogan asked…I’m assuming Joe said NO, because that’s not the point of the show…Kamala likely couldn’t accept not being able to control the interview, so she bowed out… She’s so weak, and everyone sees it now…
  13. Do you know why I feel her charisma has fallen off? When you keep answering the same scripted lines to questions that have nothing to do with your answer, she comes off as inauthentic, and unable to think for herself… Disagree all you want, but she has been figured out, and even liberal journalists aren’t taking the BS anymore… It was fine during the honeymoon phase, but she has run out of things to say, and her fake giggle doesn’t distract people anymore- just annoys the sh*t out of everyone…
  14. She’s such a weak candidate- it is so obvious at this point…👍
  15. Dems deserve to lose, just for this… They hate free speech so much…smh…
  16. Thanks…I will check it out in the morning over coffee…👍
  17. I got news for ya that may just blow your mind- EVERYONE is a conspiracy theorist… All that a conspiracy theorist is, is a person who can draw up several other potential outcomes, instead of being naive enough to believe the first lie that they are told… Did you believe in Russiagate? Then you are a conspiracy theorist…As with everything in life, some conspiracies are true, and some are not… Now, before you respond, let that marinate for a bit…And once you do, you will come to the conclusion that I am likely correct…👍
  18. You have a good head on your shoulders, Motor… Your open mindedness allows you to be a rational thinker…👍
  19. Kamala should take note of what a REAL strong female leader looks like! 👍
  20. This is my exact story! 👍 That game was the first time I had ever watched the Bills…And even though they ended up losing, they were so thrilling to watch…
  21. We would need at least 3 HOFers from the 2018 class…So far, only Josh and Lamar are on pace…
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