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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. After watching Vita Vea last night, Star is even worse of a signing...was likely never going to have very much impact on the team...
  2. It better not...he does not have the “it” factor...so if it all depends on 49 we are screwed...
  3. Anyone know if the vaccinated staff member, who tested positive, had to leave the facility for any period of time?
  4. I love Cole Beasley! Other than Josh, he’s probably my 2nd favorite player on the team, and I support him... 70% of black people are unvaccinated...I’m sure all those people didn’t vote for Trump... Do better BillStime 👍
  5. I think so...many in the msm are already referring to this as one of the greatest US debacles ever, so there needs to be an investigation into the decision making that led to... -Loss of life -Arming the Taliban more than they’ve ever been -Making back door deals with a terrorist group without telling our allies -Stranding US citizens -Giving names of Americans and their addresses, still in Afghanistan, to a terrorist group after there have already been been reports of beatings...and some in the media are referring to this as treason...
  6. They are...but you can still contract the virus and spread it even if you are vaxxed..
  7. Too bad we don’t get draft picks for white coaches being promoted to other teams, along with POC’s...it would kind of soften the blow imo...
  8. Based on history, he’s probably right...
  9. Harrison Phillips has to be hating life right now...so unfortunate
  10. Imo, anyone wishing to censor certain viewpoints, regardless of who they support, are extremists...
  11. I agree...all extremists hate when opposing view points are allowed to be expressed freely...therefore, it is the non extremists that want all view points to be heard- because they are the ones who believe in truth, not power...👍
  12. Would be nice...unfortunately, I don’t think there are 32 QBs better than him...at the very least, I could see some team hiring him to be a bridge QB...I can see him being another Fitz or Tyrod type QB, in their prime...
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