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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Good stuff...I will also add that, if memory serves, I remember in the beginning of covid, Fauci and the government made mention of how natural immunity would be part of the equation for reaching herd immunity...and now it seems all that is out the window...
  2. A friend of mine said something interesting the other day that ties into what your saying... He said, based on how illogical the protocols and mandates are, it illustrates that it’s never really been about the virus, the vaccine, or obtaining herd immunity at all- but rather the vaccine passports... He said, once we start down that path, copying what communist China did, then the government can use passports for any excuse, by deeming anything a pandemic- guns, homelessness, global warming, racism, etc...and if you don’t conform, the State can dictate if you have a job, if you can take out a loan, whether you can travel somewhere or participate in society, and perhaps even whether you get to own your home... He said it basically opens Pandora’s box to the authoritarian state...I just thought it was interesting because I had never heard it said like that...
  3. Not so sure about this...blue cities and states would likely have high taxes, limiting the the potential growth of wealth...expansive social welfare programs would eventually cripple economies, and the massive debt would eventually cause them to implode... Homelessness would undoubtedly be on the rise, as would rampant drug use as we see all across the country in big cities...digging a society out of this mess would prove extremely difficult, as cultural norms would continuously teach its citizens to never take responsibility for their actions, and to keep blaming everyone around them for their problems... I envision an increase of racism, as everyone is taught to judge people on the basis of skin color, and not their merit or character...this will undoubtedly lead to increased tribalism in these blue cities and states... My wife and I constantly talk about eventually moving out of N.Y. to a red state..not because we support everything Republican- because we certainly don’t- but because the Left has become so extreme and authoritarian in their policies, it’s making it almost unlivable for us...and we don’t like where the trend is going...
  4. Millions of people in this country have natural immunity...if there is vaccine hesitancy, it is because it is your natural instincts telling you that something just doesn’t add up, with the way the government is purposely ignoring natural immunity... Trust your instincts...👍
  5. I thought only the women in the neighborhood book club watch Handmaid’s Tale...what’s wrong with you? 😉
  6. What makes PPP so great is the freedom to post different ideas, no matter how much someone may disagree... That being said, I really don’t like the idea of moderators on this forum because I feel it will just lead to political censorship of ideas someone just disagrees with- like in the Buffalo Bills forum... Keep the Left wing wackos and keep the Right wing wackos...most people here are moderates and can navigate through a conversation without needing “mommy” to hold their hand...dictating what info is fair or true will kill this great forum!
  7. Yup...2 years ago I predicted that Trump’s base loved his aggressive and hyperbolic style- but that if he didn’t change his approach he was going to lose independent voters...and that’s exactly what happened...
  8. There are reports, that even without the shot, the naturally immune have greater protection...the vaccinated are more likely to get reinfected, whereas the naturally immune are less likely to be reinfected...if that’s the case, we should have greater privilege than the vaccinated imo... I think the real issue is that the pharmaceutical companies can’t make money off the naturally immune, and it really throws a wrench into the agenda of getting everyone vaccinated...😉
  9. I agree with vaccine use, but I just also include natural immunity as well...and any doctor or scientist will tell you the same...that has been the case since the dawn of time...
  10. I’ve been saying for a while now that we simply don’t have enough elite talent on the team like in the Super Bowl years...those teams were better imo... But I don’t think we are frauds...I just don’t think we are ready for the super bowl... This year was supposed to have been a year we added a significant talent or two in FA, but we couldn’t because of the lowered cap...that really hurt our chances, unfortunately...
  11. I’m getting impatient with his running the country into the ground...Lol
  12. Ok, I will take you at your word that you are genuinely trying to understand...if you want to speak more on it, you can pm me about it...but I don’t want to take this thread off track into a religious discussion...
  13. First of all, I never said the Bible was against vaccines...but, if you would like more incite into what I’m referring to, I highly recommend you read the book of Revelation... New world order is a reference to all the nations of the world coming under the control of a centralized global government- kind of like where we are heading to now...and the book of Revelation makes references to all this stuff...it’s definitely worth your time...👍
  14. You are correct...no religion has outright come out and been against vaccines, specifically...however, there are teachings and warnings in the Bible about things that could be translated to mean certain medicine mandated by the state or a new global government...
  15. “These people”? We aren’t a monolith...we don’t all agree or disagree...it’s not pro vax vs anti vax...it’s much more complicated than that...people vary in the degrees to which they view certain information...people also vary in the degrees with how fearful they allow themselves to become, or how much freedom they want or don’t want... But to dwindle it down to either this or that seems a little disingenuous...there are many more layers you’re choosing to ignore... And by the way, 70% of black people don’t want to take the vaccine...are they all part of the GQP Trump brigade?
  16. Without knowing some of the finer details you mentioned, I actually agree with most of what you said... My perspective comes more from that of already having covid and feeling I shouldn’t be mandated to take the vaccine because of my natural immunity...but I feel our officials aren’t following the science, when it comes to that...In fact, no one is even talking about it...maybe it’s because you can’t make money off of natural immunity...but you have to admit, the silence on the matter is deafening...
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